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原文網址 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/09/historical-vk3001h/#more-1601 同樣的一些歷史沿革跟閒話就不細翻了,只翻大意。 = today, we are going to have a look at what will happen to the VK3001H in patch 8.8. 我們來看一下 8.8 改版 VK3001H 會改成怎麼樣。 http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/3001H.jpg
But first, in order to explain the logic behind WG’s decision, we have to have a look at the history of the VK3001H. Some very basic info can be found on the World of Tanks wiki page – the data written in the article are unfortunately quite incorrect. VK3001H (the ingame designation will most likely be VK 30.01 (H) in order to adhere to Doyle’s system) is further development of the Durchbruchswagen concept. The DW vehicles (DW1 and DW2) were – as their name in German suggests – attempts to create a breakthrough tank (in other words, essentially a heavy tank). On 9.9.1938, it was decided to continue with the DW 30 ton category development. On 19.1.1939, Krupp decided that the new vehicle should be equipped with a 75mm L/24 cannon, the crew should be equal to that of Panzer IV and the tank should have 50mm armor all around. On 31.1.1939, this new vehicle program was renamed to Panzerkampfwagen VI (7,5cm), but the new experimental designation for it was VK30.01 (experimental/tracked vehicle, 30 tons, 1st prototype). At the same time, the old DW projects were renamed to VK30.01 (Alte Konstruktion), while the new VK30.01 was referred to as “Neue Konstruktion”(new design). Design-wise, it was a classical German tank, with typical Henschel suspension (that would eventually evolve into the Tiger one via VK3601. The roadwheels had torsion bar suspension. 3 prototypes were ordered. The hulls were made by Krupp in Essen and delivered to Henschel in Kassel for final assembly in 1940 (1st hull – 15.3., 2nd – 15.4. and 3rd – 15.5.). Turrets were also ordered and Krupp was supposed to deliver them in 1940. However, these came later and most likely were never installed on any prototype machines. The three prototypes instead had a concrete cube installed instead of the turret to simulate the turret weight. The vehicles were equipped with 300hp Maybach HL116 engines and their maximum road speed was 35km/h. 29.5.1941, first order for 0-series 8 VK3001H tanks was signed. Between October 1941 and January 1942, Henschel also recieved the 8 turrets from Krupp, that were to be mounted on the 0-series vehicles. The first 0-series hull was delivered on 8.8.1941 and 15.11.1941, first 0-series VK3001H (with a mounted turret) was tested in Sennelager. This first 0-series VK3001H was by no means finished however (some components were missing) and it was sent back to Henschel. The last hull was delivered on 10.11.1941 and the last turret on 21.1.1942. Maybach also built 18 engines in total for the VK3001 between 1941 and 1943. On 30.1.1942, based on the preliminary tests (which did not show the vehicle in very positive light), it was decided to reduce the amount of the 0-series tanks being built to only 4 vehicles, which were built in March (2) and October 1942 (another 2). These tanks were sent to training units and were used for crew training. The armament (which was still the 75mm L/24, quite insufficient for the 1942 battlefield) was also discussed – Krupp proposed on 7.10.1941 following options to the Waffenprüfamt 6: - 75mm KwK