看板 WWR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
黃色字是小白兔有售的 年度最佳專輯(只貼到第十名) 1 Sonic Youth/Murray Street(只有LP) 2 Derek Baily/Ballads 3 Boards of Canada/Geogaddi 4 Asa-Chang & Junray/Improvised Music From Japan 5 Jim O'rouke/Insignificance(但是現在賣完了) 6 Godspeed you! Black Emperor/Yanqui Uxo 7 Cecil Taylor Feel Trio/2 TS For a Lovely T 8 DJ Rupture/Minesweeper Suite 9 Philip Jack/Stock 10 Barbara Ess & Peggy Ahwesh/Radio Guitar (好累哦...) Avant Rock 第一名和上面那個一樣 2 Suicide/American Supreme 3 Vajra/Mandala Cat Last 4 Sigur Ros/() 5 Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band/Dust Sucker 6 Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso UFO/Electric Heavyland 7 Out Hud/S.T.R.E.E.T.D.A.D. 8 The Liars/They Threw US All in a Trench and stuck a monument 9和上面的第五名一樣 10 Le Tigra/remix 11 The Suntanama/The Suntanama 12 Wire/Read and Burn 13 Jackie-O Motherfucker/Change 14 和上面的第十名一樣 15 Vibracathedral Orchestra/Dabbling With Gravity And Who you ARE (快累死了.) 在improvisation那裡,有一張Sonic Youth/ICP/The EX的In the Fishtank己經悄悄 躲在小白兔一陣子了,有意思的人可以來買,只剩一張啦! -- 不看年終榜便不知如何買cd的人有福了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: