看板 UEFA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Eight-year ban for FK Pobeda FYR Macedonia club FK Pobeda have been banned from UEFA club competitions for eight years by the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body, and the club president and a player banned for life from exercising any football-related duty, for breaching the principles of integrity and sportsmanship under Article 5 of the UEFA disciplinary regulations by manipulating the outcome of a match. 馬其頓球會FK Pobeda被歐足總以違反運動規章第五條處以禁止參加歐洲賽事八年的處分 同時他們的球會主席與一名球員被勒令終生禁賽,或參與任何足球相關事務 Betting patterns and declarations The match under investigation was the UEFA Champions League first qualifying round tie between FK Pobeda and FC Pyunik over two legs on 13 and 21 July 2004. The charges brought against FK Pobeda were based on reports received from the betting industry on irregular betting patterns and the declarations of several witnesses. FK Pobeda過去曾經兩度奪得馬其頓聯賽冠軍,主場位在馬其頓第四大城Prilep 在國內的暱稱是Majmuni,猴子、、、 事情發生在2004七月的歐冠聯賽第一輪資格賽事 FK Pobeda與亞美尼亞冠軍FC Pyunik對戰,結果吱吱敗退 但第一腿比賽吱吱在家輸球之後,爆發踢假球以及簽賭傳聞 由於有許多證人與賭博公司的資料,吱吱無法狡賴 UEFA decision The decision was taken after a seven-hour meeting, during which the representatives of FK Pobeda were heard, as well as a betting expert. Under the Control and Disciplinary Body's decision, club president Aleksandar Zabrcanec is banned for life from exercising any football-related activity, as is the player Nikolce Zdraveski. FK Pobeda are suspended for eight years from participating in UEFA club competitions as from the 2009/10 season. 在七小時的冗長會議過後 吱吱主席與一名球員Nikolce Zdraveski被宣判終生禁止參與足球相關活動 球隊也從下賽季起禁止參與歐陸賽事八年 Nikolce Zdraveski當時是吱吱的王牌,身穿十號球衣並身兼隊長(………) 之後他退休擔任吱吱的教練,是馬其頓2007最佳教練,當年吱吱奪下聯賽冠軍 不過他在今年初因為吱吱戰績不佳而去職 Appeal deadline The world football body FIFA will be requested to extend the present decision so as to give it worldwide effect. An appeal may be lodged within three days of the receipt of the grounds for the decision. 同時這項裁定也希望能夠透過國際足總認證,持續封殺吱吱們、、、 http://www.uefa.com/uefa/keytopics/kind=512/newsid=821591.html http://www.uefa.com/uefa/keytopics/kind=512/newsid=813841.html http://www.uefa.com/competitions/ucl/history/season=2004/round=1965/match=79012/index.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/europe/7964790.stm --
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