看板 WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
=_+ 我速度太慢惹 ※ 引述《daroke (Change)》之銘言: : OS6.74更新 : 修正許多平衡及重大改動 : 下載請至 www.getdota.com : 小心得: : 這版本幾乎每隻英雄數值都改了,而火貓徹底打臉不意外, : 值得一提的是卡爾吹風雷爆似乎哭哭了? : 阿梅分裂劍變多,炸彈兵攻擊距離變700,我想比賽還是不會出。 : 另外幽光、索爾、拉比克(GM)可以在CM模式下選了,大無恥時代要來了嗎XD : 英雄部分 : Alchemist : - Armor increased by 1 : - Unstable Concoction max damage increased from 120/180/240/300 to : 130/200/270/340 煉金 裝甲+1 暈的傷害提高 : Batrider : - Flame Break is now a targeted AoE spell : It no longer explodes on the first unit in a path. It travels towards : the targeted destination and does its effect there. Projectile speed 900 : (instead of 750) 蝙蝠 會彈開那招 可以指定範圍 然後飛更快 : Bone Fletcher : - Death Pact damage bonus increased from 4/6/8% to 5/6.5/8% : - Death Pact hp bonus increased from 50/60/70% to 50/65/80% 骨弓 大絕提升傷害和血量 : Bristleback : - Quill Spray damage cap increased from 180 to 220 無恥豬 噴的傷害上限提高 : Centaur Warchief : - Great Fortitude strength bonus increased from 12/24/36 to 15/30/45 : - Return base damage increased from 16 to 16/18/20/22 人馬 尼馬的大絕和反彈都提高... : Clockwerk : - Power Cogs HP/Mana drain increased from 55/70/85/100 to 60/90/120/150 CK發條 包人彈掉的MPHP更多 : Crystal Maiden : - Freezing Field AoE increased by 100 (Explosion AoE adjusted to keep damage : probabilities equivalate) CM AOE那招增加範圍 : Dark Seer : - Wall of Replica illusions take 300% damage (up from 250%) : - Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus no longer creates allied illusions : - Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus now increases illusion damage from 70/80/90 : to 100/120/140% instead DS的複製牆 不再複製隊友惹 而是增加幻象的攻擊 還有被打痛一點 : Doom Bringer : - Level Death bonus damage increased from 250 to 275 DOOM 等級炮的對應等級額外傷害增加25 : Dragonus : - Base Intelligence increased by 3 : - Arcane Bolt bonus intelligence damage increased from 1.5x to 1.6x : - Arcane Bolt manacost decreased from 90 to 70 : - Concussive Shot cooldown now scales from 20 to 20/19/18/17 飛龍騎士 聰明了3點 第一招智慧倍率提高0.1 然後MP降低20 無恥緩的CD降低 : Drow Ranger : - Silence AoE increased from 275 to 300 小弓 閉嘴變寬 : Ember Spirit : - Armor reduced by 1 : - Base Strength decreased from 21 to 19 : - Flame Guard health barrier reduced from 100/250/400/550 to 50/200/350/500 : - Fire Remnant damage decreased from 140/180/220 to 120/160/200 : - Searing Chains targets decreased from 3 to 2 random units 火貓 變軟 (送) 血少 (送) 火盾變爛 (送) 大絕傷害降低 (送) 無恥綁人少一個 (送) 結論 (送) : Enigma : - Black hole now prevents heroes being Forced out with Force Staff 黑水 黑洞?? 是在說不會被移動技能救走嗎? : Furion : - Wrath of Nature manacost increased from 150/175/200 to 150/200/250 : - Teleportation manacost no longer decreases per level (constant 50) 福利安 推線壓隊友招MP提升 飛飛MP不降惹 : Goblin Shredder : - Timber Chain damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 100/140/180/220 伐木工 抓木頭飛過去那招提升 : Gyrocopter : - Homing Missile maximum damage (at 2k range) increased from 100/200/300/400 : to 110/220/330/440 : - Rocket Barrage damage increased from 10/13/16/19 to 11/14/17/20 直生機 機巴導彈傷害提高 一直丟的碎蛋也是 : Invoker : - Chaos Meteor damage increased from 80+Exort*30 to 80+Exort*35 : - Chaos Meteor land time decreased from 1.5 to 1.3 : - EMP can no longer hit Invulnerable/Tornadoed units : - EMP cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds : - Sun Strike damage type changed from Magical to Pure : - Sun Strike now reveals the area it will hit before the damage impact : - Tornado cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds : - Tornado Damage decreased from 77.5+(Wex+Quas)*23 to 70+(Wex+Quas)*20 凱爾 火球EEW傷害提高、掉下來快一點 WWW不能打INV和被吹的人、冷卻提高 EEE現在要炸的地方會顯示?! (對面看的到嗎@@?) : Juggernaut : - Omnislash now gives Juggernaut 200 flying vision