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※ 引述《hint (???)》之銘言: : 請問有人收過維吉尼亞超速罰單嗎? : 我超速23 mile,被開reckless driving, : 在網路上看起來很嚴重,請問有人有相關經驗嗎? : 謝謝... : 我是賓州駕照,謝謝:) my coworker hired a lawyer to go to the court. it costs him 800 bucks. in return, he does not have to go to jail and just need to take driving classes and pay a small amount of fine. i think reckless driving is a felony. you better cosult someone with legal background. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: