看板 WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23310980 先補上個官方消息網頁 因為懶了 所以只大致翻一下dk的 All Death Knight specs are receiving the following abilities: Baseline Abilities: Death and Decay, Anti-Magic Zone, Lichborne, Raise Dead, Chains of Ice 死雕 反魔罩 巫妖之軀 復活死者 冰鍊 現在是三系可用的基本能力 NEW Sacrificial Pact: Sacrificial Pact sacrifices one of their undead minions, siphoning their health and causing them to explode and deal damage to nearby enemies. 新技能 犧牲一隻寵物 吸收他的生命並讓她爆炸造成傷害 Blood: 血專精 Rune Tap Is now baseline. 符轉變血基礎技能 NEW Blood Tap: Blood Tap allows Death Knights to consume essence from slain enemies to generate 1 Rune, and is repeatable whenever a Bone Shield charge is used. 血轉(新設計)吸收對手的精華以回復符文 骨盾被消耗時可以減CD NEW Relish in Blood: Relish in Blood will significantly heal these bloody bruisers for each active Bone Shield charge and grant 5 Runic Power when Death and Decay is cast while Crimson Scourge is active. 新技能:當你消耗赤血災禍放免費死雕時會照身上骨盾層數治療你並給5符能 Frost: 冰專精 Can now choose between 1H and 2H weapons again. 大根冰回歸 Frostwyrm's Fury is now baseline. 冰霜翼龍之怒變基本技能 NEW Hypothermic Presence (Talent): Hypothermic Presence halves the Runic Power cost of abilities for a moderate amount of time. 新技能:作用時間內符能消耗減半 Unholy: 髒專精 Summon Gargoyle is now baseline. 石像鬼回歸基本能力 Army of the Damned (Talent): Army of the Damned returns as an even stronger force with a familiar and faithful recruit—a Magus of the Dead. These formidable magic-wielders have fought side by side with Maldraxxus’ bannermen and their presence rallies Unholy Death Knights’ ghoulish armies, lobbing Frostbolt and Shadow Bolt spells into the enemy. 廢話很多...就艾甲特質的骷髏法師 Army of the Dead: reduced by Death Coil and Epidemic casts. Apocalypse: reduced by Death Coil and Epidemic casts and now also comes with a Magus of the Dead. 大軍和天啟 用死纏和傳染會減少cd 然後天啟也會叫死靈法師 Mastery: Dreadblade: now increases Death Knight's Shadow damage and damage of minions. 精通也增加寵物傷害 個人感想 看起來職業設計是沒變 血還是繞者骨盾做設計 我猜邪還是智障傷口逃不了 而新能力看起來就是艾甲特質的改變後加入 另外有些是大家幹了很久終於基本化或回歸的 像是大軍降cd 還有那個大根冰以及那個大根冰還有那個大根冰 最後還有千萬不能遺忘的大根冰 最後只希望9版能治好大半七版修剪技能的餘毒 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1586300964.A.38E.html
tim111444: 又拿大根又噴冰龍 這版可能是帥的巔峰 然後就是髒dk的 04/08 07:17
tim111444: 寵物吃精通 不意外的話會變貴 不知道像白大腿這種打暗 04/08 07:17
tim111444: 影傷害的寵物會不會變雙倍精通 04/08 07:17
tallboyarm: 拜託改掉傷口機制回歸以前版本 04/08 09:51
sarevork: 沒關係 大根冰回來就可以放棄邪了 04/08 09:53
KillerMoDo: 那傷口真他媽智障 04/08 10:19
Allen0315: 骷髏法師 跟 死靈法師 好像還是有差異...... 04/08 10:24
sa4567892000: 我比較在意大根冰能不能朔型剪接 04/08 10:40
sa4567892000: 剪刀(打錯字) 04/08 10:41
sarevork: 理論上不行 04/08 10:41
BlueSkyCM: 結果沒有大根冰神兵外觀QQ 04/08 12:22
reader2714: 可以讓我們把歎霜拼回來嗎 04/08 12:28
※ 編輯: sarevork ( 臺灣), 04/08/2020 12:49:33