看板 UTAH-JAZZ 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1VldFu90 ] 作者: azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] 爵士將有限度的開放球迷進場 時間: Wed Nov 25 23:10:44 2020 這是完整的爵士公告 http://vivintarena-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/press_releases/documents/000/000/434/original/20-1124_Vivint_Arena_to_Reopen_with_Fans_at_Jazz_Games.pdf?1606244922 Vivint Arena to Reopen with Limited Number of Fans at Utah Jazz Games 爵士的主場Vivint Arena(能源方案球場)將有限度的開放球迷入場 SALT LAKE CITY (November 24, 2020) – The Utah Jazz today announced that home games at Vivint Arena will be played with a limited number of fans when the NBA season begins in December amid a series of enhanced health and safety measures implemented throughout the building in consultation with the Utah Department of Health. 爵士宣布與鹽湖城當地主管機關合作,將建立強化健康與安全的檢驗措施。當12月NBA開季時,將開放有限度的球迷進場同樂。 The arena will reopen with a reduced seating capacity of 1,500 in the lower bowl only and limited seating on the suite level. Lower and upper bowl season ticket members will be given priority access for socially distanced seating at Jazz games during the arena’s limited capacity. 為了保持社交距離,限量1500、季票(上季)擁有者優先 “The Jazz believe this is a responsible way to start the season from a public health and safety standpoint. Our intent is to increase the number of fans as the season unfolds in compliance with state guidelines,” said Jazz President Jim Olson. “We want to reassure our guests that we are taking the utmost precautions to have a safe and enjoyable experience as they return. We are optimistic for the future and continue to closely monitor the public health situation with State of Utah, Salt Lake County, and Salt Lake City officials as well as the NBA.” 爵士認為這是從公眾安全與健康角度出發,負責任的觀賽計畫 爵士主席說,我們將向球迷保障,提供最大程度的防護措施。保持他們往返已經觀賽時的安全與健康。 球隊將與鹽湖城官方與NBA官方保持密切合作 T The Utah Jazz have always been an important part of our community, and the team is making every effort to be an example for how we can start to safely resume these types of activities,” said Rich Saunders, interim executive director of the Utah Department of Health. “The Jazz are committed to working with public health professionals and to doing everything they can to ensure the health and safety of their fans, players, staff, and arena employees by implementing important safeguards and limiting the number of people who can attend games in-person. We certainly look forward to welcoming the Jazz back.” 猶他州臨時總召說,爵士一直是當地重要的一部分。在確保安全措施的情況。 我們歡迎爵士回來比賽 Any preseason games at Vivint Arena will be played without fans next month. The league recently announced that the 2020-21 NBA season will begin on Dec. 22 and continue through May. The official 72-game schedule will be announced later. The Jazz and Vivint Arena have partnered with Alsco to deliver essential products to safeguard public health, including hand sanitizer dispensers, masks, gloves and hospital- grade cleaning solutions. 下個月的季前賽預計將不會開放球迷入場 直到聯盟公布72場完整賽事 爵士與Vivint Arena會與Alsco合作。後者將提供防疫用品,包含口罩、手套、清淨液 For the reintroduction of fans, Vivint Arena, the 18,306-seat home of the Jazz in downtown Salt Lake City, will implement several safety measures and protocols due to the COVID-19 為了因應武漢肺炎的疫情,最大可以容納18306人的球場將實施多項防護措施 pandemic, including mandatory face coverings, mobile entry and screening procedures at all entrances, plexiglass barriers at point of sale locations, and social distancing signage. The arena has earned its Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC) certification, an NBA requirement for return to play, for its cleaning, disinfection and infectious disease prevention protocols. The arena has also signed the “Stay Safe to Stay Open” pledge, a partnership between the Salt Lake Chamber and the Utah Department of Health. 必須配戴口罩、依照指示從專用出入口進出、還是篩查手段。 包含銷售點與牆面等等都將符合GBACW的認證 這是NBA官方對提出開放球迷觀賽的條件之一 球場簽署了相關承諾,將與爵士還有鹽湖城官方密切合作 The reopening health and safety measures also include: 相關措施如下 Reduced seating capacity for all arena events and six-foot physical distancing in seating pods between groups of guests 減少座位,令球迷間有6呎以上社交距離 Common spaces such as elevators, retail stores and restrooms subject to reduced capacity, and tables in restaurants to be set six feet apart to best serve physical- distancing protocols 除了電梯、商店還有廁所較難保持6呎距離之外,餐廳的座位也應該相隔6呎 Face masks always required for guests and staff (age 2+) in the bowl and concourse areas, unless actively eating or drinking 除非進食與喝水。