看板 Warfare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇文章,可以很輕易在Google上搜索到呂廣祥先生的譯文。但最近比對一下原文,發現 有很多翻錯和漏翻的地方。後來,又在百度貼吧上找到另外一個雖然正確很多,但有點像 是用Dr.eye之類軟體翻譯出來的翻譯。而且,一樣有翻譯漏句的地方。所以,個人參考兩 篇翻譯,決定全文重翻一次,看看美國人對於使用原子彈的立場。 個人英文不算好,有錯誤的地方請各位多包涵及指點。後面還有約2000字未翻完,所以分 段貼出。 【背景】1995年5月11日,對於日本政府抗議美國投放原子彈50周年,美國政府邀請參加 兩次原爆的飛行員Charles W. Sweeney退役少將,於美國國會發表證詞。 Sweeney本人已經於2004年過世,享年85歲。 I am Maj. Gen. Charles W. Sweeney, United States Air Force, Retired. I am the only pilot to have flown on both atomic missions. I flew the instrument plane on the right wing of General Paul Tibbets on the Hiroshima mission and 3 days later, on August 9, 1945, commanded the second atomic mission over Nagasaki. Six days after Nagasaki the Japanese military surrendered and the Second World War came to an end. 我是美國退役空軍少將查爾斯.W.斯溫尼。我是唯一一位參加兩次對日本原子彈轟炸的 飛行員。我在1945年8月6日廣島的轟炸中,駕駛保羅.提貝茨將軍的右座僚機;3天後對 長崎的轟炸中,擔任編隊指揮員。轟炸長崎6天後,日軍投降,第二次世界大戰結束。 The soul of a nation, its essence, is its history. It is that collective memory which defines what each generation thinks and believes about itself and its country. 一個民族的靈魂本質,就是它的歷史。它是每一世代對本身及其國家的認知與信仰之共同 記憶。 In a free society, such as ours, there is always an ongoing debate about who we are and what we stand for. This open debate is in fact essential to our freedom. But to have such a debate we as a society must have the courage to consider all of the facts available to us. We must have the courage to stand up and demand that before any conclusions are reached, those facts which are beyond question are accepted as part of the debate. 在一個如同我們這樣的自由社會,總會有一個持續爭論我們是誰以及我們所支持事物的立 場。這次要公開辯論的,是至關重要的自由。但在這樣的辯論中,我們必須有勇氣考慮所 有事實提供給作為一個社會的我們。在達到任何結論之前,我們必須有勇氣站起來接納部 分隱藏在事實背後的辯論。 As the 50th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki missions approaches, now is an appropriate time to consider the reasons for Harry Truman's order that these missions be flown. We may disagree on the conclusion, but let us at least be honest enough to agree on basic facts of the time, the facts that President Truman had to consider in making a difficult and momentous decision. 接近紀念廣島和長崎任務50周年,現在是一個合適的時間來考慮哈利.杜魯門要求執行轟 炸任務的理由。我們可能不同意這樣的結論,但至少我們應該誠實同意面對非常基本的事 實:杜魯門總統不得不考慮作出一項艱巨而重大的決定。 As the only pilot to have flown both missions, and having commanded the Nagasaki mission, I bring to this debate my own eyewitness account of the times. I underscore what I believe are irrefutable facts, with full knowledge that some opinion makers may cavalierly dismiss them because they are so obvious - because they interfere with their preconceived version of the truth, and the meaning which they strive to impose on the missions. 作為唯一執行過兩次飛行任務,並且擔任指揮長崎轟炸任務使命的飛行員,我將陳述本人 現場目擊的往事。我相信我所強調的,都是無可辯駁的事實——其中,包含某些輿論製造 者可能明顯無視的部份——因為這些事實與他們先入為主的觀點有衝突。 This evening, I want to offer my thoughts, observations, and conclusions as someone who lived this history, and who believes that President Truman's decision was not only justified by the circumstances of his time, but was a moral imperative that precluded any other option. 今晚,作為經歷那段歷史的證人,我想提出我的看法、意見和結論——我相信杜魯門總統 的決定不僅在當時是合理的,而且在道義上也更為優先。 Like the overwhelming majority of my generation the last thing I wanted was a war. We as a nation are not warriors. We are not hell-bent on glory. There is no warrior class - no Samurai - no master race. This is true today, and it was true 50 years ago. 像絕大多數我這個世代的人一樣,我最不期望發生的事情,就是戰爭。我們不是武士民族 。我們不會強烈渴望那樣的榮耀。我們沒有武士階級、沒有武士、沒有主宰種族——現在 是事實;當然,五十年前也是事實。 