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http://tinyurl.com/Miley-parernts-divorce Miley Cyrus' Parents File for Divorce by Reuters | October 27, 2010 5:44 EDT Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife Tish, the parents of teenage pop star Miley Cyrus, have filed for divorce in Tennessee after 17 years of marriage, the pair told People magazine on Wednesday. 本身也是多棲藝人的Billy Ray Cyrus 今天向"時人"雜誌證實:他跟小麥的母親Tish已經在田納西登記離婚 "As you can imagine, this is a very difficult time for our family," Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus said in a joint statement to the celebrity magazine. "We are trying to work through some personal matters. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers." Billy Ray與Tish發表共同聲明時說 "不難想像,我們家庭現在正處於艱困時刻" "我們現在正在處理一些私人問題,也感謝你們的關心與祈禱" The couple have five children including Miley, who became a teen sensation on her "Hannah Montana" Disney Channel television series and has built on that success with a singing career. Billy Ray Cyrus has long enjoyed popularity in country music, and also appears on the "Hannah Montana" TV show. 這對前夫妻名下共有5個孩子 最有名的當然是靠著影集"孟漢娜"一炮而紅的麥莉 Billy Ray本身也有參予該影集的演出 補充: 1.Cyrus家族其實還有一個人也是音樂圈的人 那就是小麥同母異父的哥哥Trace Cyrus 他曾經是Metro Station樂團的吉他手,不過該樂團已經在今年三月解散了 2.為何說Trace是麥莉同母異父的哥哥呢 因為Billy Ray 1992年才娶了Tish,但Trace 1989年就出生了 換句話說,這五個孩子當中,有兩位的親生父親並不是Billy Ray -- ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙   Who will be  O   O   O   O   O   O   O    the World Cup  巴   葡   英   西   巴      MVP? 西瓜  卡卡 C羅 魯尼 比利亞 范佩西 法比安諾 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
earthrise:這篇裡面我比較注意Metro Station解散了?! 可惜說..... 10/28 14:11
georgewesley:Shake Shake Shake Shake it成絕響了... 10/28 14:38
tubryan:Metro Station解散了?! (其他的內容不重要...) 10/28 16:35
asco12781111:Shake It 超HIGH的說 10/28 17:11
pida:同1F XD 10/28 17:55
littlemimimi:跟1F一樣XDDD 整篇的重點都歪掉了... 10/28 18:07
jessbianrad:看到Metro Station解散那邊很大聲的"蛤?!"了一下 10/28 19:10
sate:什麼!!居然解散了??我還在想怎麼沒新歌~~好lag 10/28 20:52
a65626780:超愛Shake It的... 10/29 02:02