看板 Waa 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2011台北夢想音樂節 12/11 風箏舞台 20:00 | 魏如萱 Waa Wei 03年出道,以組合的方式,發行過二張專輯及二張單曲 07年正式單飛,以個人之姿開始唱遊華語音樂市場 時而甜美、時而感性,嗓音聲線極富如戲劇的多變化性的魏如萱 音樂作品包含了二張專輯及二張EP 聲音的獨特性在她的音樂作品中,讓人有時而擁抱幸福、時而享受孤獨與寂寞 聽完她的音樂作品,彷彿切入某一段生活片刻的回憶,不自覺會微笑仰望天空 音樂作品的生活性,除了讓消費者喜愛,從05年開始也獲得許多獎項的入圍與肯定 2010年專輯「優雅的刺蝟」更是獲得中華音樂交流協會10大專輯的推薦 喜歡「觀察」身旁的人事物的魏如萱,把生活的感觀融入到她的音樂作品裡 用文字的觸感,記錄下某個情感、某個回憶…… 也正因為如此,她所詮釋出來的音樂作品、甚至演出舞台劇 有許多強烈的情感表現在作品中,作品的豐富度與深度別於其他人 親和灑脫個性的魏如萱,相當受到大學生及年輕上班族的喜愛 每季在全省的LIVE HOUSE 巡迴演出,票房總是出現一票難求的景象 Début in 03, she has released 2 albums with a band and 2 singles. Starting from 07, she's gone solo and performed wherever there's Chinese. With a sweet and sensational voice, she is so versatile. Her music works included two albums and two EPs. Her voice is unique that often makes the audience feel happy, and embrace loneliness. After listening to her music, we feel like to think about the past and look up to the sky smiling. With the music being so vivid, she is not only welcomed by the fans, but has been nominated and recognized in many musical competitions. Her 2010 album, Graceful Porcupine, was even recognized by The Association of Music Workers in Taiwan as Top 10. She likes to observe people around her and incorporate the perspective into her music. She also uses words to help herself remember the feelings and memory. That's why her music and performances are so rich in emotion and feeling. She is so friendly and easy-going that makes her embraced by college students and young adults. It's always hard to get a ticket to wherever she tours. 來源:http://dreamingfest.com/dreamingfestival/lineup_t1.php -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bearery:台北夢想音樂節有娃娃耶!!! 哈 那一定要去啦~~~~~ 11/08 16:44
kevfire:這...不要逼我(默默掏錢) 11/08 20:25