While our country was struggling through the great depression, the Japanese were embarking on the conquest of its neighbors - the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. It seems fascism always seeks some innocuous slogan to cover the most hideous plans. 當我國正在與經濟大蕭條掙扎時,日本則是著手從事對鄰國的征服——大東亞共榮圈。看 來,法西斯主義總是可以找到一些無害口號來掩蔽那些駭人聽聞的計畫。 This Co-Prosperity was achieved by waging total and merciless war against China and Manchuria. The Japanese, as a nation, saw itself as destined to rule Asia and thereby possess its natural resources and open lands. Without the slightest remorse or hesitation, the Japanese Army slaughtered innocent men, women and children. In the infamous Rape of Nanking up to 300,000 unarmed civilians were butchered. These were criminal acts. 要達成這個計畫,必須發動無情的侵華戰爭。日本作為一個國家,認為自己註定會統治亞 洲,從而擁有其自然資源和土地。日軍屠殺無辜的男人、婦女和兒童,沒有絲毫悔意或猶 豫。在臭名昭著的南京大屠殺裡,多達300000名手無寸鐵的平民被屠殺。這些都是犯罪行 為。 THESE ARE FACTS. 這些都是事實。 In order to fulfill its divine destiny in Asia, Japan determined that the only real impediment to this goal was the United States. It launched a carefully conceived sneak attack on our Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor. Timed for a Sunday morning it was intended to deal a death blow to the fleet by inflicting the maximum loss of ships and human life. 為了完成他們在亞洲的神聖命運,日本認為,阻礙他們的真正對象是美國。日本偷襲我們 駐紮在珍珠港的太平洋艦隊。偷襲時間訂於星期日上午,因為這樣可以造成偷襲艦隊時, 船隻和人員生命的最大損失。 1,700 sailors are still entombed in the hull of the U.S.S. Arizona that sits on the bottom of Pearl Harbor. Many if not all, died without ever knowing why. Thus was the war thrust upon us. 1700名船員仍然陳屍於坐底在珍珠港的亞利桑那號戰艦上。即使不是全部,他們其中大部 份的人從來不知道為何而死。因此,戰爭就這樣強加於我們頭上。 The fall of Corregidor and the resulting treatment of Allied prisoners of war dispelled any remaining doubt about the inhumanness of the Japanese Army, even in the context of war. The Bataan Death March was horror in its fullest dimension. The Japanese considered surrender to be dishonorable to oneself, one's family, one's country and one's god. They showed no mercy. Seven thousand American and Filipino POW's were beaten, shot, bayoneted or left to die of disease or exhaustion. 科雷希多陷落,以及對盟軍戰俘的待遇,驅散所有對日軍是否野蠻的質疑,即使是在戰時 。巴丹的死亡行軍充滿毛骨悚然。日本人認為,投降是對自己、家庭、國家和天皇的侮辱 。他們從不手軟。7000名美國和菲律賓戰俘遭到毆打、槍殺、被刺刀殺害,或者死於疾病 或疲憊。 THESE ARE FACTS. 這些都是事實。 As the United States made its slow, arduous, and costly march across the vast expanse of the Pacific, the Japanese proved to be ruthless and intractable killing machine. No matter how futile, no matter how hopeless the odds, no matter how certain the outcome, the Japanese fought to the death. And to achieve a greater glory, the strove to kill as many Americans as possible. 當美軍緩慢、艱巨、耗資巨大橫跨浩瀚太平洋的時候,日本人證明他們是殘暴和頑固的殺 人機器。無論多麼徒勞、絕望,機會如此渺茫,即使結果早已經確定,日本人依然堅持戰 到最後。為爭取更大光榮,他們儘可能多殺一個美國人算一個。 The closer the United States came to the Japanese mainland, the more fanatical their actions became. 越遠離美國、越接近日本本土,他們的行為就越狂熱。 Saipan - 3,100 Americans killed, 1,500 in the first few hours of the invasion Iwa Jima - 6,700 Americans killed, 25,000 wounded Okinawa - 12,500 Americans killed, total casualties, 35,000 These are facts reported by simple white grave markets. 在塞班島,3100名美國人喪生,其中1500名死於攻擊的最初數小時。在硫黃島,6700名美 國人喪生,25000人受傷。在沖繩,12500名美國人死亡,傷亡總計35000人。這些是簡單 而沉重的事實。 Kamikazes. The literal translation is DIVINE WIND. To willingly dive a plane loaded with bombs into an American ship was a glorious transformation to godliness - there was no higher honor on heaven or earth. The suicidal assaults of the Kamikazes took 5,000 American Navy men to their deaths. 神風特攻隊——直譯為「神之風」。駕駛帶著炸彈的飛機衝撞美國軍艦是光榮而神聖的— —在地球上或者天堂,都沒有更高的榮譽可以相比。