看板 WesternMusic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
BEYONCE IS NOT AS HOT AS SHE THOUGHT! 2006-09-12 BY LT Dinwiddie A lot of people look at me as some rookie in the game when it comes to entertainment reporting. Just because I am not affiliated with a major news outlet, doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I’m talking about. I was the one who reported that critics hate the Beyonce “B-Day” album. I was the one who also reported that though it seems all good with Beyonce and her father there is a small rift over the lack of interest from fans, and her decision to record tracks without his approval. And just earlier this week I was the one who reported, and cast my opinion that Beyonce’s sophomore record wasn’t looking too good according to sales figures that I had exclusive access to, and I was 100% correct. Beyonce’s sophomore album debuted at number 47 on Billboard’s R&B charts. (http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger2/4271/2168/200/billboardbeyonce.jpg) Though the official release for the Hot 100 charts won’t be released until tomorrow, I can tell you now that Beyonce will fall way short of the 600K copies that were projected to be sold. According to my sources she will debut number one with an estimated 323,000-325,000 copies. Not bad for a second solo effort, but not as good as she could have done if she would have just listened to her manager/father. (下刪) 出處 http://contrydiction.blogspot.com/2006/09/ beyonce-not-as-hot-as-she-thought.html 似乎不被看好 R&B/HipHop專輯榜的第47名不那麼準確 (http://0rz.net/1e1Qg) 印象中 很多人會先在他們意屬的榜上推出專輯或單曲 也就是與流行榜(單曲榜或專輯OB榜)早一至二週 但第47名對Be來說不太好看啦 (同一週打入R&B/HipHop專輯榜的Beenie Man還在第2名咧,人家也還沒打流行榜啊,足足 比Be多了45個名次,有點難看喔......) 而歌聽來太剛太用力 恐怕如文中所說 "一意孤行"的結果會反映在銷售上 畢竟她老爹比她更熟悉市場運作吧 台灣媒體標題總是下得太快啊   所以 靜觀其變囉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
leechuan:真正的成績這禮拜才出來吧...篤定空降流行榜#1 09/13 16:12
leechuan:美國地區首週銷量56萬 09/13 16:16
molemilk:歌真的太鋼又太用力了... 09/13 17:39
sunaru:我覺得自從Billboard改變銷售計算方式後,光看第一週的排行 09/13 17:45
sunaru:是不準的,很多專輯的名次都掉得很快阿... 09/13 17:48
sunaru:不過我得說,Beyonce的這兩首主打歌已經讓我對她的好感消失 09/13 17:50
sunaru:殆盡了 Orz 09/13 17:52
orangepekoe:反應失真的狀況在單曲榜的情況比較明顯 09/13 18:31
halimouw:Deja Vu真的沒有當初crazy in love一聽驚為天人的感覺 09/13 18:31
orangepekoe:不過專輯榜仍然只計算銷售量,所以還是有一定指標性的 09/13 18:32
orangepekoe:不過先上R&B榜也有可能是這些店家偷跑先賣的緣故 09/13 18:33
orangepekoe:另外,除非是聖誕節時期,否則專輯看名次本來就不準 09/13 18:36
orangepekoe:現在這種首週名次衝高但迅速摔出榜外的專輯是越來越多 09/13 18:38
orangepekoe:所以能否在榜上維持一定名次又停留得久往往才是關鍵 09/13 18:39