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原文來自MMO http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/1117-Druid-Cataclysm 遊戲仍在測試中,隨時可能變動,請以遊戲內為主 有的技能在Cata做了變動,之後我會另發.. 到85,每人可以各裝三種雕紋 主要雕紋直接影響DPS,極效雕紋會變更原本法術特性,次級提供方便的輔助功能 主要 野性: ˙狂暴:增加持續時間10秒 ˙割裂:增加你割裂的爆擊率5% ˙割碎:增加割碎傷害10% ˙撕扯:增加週期性傷害15% ˙兇蠻咆哮:你的兇蠻咆哮增加額外的 5%傷害 ˙放血:每次在獵豹形態使用割碎和撕碎可延長撕扯 2秒,最多六秒 ˙猛虎之怒:降低冷卻 3秒 平衡 ˙蟲群;增加蟲群傷害30% ˙月火:增加月火週期性傷害20% ˙憤怒:你的憤怒傷害提昇10% ˙星火:你的星火每次擊中會延長目標身上月火三秒,最多九秒 ˙星湧術:每當你的星湧術造成傷害,你星隕術的剩餘冷卻時間將縮短五秒 恢復: ˙迅癒:不再消耗目標身上的回春或癒合 ˙生命之花:增加爆擊機率10% ˙癒合:你的癒合週期性治療在目標生命力低於50%時會自動刷新 ˙回春術:增加其治療量10% Prime Feral * Berserk - Increases the duration of Berserk by 10 sec. * Lecernate - Increase your critical strike chance of your lecernate by 5% * Mangle - Increases the damage done by Mangle by 10%. * Rip - Increases the periodic damage of your Rip by 15%. * Savage Roar - Your Savage Roar ability grants an additional 5% bonus damage done. * Shred - Each time you Shred or Mangle in Cat Form, the duration of your Rip on the target is extended by 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 sec. Balance * Insect Swarm - Increases the damage of your Insect Swarm ability by 30%. * Moonfire - Increases the periodic damage of your Moonfire ability by 20%. * Wrath - Your Wrath does 10% additional damage * Starfire - Your Starfire ability increases the duration of your Moonfire effect on the target by 3 sec, up to a maximum of 9 additional seconds. * Starsurge - When your Starsurge deals damage, the cooldown remaining on your Starfall is reduced by 5 sec. Restore * Swiftmend - Your Swiftmend ability no longer consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect from the target. * Lifebloom - Increases the critical effect chance of your Lifebloom by 10% * Regrowth - Your Regrowth heal-over-time will automatically refresh its duration on targets at or below 50% health. * Rejuvenation - Increases the healing done by your Rejuvenation by 10%. 極效 野性 ˙野性衝鋒:降低你貓跳CD2秒,熊衝CD1秒 ˙兇猛撕咬:兇咬每消耗10點能量就會治療自身1%生命力。 ˙爪擊:降低五點能量消耗 ˙狂暴恢復;提昇你受到的治療30%,但不再將怒氣轉化維生命力 ˙槌擊:你的槌擊能打中額外一個目標,對其造成主目標50%傷害 ˙突襲:使突襲的射程延長3碼   平衡 ˙樹皮術:啟動後降低你被近戰爆擊機率25% ˙精靈之火:增加你精火和精火(野性)的射程10碼 ˙糾纏根鬚:降低施法時間0.2a秒 ˙專注:增加星隕術傷害10%,但縮短範圍50%。 ˙颶風:你的颶風也會降低目標移動50%。 ˙啟動:當啟動施放在友善目標而非自己時,自身10秒內可恢復10%總法力 ˙季風雕紋:降低你颱風的冷卻時間三秒 ˙太陽光束:使沉默的持續時間增加五秒(實際上是增加中斷後的封鎖效果) ˙星隕術:降低冷卻時間30秒 ˙荊棘術:降低冷卻時間20秒 恢復 ˙復生:被你用復生救起的目標將回復100%生命力 ˙野性痊癒:可多影響一個目標 ˙治療之觸:每次施放治療之觸將縮短自然迅捷冷卻10秒 Major Feral * Feral Charge - Reduce Charge(Cat) CD by 2 sec. Charge(Bear) by 1 sec. * Ferocious Bite - * Claw - Reduces the energy cost of your Claw ability by 5. * Frenzied Regeneration - While Frenzied Regeneration is active, healing effects on you are 30% more powerful but causes your Frenzied Regeneration to no longer convert rage into health. * Maul - Your Maul ability now hits 1 additional target for 50% damage * Pounce - Increase the range of pounce by 3 yards. Balance * Barkskin - Reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks by 25% while Barkskin is active. * Faerie Fire - Increase your Faerie Fire and Feral Faerie Fire abilites by 10 yds * Entangling Roots - Reduces the cast time of your Entangling Roots by 100%.but increase it's cooldown 5 sec. * Focus - Increases the damage done by Starfall by 10%, but decreases its radius by 50%. * Healing Touch - When you Healing Touch, the cooldown on your Nature's Swiftness is reduced by 5 sec. * Hurricane - Your Hurricane ability now also slows the movement speed of its victims by 50%. * Innervate - When Innervate is cast on a friendly target other than the caster, the caster will gain 10% of maximum mana over 10 sec. * Monsoon - Reduces the cooldown of your Typhoon spell by 3 sec. * Rebirth - Players resurrected by Rebirth are returned to life with 100% health. * Solar Beam - Increases the duration of your Solar Beam silence effect by 5 sec. * Starfall - Reduces the cooldown of Starfall by 30 sec. * Thorns - Reduces the cooldown of your Thorns spell by 20 sec. Restore * Rebirth - Players resurrected by Rebirth are returned to life with 100% health. * Wild Growth - Wild Growth can affect 1 additional target. * Healing Touch - When you Healing Touch, the cooldown on your Nature's Swiftness is reduced by 5 sec. 次級 ˙水棲形態:增加游泳速度50% ˙挑戰咆哮:降低冷卻30秒 ˙突進:降低冷卻20% ˙野性印記:降低法力消耗50% ˙颱風:降低法力消耗8%並延長射程10碼,但不再擊退敵人 ˙超脫復生:不再需要耗材 ˙生命之樹:讓德魯伊可以保有舊的生命之樹外觀 Minor * Aquatic Form - Increases your swim speed by 50% while in Aquatic Form. * Challenging Roar - Reduces the cooldown of your Challenging Roar ability by 30 sec. * Dash - Reduces the cooldown of your Dash ability by 20%. * Mark of the Wild - Mana cost of your Mark of the Wild reduced by 50%. * Typhoon - Reduces the cost of your Typhoon spell by 8% and increases its radius by 10 yards, but it no longer knocks enemies back. * Unburdened Rebirth - Your Rebirth spell no longer requires a reagent. * Glyph of the Treant (new) allows druids to keep the original treant Tree of Life look... -- ˋ ‧ ‵ ∵ //∕ ( \\\) ○/\/\ (﹀ ﹀ ((- - ) / \ / \/? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tang2068:先推再看! 09/23 22:22
killme323:治療之觸雕紋好像不錯... 09/23 22:25
對不起我先前昏頭 他是縮短自然迅捷而非迅癒 5秒
xien721:癒合好像很不錯 09/23 22:30
b81314:癒合還好 應該不會很多時間讓對方低於25% 09/23 22:36
bniw:˙糾纏根鬚:降低施法時間100% ... 09/23 22:36
summer17299:治觸降低施法時間的收掉囉,沒治觸流可以玩了...0.0 09/23 22:41
lulanjia:糾纏好強............ 09/23 22:45
summer17299:感覺4.0 鳥D 會變很強XD 09/23 22:52
tang2068:難怪那天看pvp影片有看到鳥d順發榜人 09/23 22:52
xien721:鳥D現在就很強了(挺)如果星殞沒CD的話.... (被拖走...) 09/23 23:06
scottayu:已後一分鐘平均可以下兩次星殞.... 09/23 23:29
summer17299:(鳥D看樣子粉有可能是下位進手術房的。XD 09/23 23:29
youh2031:快變星隕法師了 09/23 23:32
miaudele:糾纏8碼全綁天賦+瞬發...... 09/23 23:38
scottayu:沒意外的話 主要就星蟲憤 星月星兩種選擇吧 09/23 23:38
killme323:是各三種喔 09/24 00:27
killme323:主要雕紋和極效並不衝突 09/24 00:27
Zachary1987:極效:啟動,復生 當攜帶型大藍和復生機的日子又回來了 09/24 02:13
kosjmns:喔喔有瞬發榜人! 09/24 03:03
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