看板 WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: Warlock : General : Dark Intent had its mana cost reduced to 1%, down from 4%. 黑暗意圖的法力消耗下降 : Demonic Gateway cast time has been reduced to 4 seconds, down from 5 : seconds, and can now be attacked and killed by enemy players. Each gateway : has <span style="color:#FF0000;">100%[/color] of the summoning Warlock's : health, and 100% of their resilience. 惡魔通道的施放時間為4秒,但是可以被敵對目標破壞,通道門的血量等同於術士的血量, 韌性也等同術士的韌性 : Health Funnel now causes the Soulburn portion of the spell to increase : healing generated fromHealth Funnel by140% instead of instantly restoring 36% : health. 靈魂炙燃-生命通道不再瞬間回復惡魔的生命,改為提高治療量140% : Glyphs : Glyph of Siphon Life has been redesigned.Glyph of Siphon Life now heals : the Warlock for 0.5% of their maximum health when Corruption or Immolate deal : periodic damage. 雕紋:生命虹吸 現在生命虹吸不再依傷害來決定回血量,而是依你的最大血量決定(每一跳回0.5%) : Affliction : Haunt now refunds a Soul Shard when it is dispelled. 痛苦 你的蝕魂術效果被驅散時,會退還你一顆碎片 : Destruction : Fire and Brimstone no longer requires a Burning Ember to cast. Instead, : the spell causes Immolate, Incinerate, Conflagrate, and Curse spells to : consume a Burning Ember when cast, and the effect remains active as long as : the Warlock has at least 1 Burning Ember remaining. 烈焰與硫磺重新設計,改成不花餘燼,但啟動後你的獻祭,燒盡,爆燃 及詛咒系法術都會消耗餘燼而產生aoe效果,這個效果會一直持續到你剩一顆餘燼為止。 -- 辯而不當論,信而不當理,勇而不當義,法而不當務...大亂天下者,此四也. -<<當務>>,呂氏春秋 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kuarcis 來自: (04/16 07:03) ※ 編輯: kuarcis 來自: (04/16 07:03)
leo1021:最後一點是跟現在的機制相反過來的意思嗎 04/16 07:06
linlin110:就打開了之後每一發法術都會自動AE 04/16 07:08
linlin110:不用每一發法術都要重新按一下! 04/16 07:09
leo1021:喔喔喔德政 不然現在AE真的是光按硫磺就按到死XD 04/16 07:23
dancingdang:請問生命虹吸這樣算BUFF嗎? 04/16 07:39
DC81:巨集終於可以拿掉了... 04/16 08:15
RBmonster:那可以自動取消嗎=.= AE到一半要轉單體怎麼辦 04/16 10:07
RBmonster: 手 04/16 10:07
leo1021:應該就跟現在的惡魔化身一樣 沒能量了或是手動都可以取消 04/16 10:20
superLM:改的好 不然手都按到抽筋 04/16 10:48
taiwan540:就跟獵人的陷阱發射器一樣吧 德政 04/16 12:48