看板 WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/events/cataclysm-midnight-openings.html Blizzard官網剛剛放上了世界各地Cataclysm上市活動,台灣也有喔! 地點:台北市 西門紅樓 時間:12/8 7:30pm Developers from the World of Warcraft team will be on-site to sign copies and meet players, and attendees will have a chance to participate in organized activities and win great prizes. WITH BLIZZARD STAFF: Paul Sams - Chief Operating Officer Ion Hazzikostas - Game Designer ACTIVITIES: Coming Soon! PRIZES: Coming Soon! PARTNERS: NVIDIA Corporation SteelSeries Creative Technology Ltd. Cryptozoic -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
asgard1991:這次資料片似乎特別隆重 順便是因為6週年嗎? 11/23 03:46
miznoruri:耶 在家旁邊XDD 11/23 04:04
BlazarArc:樓上很爽XD 11/23 05:28
caution:muhaha 我有被邀請到:D:D:D 11/23 09:23
qazbig3:台中淚推.. 11/23 10:27
statue:這個活動是有限額的,有取得門票的才能進場 11/23 19:37
hotdogee:場地大小有限 限額是一定的 11/23 20:12
GFGF: 挖操 這消息比8.0更讓我想回鍋看看XD 11/07 13:16