during its duration 大劍 大絕給不受地行阻擋的視野 : Keeper of the Light : - Mana Leak stun duration increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 大法 抽魔的暈提高 : Kunkka : - Torrent AOE increased from 200 to 215 : - X Marks The Spot cooldown decreased from 20 to 16 seconds : - Ghost Ship stun duration increased from 1.2 to 1.4 船長 噴的範圍增加 X的CD降低 船的暈提高 : Lanaya : - Psi Blades bonus range increased from 40/100/160/220 to 60/120/180/240 TA 增加攻擊距離增加 : Legion Commander : - Moment of Courage cooldown increased from 0.9 to 1.2 胃炎 被動CD提高 : Lina Inverse : - Fiery Soul attack speed bonus increased from 30/40/50/60 to 40/50/60/70 : - Fiery Soul movement speed bonus increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7% 麗娜IMBA私 被動強化 (可以施法動作移除嗎XD) : Lion : - Voodoo cooldown increased from 13 to 15 : - Voodoo manacost increased from 110/140/170/200 to 125/150/175/200 : - Voodoo duration increased from 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4 LION 小動物CD提高、MP加多、變更久 : Luna : - Moon Glaive damage decrease per bounce decreased from 35% to 30% MR 被動飛刀傷害降低 : Magnataur : - Skewer will now cast in the direction you targeted if you cast it beyond : the max range 猛瑪 串燒現在你點太遠會直接奔 不會走到施法距離才奔 : Medusa : - Split Shot now shoots 5 arrows instead of 4 阿梅 多重箭多一個 (還是最後點) : Morphling : - Morph passively grants 3/4/5/6 agility and strength : - Wave Form now properly dodges projectiles 阿水 轉換那招額外增加3456的力敏 衝可以閃掉攻擊 : Naga Siren : - Changed Rip Tide cast mechanism : Rip Tide now casts in a 450 aoe around naga and all of her illusions. Enemies : can be fully affected by the Illusion's aoe. The effect does not stack. No : longer uses cast point. NAGA 第三招現在改成 自身範圍450 然後幻像也會噴?!?! 所以如果排成一個大圓圈 範圍就很大的意思@@? : Nerubian Assassin : - Urna Swarm replaced with a new spell : Urna Swarm will be reused for a future hero. NA 蟲子換招 然後蟲子以後會被其他新英雄用 : Spiked Carapace: : ================= : Temporarily enhances the Assassin's chitinous armor with organic barbs, : causing him to prevent and reflect the next player based damage instance and : stuns the target. Lasts 4.5 seconds. : Duration: 4.5 seconds : Damage return: 100% (after resistance on your hero) : Stun: 0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4 : Cooldown: 10 : Manacost: 50 : Note: Only triggers on player based damage, both physical and magical. Does : not prevent status debuffs. Spikes visually grow out of the hero when he is : in this state. 新招 尖刺甲殼 可以反彈百分百的傷害(視甲蟲純粹扣血量) 使用後4.5秒內被打就會反彈 然後造成暈眩 魔法也會?! 被LINA或者LION的大絕XD : Necrolyte : - Heartstopper damage increased from 0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1 to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2 : - Sadist level 4 mana regen increased from 48 to 60 死法 燒增加% 砍人MP增加 (只有等級4) : Ogre Magi : - Added Aghanim's Scepter : Gives his other head the ability to cast a more primitive version of : Fireblast. It has a constant (not modified by ultimate/level) 275 damage, 1.5 : second stun, 20 cooldown, 400 manacost. It can trigger multicast. This is an : independent 5th skill added to his ability card. 賭神 增加神杖效果 增加一招暈 傷275 暈1.5 20CD 400MP 可以觸發大絕 也就是說 他買了神障,可以連賭兩次的意思 : Phantom Assassin : - Phantom Strike cast range increased from 700/800/900/1000 to 1000 : - Phantom Strike cooldown rescaled from 20/15/10/5 to 14/11/8/5 猴子 T改遠、CD改快 : Priestess of the Moon : - Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 180/160/140 to 160/140/120 老虎 大絕CD降低 : Puck : - Ethereal Jaunt now dodges projectiles : - Phase Shift autocast removed : - Phase Shift manacost removed : - Phase Shift level 4 duration increased from 3 to 3.25 seconds : - Aghanim Upgraded Dream Coil no longer increases the manacost from the base 帕克小龍 光球的飛可以閃掉攻擊 相移不能自動施展然後不耗魔@@ 4級時間提高 神障不會增加大覺得MP : Pugna : - Decrepify cast range increased from 550/600/650/700 to 700 : - Life Drain damage increased from 100/150/200 to 120/160/200 (with Aghanim's : from 175/225/275 to 180/240/300) 古法 放逐距離提高 吸血增加傷害 : Queen of Pain : - Shadow Strike initial damage increased from 50/70/70/100 to 50/75/100/125 QOP 暗影擊提高初始傷害 : Razor : - Unstable Current damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 40/70/100/130 電法 被動的彈傷曾加 : Shadow Fiend : - Necromastery now gives 6 souls for killing a hero (instead of 1) : - Necromastery soul count increased from 8/16/24/32 to 12/20/28/36 影魔 殺一個英雄可以得到六個靈魂 可以攜帶的靈魂變多 : Sniper : - Headshot damage increased from 30/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60 槍兵 被動傷害提高 : Storm Spirit : - Ball Lightning now properly dodges projectiles 電貓 大絕可以閃掉攻擊 : Techies : - Attack range increased from 650 to 700 炸彈 攻擊距離提高 (姆...OMG選他配林精大+TA和槍兵的被動..然後拍手熊的快速攻擊..GJ) : Tinker : - March of the Machines duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds 修理工 第三招時間增加 : Troll Warlord : - Battle Trance attack speed bonus increased from 60/100/140 to 60/120/180 台灣(誤) 大絕提高 : Viper : - Poison Attack damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 10/16/22/28 : - Fixed Poison Attack damage not being lethal 毒鳥 C攻擊改高、變成會毒死? : Visage : - Familiar's armor increased from 0 to 0/1/2 : - Gravekeeper's Cloak recovery time decreased from 14/12/10/8 to 12/10/8/6 灰鳥 石像鬼裝甲增加 被動CD降低 : Warlock : - Infernal's Permanent Immolation damage increased from 20/30/40 to 30/40/50 : per second : - Shadow Word duration increased from 8 to 9 seconds 華佗 煉獄魔的火甲增加 可毒可治療那招增加一秒 : 物品部分 : Animal Courier : - Courier cost decreased from 170 to 150 雞變便宜 : Bloodstone : - HP regen increased by 1 to equal the sum of its parts 雞血石 HP回復增加1 (算過雞血石等級後) : Ethereal Blade : - Ether Blast slow increased from 60% to 80% 虛靈刀 緩速提高 買氣還是不高吧@@ : Eye of Skadi : - Cold Attack slow duration increased from 2/4 (range/melee) to 3/5 冰眼 緩的時間增加1秒 : Flying Courier : - Flying Courier cost increased from 200 to 220 鳥變貴 : Mjollnir : - Mjollnir's Static Shock can now be cast on non-hero units as well (like : Infernals) 雷垂 可以放非英雄單位 : Tranquil Boots : - Can now be disassembled : - Damage instances before breaking increased from 3 to 4 : - Rejuvenate heal increased from 150 to 170 新鞋鞋(回血那個) 可以拆 被打超過4次才會變普通鞋 : Sange & Yasha : - Sange and Yasha can now be disassembled 雙刀 可以拆 : Veil of Discord : - Discord duration increased from 15 to 20 seconds 戰爭面紗 可以降低對手法抗那個 時間增加 : 其他細節 : - Added Wisp, Disruptor and Rubick to CM : - Courier death team bounty can only trigger while no couriers are dead : - Courier death team bounty from 150 to 175 : - Added a new ability on the courier to go to the secret shop : - Removed Unexplored Fog of War : - Cheese no longer requires 5 mana to use : - Range creeps mana pool increased from 300 to 500 : - Harpy's Chain Lightning cooldown from 6 to 4 seconds : - Satyr Trickster purge manacost decreased from 150 to 120 : - Satyr Hellcaller HP regen aura increased from 3 to 4 : BUG修正 : * Fixed a bug with Fire Remnant targeting and Essence Aura : * Fixed Moment of Courage not having a learn hotkey : * Fixed a fatal error possible with Tether : * Fixed a bug with Fire Remnant when cast on self : * Fixed Psi Blades not affecting a very small area right behind : the initial target : * Fixed Forged Spirits dying instantly when affected by Smoke of Deceit : # -- ╭╯〞′/╱ ◢◢◢ 夫不知天下萬物之所以有雄有雌, \\、╱╮ / ─ – ╱ 有鴛有鴦,有麒有麟,皆為蒼生之命脈。 ◥◥ 輪轉順天地之道, 老 ╰ >< 行歡和之事乃天經地義也。 ψcafelife Slycsboy -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: slycsboy 來自: (03/10 14:25)
Gemani:哭哭 03/11 00:59