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http://www.goal.com/en/news/117/greece/2009/05/02/1242763/olympiakos-beat-aek-athens-in-historic-greek-cup-final Olympiakos Beat AEK Athens In Historic Greek Cup Final It will go down as the greatest Greek Cup final in history - and perhaps the greatest ever match on the Greek domestic scene. 2 May 2009 21:54:15 載入史冊的決賽經典 In what will go down as the greatest ever Greek Cup final and perhaps the greatest match in the history of Greek domestic football, Olympiakos won the Greek Cup 15-14 on penalties after a 4-4 draw, two red cards and 120 minutes of drama at the OAKA Spiros Louis Stadium in Athens. 這場比賽不只是希臘盃決賽的經典,也是希臘足球的一次精采劇情 在這充滿戲劇張力的比賽當中,奧客們在點球戰艱辛的以15-14擊敗對手雅典人 Retiring club legend Predrag Djordjevic was given the perfect send-off by his team-mates, who secured their club's 24th Greek Cup title. 即將退役的奧客中場Djordjevic獲得退休最佳禮物 奧客們則拿下隊史第二十四座希臘盃冠軍 First Half It was AEK who made a stunning start to proceedings at the OAKA Sprios Louis Stadium, the league’s joint top-scorer Ismael Blanco opening the scoring after just four minutes of play. 雅典人一開賽就由聯賽金靴Blanco先聲奪人,4分鐘就取得進球 His strike partner Rafik Djebbour did superbly well to evade Paraskevas Antzas just outside the area, before delicately clipping the ball into the box for the Argentine to head home at the near-post after getting in front of Greece international Avraam Papadopoulos. 他的前鋒搭檔Djebbour發動攻勢突破奧客防守 讓這名阿根廷人輕鬆的以頭球破門 Whether Blanco was offside is debatable, with the linesman giving the benefit of the doubt of a particularly tight call to the attacking team. 他的位置有越位嫌疑,但是進球就是進球 More concerning for Olympiakos manager Ernesto Valverde would have been the static start made by his defenders in Athens and they were punished by a lively Blanco again just four minutes later. 奧客們並沒有察覺到自己後防的鬆動 結果很快又嚐到苦果 It is remarkable that the prolific 25 year-old has eluded the grasp of bigger European clubs since arriving from Argentine football two years ago and again showed a class not shared by many of his team-mates. 兩年前抵達希臘首府的這名阿根廷人展現了其高超技巧 His second goal of the evening was perhaps more the result of an inexcusably flat defensive line, Pantelis Kafes’ ball into the area raced onto by the untracked and onside Blanco, who shot under the body of Antonis Nikopolidis from the left-hand side of the area. 他以速度讓奧客後衛措手不及,最後挑倒奧客門將Nikopolidis Within the context of what are normally tense, tight derby affairs in Greece, it was a particularly surprising start to proceedings, reflected in the stunned facial expression of Olympiakos’ 38 year-old goalkeeper, who recently signed a one-year contract extension with the defending champions. 過往許多次的雅典德比都沒有出現過這種劇情,讓奧客門將很受傷 Though Raffik Djebbour was proving problematic with his ability to drop into space during the early parts of the match, Olympiakos gradually began to dominate possession and force their opponents to operate on the counter. 阿爾及利亞人Djebbour也想要補刀,不過奧客後防開始回穩 On 11 minutes they made their first attempt at goal, a low corner by on-loan Liverpool winger Sebastian Leto finding Diogo, who evaded his marker but ballooned his first-time effort over the crossbar. 此外奧客也開始反攻,從利物浦租借的阿根廷人Leto從角落製造一次良機 不過前鋒Diogo的嚐試正中門楣 It marked a first period of pressure for the Piraeus outfit, though the game degenerated into the sort of scrappy, direct derby affair with which Greek football fans have become familiar in the past. 奧客們上半場處於落後,加上又是德比戰,壓力更大 Despite their territorial dominance and ability to find space in-behind a fairly immobile AEK defence, Valverde’s men wasted their early deliveries into the penalty area from both open play and a number of promising positions at set-pieces. 不過奧客們開始調整步調 Delivery was often straight down the throat of goalkeeper Sebastian Saja or dealt with by a resilient but deep-lying back-line, to whom Leto was the most potent threat. 但奧客的攻勢都受阻於雅典人的門將Saja His determination was epitomised by a 38th minute effort that saw him get a deflected effort away at goal in the 38th minute, Saja forced to react sharply and palm the ball away after committing himself. 他的反應即時,拯救了雅典人 With their physical presence in midfield becoming more prounounced, Olympiakos began to forced their opponents into a rather desperate state at the back, as Bajevic’s men held on to their 2-0 advantage until half-time. 奧客以兩球落後進入半場 Second Half Unsurprising was Ernesto Valverde’s decision to introduce on-loan Blackburn Rovers striker Matt Derbyshire into the match at the break and the impact of the Englishman was immediate, Olympiakos equalising within two minutes of the restart. 奧客教練出奇招,派上租借的英格蘭前鋒Derbyshire 結果他一上場就有進球表現 A short corner played to Didier Domi caught out AEK’s defence, the Frenchman ’s early ball into the area glanced into the back of the net by the lively Derbyshire. 法國後衛Domi的角球突破雅典人的防守 讓位置極佳的Derbyshire扳回一城 With their supporters galvanised, Olympiakos quickly began to pressure their opponents, though their hard work was almost undone embarrassingly by Nikopolidis moments later. 奧客們士氣爆棚,結果隊長兼門將Nikopolidis差點以低級失誤毀了大局 The Euro 2004-winner’s gaffe almost gifted AEK a goal, as he proceeded to spill a routine catch from a seemingly harmless Nacho Scocco free-kick, the ball bouncing just wide of his left post in front of the AEK support. 這名2004年歐洲盃冠軍隊員突然演出奶油手 沒有接牢Scocco一個毫無威脅的定位球,還好沒有鑄下大錯 AEK’s chances though took a huge blow on 61 minutes, Sotiris Kyrgiakos being forced off through injury, appropriately after tussling to win a goal-kick with Derbyshire. 不過雅典人在後衛Kyrgiakos受傷被換下場後,全隊有些步調闌珊 His introduction changed the complexion of the game, joined off the bench by Olympiakos legend Predrag Djordjevic in what was his final competitive match for the club. 同時間奧客們換上待退老將Djordjevic It was the former though who was endeavouring to make himself a new hero amongst the Piraeus fans, missing a wonderful opportunity to level the score in the 64th minute. Djordjevic上場後很快就獲得一次機會,但他錯過了成為英雄的機會 The departure of defensive talisman Kyrgiakos had an immediate effect, his replacement Giorgios Alexopoulos showing the effects of his recent introduction by slipping and allowing Diogo to beat him and cross low into the penalty area, where an unmarked Derbyshire lifted the ball over the crossbar from close range. 而雅典人替補後衛Alexopoulos成為後防軟肋 讓Derbyshire與Diogo都獲得不少次機會 Evident from the moment of Derbyshire’s initial goal however was the fact that it was a matter of when and not if Olympiakos would equalise, their pressure eventually telling when Belluschi’s free-kick was punched into a cluster of players by Saja and eventually forced home by Brazilian Dudu Cearense on 70 minutes. 不過扳平分的英雄不是奧客的前鋒組合 而是南美組合,阿根廷人Belluschi的定位球被雅典門將撲出,結果巴西人Dudu補進 They then almost took the lead just a few minutes later, the effervescent Derbyshire seeing his effort from outside the area palmed away by Saja after some typically industrious work down the left side by Djordjevic. Derbyshire繼續扮演最有威脅的球員,不過雅典門將Saja阻止了他 What had threatened for a period during the first half to become a tense, broken affair had opened up wonderfully for the neutral viewer in the second half. 比分陷入膠著,比賽的張力也比上半場高出許多,於是兩隊犯規尺度越來越誇張 A fairytale ending for Predrag Djordjevic would have been a fitting way to finish a memorable Cup Final and had it not been for the sprawling Saja in the 84th minute it might have been, his driven free-kick turned away from the right upright. 老將Djordjevic又有機會成為奧客英雄,但雅典門將Saja擋下了他的定位球 It was Derbyshire who remained his side’s most potent threat from open play though, the striker glancing over the crossbar after a teasing cross from the right by Luciano Galletti with just four minutes of normal time remaining. 比賽快要進入傷停階段,Derbyshire還是充滿了威脅性 而阿根廷人Galletti也錯失了進球良機 Unbelievably though it was his fellow Argentine who would appear to settle the game in the final minute of normal time, in favour of an embattled AEK side who for the majority of the game had been outplayed by the favourites. 不過球是圓的,雅典人的阿根廷中場Scocco破門得分 Olympiakos paid for their inability to capitalise on a number of gilt-edged chances, as Antonis Nikopolidis first saw his clearance skewed out for a throw-in on the left, Geraldo Alves taking it quickly. 奧客們雖然掌握較多攻勢,但這次防守的閃神差點讓他們付出嚴重的代價 The energetic Scocco showed his characteristically nimble feet to dance past three defenders and into the penalty area, before delaying his finish intelligently and sliding the ball just inside the far post. 