L/34,6 (prolonged version of L/24) - 50mm KwK L/50 - 50mm KwK L/60 - 75mm Waffe 0725 (which WoT players will know as 75mm Konisch on VK3601, but it was shown later that this cannot be installed). WaPA 6 responded in the sense that they’d like the 75mm KwK 40 L/43 installed. Krupp replied that in order to do that, either the gun would have to be modified, or the turret would have to be bigger. In January 1942, the re-arm project was scrapped. Two hulls were subsequently used to build the two 128mm tank destroyers “ 12,8cm Kanone 40 L/61 auf VK 30.01(H)”, known as “Sturer Emil”. Additional turrets, that were already manufactured before the 0-series VK3001H project was reduced, were actually used for fixed emplacements in France (Atlantic Wall). The remaining machines were used for crew training and testing various equipment until the end of the war, when they were scrapped. 我們來看看 WG 為什麼要更動 VK3001H,從它的發展史開始。 VK3001H 為 Durchbruchswagen 發展案的進階開發案,德軍發展這個案子是為了開發一種 突破性的坦克(基本上就是重坦),此計畫從1938年開始(下略)。 第一版的VK3001H 裝有 300hp 的 Maybach HL116 引擎,時速最高為 35km/h。主砲為 75mm L/24 因為 75mm L/24 到了1942年已經不夠力了,後期的開發案預計選用下列四種主砲的其中 一個: - 75mm KwK L/34,6 (L/24 的加長版) - 50mm KwK L/50 - 50mm KwK L/60 - 75mm Waffe 0725 (VK3601 上的 75mm Konisch, 後來發現沒辦法裝上去)。 其中75mm KwK 40 L/43 也有考慮過,不過後來全部都廢止了。 = VK3001H in World of Tanks WoT 裡面的 VK3001H Now, you are probably already seeing already how unhistorical the VK3001H is in the game. The problem also is the reliability of facts. Rarely have I encountered so many contradictory messages, so I will rely on Jentz and Doyle in addition to Spielberger. In the light of the vehicle’s history, it should be no surprise that being the successor of the DW series and the predecessor of the VK3601, this vehicle was spiritually (if not weight-wise) destined to be a heavy tank. Its armor and speed were made to fit this role, as you will see further. 現在你們大概知道VK3001H有多麼不符合史實了。 不過已發展史來看,將VK3001H 放在 DW 系列和 VK3601 中間是沒有問題的。 這輛坦克在精神上(而不是重量上)是一輛重坦,裝甲和速度都是為了符合這個角色而設計 的。 Hull armor 裝甲 Let’s start with the hull armor. Currently, the VK3001H (in an effort to make it into an agile medium tank, something it was never designed to do) is underarmored. In real life, it had 50mm armor all around (with the exception of certain frontal and rear armor heavily sloped parts, which were only 35mm thick). Why 50mm? Because in 1941, 50mm was believe to be an adequate protection from the 37mm L/46 PaK anti-tank gun, which was taken as some sort of baseline for tests. So, that’ s good news for the players – more side armor, while keeping the weight, right? Well, there’s more and you won’t like that. 我們從裝甲先開始看。 目前 VK3001H 不夠硬(當初為了使它變成一輛靈活的中坦才改成這樣,完全按照當初設計 的本意)。 現實中 VK3001H 的裝甲每面都是 50mm 厚(前面後面某些很傾斜的部分只有 35mm)。 會做成 50mm 是因為1941年做穿甲測試的時候是拿 37mm L/46 PaK 反戰車砲的穿甲力當作 標準去設計的。 所以嚴格來說 WG 照史實改了對玩家來說是好事: 側面變厚了,而車重不變。 還是真的是這樣子? 後面有更多你可能不會喜歡的更動。 Mobility 機動性 Expect extreme drop. The real life VK3001H was powered by a 300hp Maybach HL116 engine, allowing it to go around 35km/h (some sources state 25km/h, current ingame maximum speed is 55km/h). For 32 tons, you can expect the drop of power-to-weight ratio to around 9,3 hp/t (50 percent drop). All the current VK3001H ingame engines are not historical. Some might be kept, but most will be dropped. 現實中 VK3001H 用的是 300hp 的 Maybach HL116 引擎,極速可以跑到 35km/h(有的來 源指出只能到 25km/h,而遊戲中的設定則是 55km/h)。 推重比大概會掉到 9.3馬力/噸,掉了約一半。 目前遊戲內使用的引擎全都不符合史實,在移除這些引擎的同時有些可能會留著。 