看板 WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
轉自: http://goo.gl/fZIiNf http://www.mmo-champion.com/content /3359-Patch-5-4-PTR-Build-17331-Patch-5-4-PTR-Build-17331 Hunter (Forums, Talent Calculator) Arcane Shot additional damage increased by 21%. Talents Lynx Rush damage and AP scaling increased by 30%. Beast Mastery Kill Command base damage increased by 33% and AP scaling increased by 16%. Marksmanship Aimed Shot weapon damage increased by 12.5% and additional damage reduced by 2%. Survival Explosive Shot damage and RAP scaling increased by 8%. Monk (Forums, Talent Calculator) Blackout Kick (Brewmaster) weapon component of damage increased and AP scaling reduced by 21%. Fists of Fury (Brewmaster) weapon component of damage increased and AP scaling reduced by 21%. Jab (Brewmaster) weapon component of damage increased and AP scaling reduced by 21%. Swift Reflexes (Brewmaster) weapon component of damage increased and AP scaling reduced by 21%. Tiger Palm (Brewmaster) weapon component of damage increased and AP scaling reduced by 21%. Brewmaster Keg Smash (Brewmaster) weapon component of damage increased and AP scaling reduced by 21%. Windwalker Fists of Fury (Brewmaster) weapon component of damage increased and AP scaling reduced by 21%. Rising Sun Kick (Brewmaster) weapon component of damage increased and AP scaling reduced by 21%. Spinning Fire Blossom (Brewmaster) weapon component of damage increased and AP scaling reduced by 21%. Paladin Holy Guardian of Ancient Kings now has a 3 min cooldown, down from 5. Rogue Assassination Assassin's Resolve now increases damage by 25%, down from 30%. Raid & Dungeon Abilities Chain Lightning Inflicts 250,000 Nature damage, chaining to nearby enemies. Unlimited range. 2.5 sec cast. 100 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. Corrosive Blood Inflicts 0 Nature damage initially, and then 0 Nature damage every 2 1 seconds. Limited to 2 targets. 300 yd range. 3 sec cast. Deafening Screech Inflicts 0 Physical damage to all enemies and interrupts spellcasting for 2 sec. 100 Mana. 3 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. 1.5 sec cooldown. Fearsome Roar Inflicts 0 Physical damage in a frontal cone. The roar incites terror in the heart of enemies, causing them to take 50% 25% more damage per stack. 45 yd range. 3 sec cast. -- P.S. 臘A buff 不過武僧那個是什麼巫術@@? 精通大改之後,各項技能數字還在微調中 紅字為改版後; 綠字為改版前 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Oville:嚇死我的毛 臘入被BUFF 晚點又可能被nerf回來 08/27 08:26
tcancer:看起來酒風和尚各招都上調武器傷害係數下調AP係數 08/27 10:13
TryKillMe:藍帖說武僧改動已經實裝一段時間 這只是改說明 08/27 10:21
TryKillMe:還順便嘲諷了一下datamining 08/27 10:21
TryKillMe:然後有人測出4件套裝有BUG 可以一次省掉3氣(原本1氣) 08/27 10:23
Yanrei:疑問~ 之前不是謠言說要buff恢復D嗎@@? 08/27 16:26
IDs:補騎默默地被BUFF了 聖光阿!!!! 08/28 00:37