結果就是讓Scocco撿漏 With the AEK fans sent into raptures at the prospect of their club’s first trophy in seven years, drama still managed to unfold on the pitch, Matt Derbyshire sprawled on the floor after a head clash and Sotiris Kyrgiakos sent to the stands in the ensuing celebrations of his side’s goal. 雅典人球迷可樂壞了,但是足球之神決定懲罰他們 於是Derbyshire又來了!正宗北風北! One might have been excused for believing that would be the final meaningful action of a match that had now entered the 96th minute of play but it was left to Matt Derbyshire – who, playing alongside a club legend in Djordjevic – was now beginning to write himself into the history books of Greece’s most successful club. 英格蘭人Derbyshire在延長賽96分鐘下場 但他這50分鐘的表現足以讓他進入球隊史冊 The Englishman, whose arrival had been met with mixed reactions in Greece in January, headed home heroically after a hopeful long ball into the penalty area had been flicked on by Diogo, sending a drama-filled encounter tantalisingly into extra time. 偉哉Derbyshire 他是本場比賽的最佳球員 Extra Time First Half Wit their opponents continuing to sit deep and struggle to mount an attacking threat, Valverde’s Olympiakos took the lead for the first time in the match after 102 minutes, Luciano Galletti latching onto an incisive Dordjevic through-ball into the penalty area. 奧客們在延長賽還是掌握優勢,並且首度取得領先 Untracked and from the right side of the box, his finish was arrowed into the far corner of the net off the post. 阿根廷人Galletti攻進球隊第四分 In the ensuing celebrations and unsurprisingly given the drama that had up until that point unfolded, Luciano Galletti was shown a second yellow card for taking his shirt off. 結果阿根廷人樂過頭,脫上衣慶祝進球,領到黃牌一張 這也是他全場第二張黃牌,所以必須要下台一鞠躬 Avraam Papadopoulos was then given his marching orders after being shown a second yellow for a professional foul on Pantelis Kafes as the midfielder threatened to break away, Olympiakos reduced to nine men as the first half of extra-time drew to a close. 劇場還沒結束 奧客後衛Papadopoulos不久也領到第二張黃牌,這讓奧客得以九人應戰 Second Half Despite having the lead, the men from Piraeus were always going to struggle with a two-man disadvantage during the second half, though the goal they conceded came from another goalkeeping error by their veteran. 在延長賽下半場,一球領先的奧客們在人數劣勢下,防守捉襟見肘 然後奧客門將又出包了 Expecting a cross by Nacho Scocco as AEK set about committing bodies forward, the former Greece international was caught out at his near post when the Argentine miss-hit his delivery and saw the ball glide under the crossbar and into the net in bizarre fashion. 雅典人Scocco追平比分 Even with their numerical disadvantage, Olympiakos defended stoutly as AEK wasted any chance of dominating the closing stages of the match by conceding a succession of cheap free-kicks and failing to commit bodies forward. Referee Anastasios Kakos signalled an end to regular play in what may well go down as the greatest ever Greek Cup final. 奧客們總算穩住陣腳,就以這種4-4的分數進入了點球戰 Penalties In an appropriately epic penalty shoot-out, Olympiakos clinched yet another Greek Cup, winning 15-14 despite having twice missed the chance to win the shoot-out previously – denied by the immense Sebastian Saja. 經典還沒結束,劇場仍舊持續 點球大戰最後以15-14作結 However, it was his opposite number Antonis Nikopolidis who atoned for his earlier errors during the match by saving eventually from Agustin Pelletieri and then himself scoring to hand the Piraeus club their 24th Greek Cup title, completing the domestic double. 奧客門將Nikopolidis雖然在比賽當中有失誤 但是他在點球戰中擋下雅典人最後一球,並且攻進最後一球 幫助球隊封王,同時由於奧客們也在聯賽封王,他們再度拿下了雙冠王! 下面是得分球員與時間 Olympiakos 4 (Derbyshire 46’, 90+6’, Dudu 70’, Galletti 102’) AEK Athens 4 (Blanco 4’, 8’, Scocco 90’, 107’) Olympiakos win 15-14 on penalties Chris Paraskevas, Goal.com -- Goal.com的新聞稿比較詳細... --
JUNstudio:話說回來,根據我前陣子常在這邊中槍的經驗,我不得不說02/05 09:58
GordonBrown:jizz in your pants02/05 09:59
JUNstudio:本文實在太中肯,就請大家在想要酸文前多點同理心吧.... 02/05 10:00
…………………充滿箭靶與賤芭的英超版,唉……… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
s060111:真是HIGH!! 05/04 15:55
dreamflying:找的到精華嗎XD? 05/04 17:17
JUNstudio:youtube已經有人放上去了...還蠻刺激的XDDDD 05/04 17:27
JUNstudio:全場 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_XarSIx7mM 05/04 17:29
JUNstudio:點球 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XSwOb-UPyc 05/04 17:29
dreamflying:好熱血XDDDDDD....歐冠這樣踢心臟科會賺很大XD 05/04 18:26
gbpacker:心臟都要停了吧!!! 05/04 19:23
Bleed:我看到最後竟然笑了...XD 05/05 23:50