Turret 砲塔 Expect the stock turret to remain, but the 2nd turret (the Grossturm aka Schmalturm) will definitely disappear (VK3001H couldn’t mount the Schmalturm due to small turret ring). A bit of an info from WG: 2nd turret will most likely resemble the VK3601 stock turret, as that was its historical development. However, due to the loading strain, I’d expect reduced armor, something like 80/60/60, while looking like this: 白板砲塔應該會留著,第二個砲塔一定會拿掉(因為砲塔環太小了裝不上去)。 WG 說第二個砲塔可能會被拿去當作 VK3601 的白板砲塔,因為歷史上的開發案就是這麼 做的。 不過考慮到履帶負重的問題,我想可能會砍 VK3601 的裝甲,像是砍到 80/60/60 之類的 ,而車子會看起來像這樣: http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/3601H1.jpg
Now, here’s a pickle. As you can see, the choice is quite broad. However, it ’s pretty sure that for tier 5, the Konisch won’t be installed (it couldn’ t be even historicall). 75mm L/24, 50mm L/60 could both fit into the stock turret and they are most likely to appear. 105mm L/28 was never considered, so that will not show up I think. The top gun will most likely be the 75mm L/43 (L/48 was never considered, but theoretically could fit too). 基本上要怎麼改還有很多不確定性,因為可能的改法太多了。 不過可以確定的事情是由於不符合史實, T5 不會有縮徑砲(Konisch)。 白板砲塔可以裝 75mm L/24 和 50mm L/60,而 105mm L/28 則不考慮。 我猜頂砲大概會是 75mm L/43 而不是 L/48,雖然後者理論上也裝得上去。 So, historical gun choice: 75mm L/24 (stock), 50mm L/60, 75mm L/43 in the 2nd turret. 所以說,基於史實的砲管選擇: 白板砲塔用75mm L/24, 第二個砲塔用 50mm L/60 和 75mm L/43。 Summary: What you will get is much slower vehicle, more compact than other tier 5 heavies, but packing some punch. With a buffed engine, I believe it might be the most mobile of the tier 5 heavies, but also the most fragile one, with 50mm hull armor (unless they buff it unhistorically). 總結: 你會得到一輛與同階重坦比起來較慢,但是較小台的 T5 重坦,不過火力會比較大。 加上升級的引擎,我想 VK3001H 會是 T5 重坦當中機動性最好的一輛,不過也會是最脆 弱的一輛(因為裝甲只有 50mm,除非 WG 無視史實給它更厚的鋼板)。 = 完 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jerry78424 :75L43太扯了,比不三不四還爛 08/09 23:37
jimmy8343 :我只知道價錢會降低 可以再買回來玩 08/09 23:37
jerry78424 :而且我只覺得"不符合史實"就是WG不想作時的擋箭牌 08/09 23:37
jerry78424 :真想作什麼時就把這擋箭牌丟到一邊 08/09 23:38
zaku7777 :就遊戲性來說,我覺得3001P還比較接近是重坦. 08/09 23:45
zaku7777 :六階時,它的操作性很類似重坦,玩得熟的話,接七階容易 08/09 23:46
zaku7777 :3001H下接不三不四,也就那個頂砲塔正面硬而已. 08/09 23:48
zaku7777 :現在挪到五階,裝甲比不三不四還差... 08/09 23:49
peaceever :正面垂直裝甲只有50…? 08/09 23:49
Fewer :也好 不用買3001H了 點出來還沒買 等M出來 08/09 23:51
zaku7777 :火力又是五階重坦最差,真心坑人呀... 08/09 23:52
lover19 :而且拿這些問題去問官方永遠只會回你 好貼蘿蔔 08/09 23:53
peaceever :還有那砲…,這樣火力,裝甲,機動都輸五階MT的意思 08/09 23:53
fransice7 :我原本以為它下來會是五階最強中坦...結果科科 08/09 23:55
neverlight :果然是德系重坦XD 08/09 23:56
batterykugua:給他分房保護吧... 08/09 23:58
Alex21 :連75L48都沒有就感覺這推測不可能。 08/09 23:59
kill90206 :VK3001p本來就是為了重坦而開發的 08/10 01:49
kill90206 :但因為要加強防禦力 所以進化成虎p 08/10 01:50
kill90206 :VK3001p的車寬也是三台裡面最寬的 08/10 01:53
kill90206 :這是因為在原型車做出來前就已經考慮要裝KwK 36了 08/10 01:54
kill90206 :話說在改成4501p案後,克魯伯曾經建議過使用他們 08/10 01:56
kill90206 :正在開發的長88? 但沒有被博士採納 08/10 01:57
zmcef :爛透了,這砲 08/10 02:41
kill90206 :真的只有這些炮的話 是要當5階B1不成?xd 08/10 04:57
juunuon :蘇系不合史實>>平衡 其他不合史實>>改掉 08/10 19:21
fransice7 :......原來下來變成重坦,我以為還維持中坦-_- 08/10 19:31
hitlerx :重坦組員與重坦速度 但是中坦裝甲 Wrryyyyyy 08/10 21:15
jerry78424 :8.8之後...Q: VK3001H too weak? A: How terrible... 08/10 21:20
ken80117 :這不過是SS在用史實猜改版也能抱怨.... 08/11 09:35
victor0lynn :001h越來越怪了;好險都精英了 08/12 02:15
batterykugua:VK3001H和IS差不多大 是重坦想想勉強可以接受 08/12 09:40
fenixyaya :太扯了...玩過不3不4 現在又來坑車3001h... 08/12 10:45
fenixyaya :wg可以不要在坑德車了嗎..還是只是想補足德車t5 t6 08/12 10:46
fenixyaya :沒重坦的問題.. 08/12 10:46