不然2歲以上的球迷都需要配戴口罩,包含大廳跟場館 Full contactless mobile ticketing only with self-service digital scanning for guests at all arena entrances to reduce points of contact with staff 全程使用無接觸服務減少接觸 入口處將設立門票掃描機(類似USJ的自助入場) No bags, purses or clutches allowed to expedite entry and reduce screening touchpoints. Only exceptions are diaper and medical bags that will be X-rayed and cannot be larger than 14x14x6 inches. 禁止後背包,除了錢包與手提包之外,唯一的例外是尿布與醫療包,且大小限制在14x14x6英吋 Cash-free environment accepting credit, debit and prepaid cards and mobile payments at all food and beverage and Jazz Team Store points of purchase for a contactless experience. Cash-to-card kiosks located on main and upper concourses. 全程不使用現金,但提供多種付款方式包含信用卡與線上支付還有預付卡 New mobile food and beverage ordering system, via the Jazz App, for ordering and paying by mobile phone and offering express pickup locations to maximize physical distancing in concession lines 通過app訂購商品減少接觸,提供快速取貨地點以最大程度的保持社交距離 Jazz Team Store offering in-seat delivery for merchandise shopping through the Jazz App 通過App訂購,可以直接將商品送到你的位置 Electrostatic sprayers used to evenly disperse disinfectants across surfaces quickly and evenly with specific staff concentration on high-touch areas 採用靜電噴霧,可以又快又方便的將消毒液噴灑在整個場館與人潮密集處 Hand sanitizer stations located throughout the arena 遍佈整個場館的洗手液裝置 HVAC system has been upgraded for higher quality of filtered air to meet NBA standards during pandemic HVAC將升級,提供更高等級的空氣過濾品質 (大概就靜電?) Public address announcements and digital signage placed throughout arena to help promote physical distancing 場館將佈滿數字牌與廣播器,方便確認距離 Arena employees to undergo touchless temperature screening before entering the workplace. All staff to wear face coverings for the duration of every event, routinely wash their hands with soap and water, and physical distance. 工作人員將於進場前後篩檢體溫,並全程配戴口罩且定期洗手 A comprehensive arena reopening guide will be shared on the Utah Jazz and Vivint Arena websites to outline all public health and safety measures. 爵士與場館將於網絡公布並介紹防疫措施 打到一半當掉 妥妥的0p 幫QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1606317048.A.240.html
rodes : 1500 也太慘了吧 11/25 23:11
Aggro : 麥克風記得定時消毒 11/25 23:11
Puye : QQ 加減賺吧 11/25 23:12
rodes : 1500 大概 10個人做一區 = = 11/25 23:12
rodes : 鄰近球場的區域 大概都不能坐人了 11/25 23:12
slowsoul1998: 不愧是頭號染疫者之城 11/25 23:13
Aggro : 這東西就是逐步開放 再慢慢放寬配套 11/25 23:13
azlbf : 看有沒有季票持有者要分享座位 11/25 23:13
Aggro : 一開始要先確定人員防疫的流程 把他當成試營運就是 11/25 23:13
azlbf : 目前只有季票持有者可看到哪些座位並訂票 11/25 23:14
FAYeeeeeeee : 剩1500這樣又這樣的大費周章 還有賺嗎? 11/25 23:14
azlbf : GBAC是什麼 可能要查一下 但太累了XD 11/25 23:15
rodes : 我也覺得1500 乾脆別開 ....... 11/25 23:15
XAMAS : 一太嗨 就有可能中獎 11/25 23:15
FAYeeeeeeee : 象徵意義比較大吧 對球迷的重視 11/25 23:15
rodes : 為了1500 坐了一堆措施 搞不好花更多 11/25 23:15
Aggro : 你總是要慢慢開的 這不全是錢的問題 11/25 23:15
rodes : 我以為美國會弄個梅花座之類的 11/25 23:16
monstertsai : 美國其他地方有這種防疫意識就好了...... 11/25 23:16
rodes : 雖然台灣梅花座是賣爽的 進場根本沒在管 11/25 23:16
ammon : 這是球隊和城市的互動啊 11/25 23:16
ChenWay : 限量總是殘酷的 11/25 23:18
ac147963 : 那時候去台南球場 雖然名義上是梅花座 但那個座位編 11/25 23:20
ac147963 : 排本身就很怪 不是人的問題 否則大部分人還是遵守規 11/25 23:20
ac147963 : 則的 11/25 23:20
ob54314 : 種族歧視之都 只有白人能進場 11/25 23:20
rfvtgb : 只能進場1500,加價賣,現在能進場更顯得尊爵不凡 11/25 23:23
tomoti : 基本上就是服務季票跟讓球場工作人員有工作做 11/25 23:27
azlbf : 之前猜看球要插鼻子 但目前好像不用 11/25 23:28
emptie : 檢測也沒意義吧 進來以後很難追你到底接觸了哪些人 11/25 23:37
emptie : … 11/25 23:37
emptie : 除非規定不能隨便離席… 11/25 23:37
DK47 : 自動驗票機疫情之前就已經有了 非常方便 11/25 23:54
DK47 : ob54314 我進過那個球場五次以上 你要不要收回幹話 11/25 23:56
LBJ23 : Avery Bradley 會為了兒子呼吸道拒打嗎 11/26 00:02
t1329kimo : 不要剝奪鹽湖城唯二的娛樂! 11/26 00:14
reggiewang : 頭號染疫者蠢蠢欲動 11/26 00:25
aegis43210 : 快開放就對了,鈔票就在眼前 11/26 00:35
vgil : 加減賺吧 11/26 06:51
honher : DARKMODE CITY EDITION 11/26 07:12
azlbf : 除非收天價 不然說不定開放賠更多 11/26 07:45
nuturewind : 老實說蠻擔憂的,猶他州算武肺重災區說 11/26 08:13
azlbf : 猶他對比加州與亞利桑那來說 算比較好的 11/26 08:49
stja : 11/26 09:38
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: kaikai1112 ( 臺灣), 11/26/2020 15:12:48
honher: 嗯 11/26 21:49
masoho: 那不就1500個VIP包廂,還有機器人送餐,好像不錯耶 12/06 18:03