神風特攻隊的自殺攻擊造成5000位美 國海軍官兵的死亡。 The Japanese vowed that, with the first American to step foot on the mainland, they would execute every Allied prisoner. In preparation they forced the POW's to dig their own graves in the event of mass executions. Even after their surrender, they executed some American POW's. 日本人宣誓,只要有任何一個美國人登上他們的土地,他們將處死所有盟軍戰俘。為了準 備籌備大規模處決,他們強迫戰俘挖自己的墳墓。即使在投降之後,他們仍然處決一些美 國戰俘。 THESE ARE FACTS. 這些都是事實。 The Potsdam Declaration had called for unconditional surrender of the Japanese Armed Forces. The Japanese termed it ridiculous and not worthy of consideration. We know from our intercepts of their coded messages, that they wanted to stall for time to force a negotiated surrender on terms acceptable to them. 波茨坦宣言呼籲日本軍隊無條件投降。日本人認為這是荒謬而不值得去考慮的。從我們截 取的密碼得知,他們想拖延時間,迫使增加他們能夠接受的投降條件後再談判。 For months prior to August 6, American aircraft began dropping fire bombs upon the Japanese mainland. The wind created by the firestorm from the bombs incinerated whole cities. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese died. Still the Japanese military vowed never to surrender. They were prepared to sacrifice their own people to achieve their visions of glory and honor - no matter how many more people died. 在8月6日之前的幾個月,美國飛機開始對日本本土投下燃燒彈。風勢造成炸彈火焰蔓延, 燒掉一座座城市。成千上萬的日本人死亡。即使如此,日軍依然發誓絕不投降。他們準備 犧牲自己的人民實現其夢想的輝煌和榮譽——不論多少人會因此喪生。 They refused to evacuate civilians ever though our pilots dropped leaflets warning of the possible bombings. In one 3-day period, 34 square miles of Tokyo, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka were reduced to rubble. 他們拒絕撤離平民,即使我們的飛行員投下傳單,警告可能會空襲。在一次為期3天的轟 炸中,34平方英里的東京、名古屋、神戶和大阪市變成廢墟。 THESE ARE FACTS. 這些都是事實。 And even after the bombing of Hiroshima, Tojo, his successor Suzuki, and the military clique in control believed the United States had but one bomb, and that Japan could go on. They had 3 days to surrender after August 6, but they did not surrender. The debate in their cabinet at times became violent. 即使在廣島遭到轟炸之後,東條英機和他的繼任者鈴木貫太郎,以及控制局勢的日本軍部 仍然認為美國只有一枚原子彈,日本可以繼續抵抗下去。8月6日之後,他們有三天的時間 可以投降,但他們仍然沒有投降。一次次內閣辯論越來越暴力。 Only after the Nagasaki drop did the Emperor finally demand surrender. And even then, the military argued they could and should fight on. A group of Army officers staged a coup and tried to seize and destroy the Emperor's recorded message to his people announcing the surrender. 直到長崎也遭受攻擊,天皇最後才決定投降。即使如此,軍方依然聲稱他們能夠而且應該 作戰。一批軍官發動政變,企圖沒收和銷毀天皇向人民宣布投降的錄音。 THESE ARE FACTS. 這些都是事實。 These facts help illuminate the nature of the enemy we faced. They help put into context the process by which Truman considered the options available to him. And they help to add meaning to why the missions were necessary. 這些事實幫助我們了解敵人的本質、幫助我們了解杜魯門總統做決定時的處境。此外,他 們幫助我們理解為何使用原子彈是必要的。 President Truman understood these facts as did every service man and woman. Casualties were not some abstraction, but a sobering reality. 像每一位服役的男女性軍人一樣,杜魯門總統知道這些事實。傷亡人數不再只是一些抽象 的數字,而是一個嚴肅的現實。 (待續) -- “聽好,我的孩子,是偉人的話,只要忠告一次就會反省。是普通人的話,重複諫言二次 也會改正。而即使是較不成材的人,被說了三次也就會重新考慮。如此卻仍不改變態度的 那種人,就可以置之罔顧了。” “不必做第四次的忠告嗎?” “因為到了第四次,不是被放逐、下獄,要不就是被殺。所謂的昏君就是如此。所以第四 次的忠告不僅會危害自己,還會讓對方多增罪過,對任何人都沒有好處。” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Spetznaz:省思 02/23 04:57
nicotenecat:寫得真好.. 02/23 06:08
kingsmill:master race似應譯為“主宰種族”, 指納粹的種族優越論 02/23 06:16
sky987:推推 希望我有生之年都不會親眼見到戰爭 02/23 09:22
gametv:寫的真棒...但背後的意義是如此沉重 02/23 10:04
qlz:了解,那個詞我疑惑好久... 02/23 11:41
oldcup:death march是死亡行軍吧? 02/23 11:55
※ 編輯: qlz 來自: (09/15 05:42)
higger: E 07/09 14:48