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http://tinyurl.com/25bbopn Travie McCoy Arrested in Berlin for Spraying Graffiti by Scott Roxborough, The Hollywood Reporter | ?? 29, 2010 10:34 EDT Berlin police arrested rapper Travie McCoy after he sprayed graffiti on the Berlin Wall and bragged about it on Twitter. McCoy不僅在牆上塗鴉,他甚至將"戰果圖"po在自己的推特上 照片:http://plixi.com/p/53257645 Katy Perry's ex tagged one of last remnants of the historic wall at Berlin's East Side Gallery on Wednesday night. McCoy was in town for a gig at Berlin's Magnet Club. The singer announced his plans to despoil the wall on his Twitter feed, writing "The Berlin wall. I'm def gettin up on this before we leave tonight!!!" McCoy此次去德國的目的 是應柏林一家俱樂部的邀約,舉行小型演唱會 不過他似乎早就另有預謀,他在自己的推特上面寫道 "柏林圍牆,在我離開之前我一定要在你身上留下紀念!" After the graffiti attack he posted pictures of his work -- his name in blue bubbled lettering. Police took McCoy and a 28-year-old accomplice into custody. He was later released on €1,500 bail ($2,081) and headed to Amsterdam to continue his European tour. 柏林警方發現此事時,將他與另一位28歲的共犯逮捕並拘留 McCoy後來以1千5百塊歐元交保,目前他已經在阿姆斯特丹繼續他的歐洲巡迴 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 我看到這外電才發現:原來他是凱蒂佩芮的前男友 -- 每週好片推薦 3.淘汰筆記本 上映時間:2010-06-11 本片是賣座日片"死亡筆記本"的續集外傳 故事描述一名老牌足球明星,在退秀之後獲電台邀請成為知名球評 有一天他在地上撿到一本空白的手冊,並把它用來預測球賽結果 但沒想到的是:越是被他看好的球隊... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (10/29 23:59)
xo1100:唱Billionaire的兩個都被捕了... 10/30 00:05
tubryan:推樓上 XDDDD 10/30 00:06
h344567:真假?! Katy那麼正 怎麼會...XD 10/30 00:10
booksweet:so~ fu*king bad~ 10/30 00:11
sampsonlu919:其實想到凱蒂現在的老公 她跟誰交往我都不意外 10/30 00:14
h344567:也是 剛看到他老公 我嚇了一跳= = 10/30 00:17
hecticgem:1樓 4樓XDDD 10/30 04:25
earthrise:嫌他幹嘛 我覺得他比羅素帥啊(羅素看起來更髒) 而且他和 10/30 08:04
earthrise:kelly rowland合作的daylight好好聽 10/30 08:04
aa1:一樓XDDD 10/30 10:36
asunyyi:拍Cupid's Chokehold時好像就在一起了 我覺得他很帥阿... 10/30 13:37
earthrise:katy超愛他的,後來是因為女想嫁男不想定 10/30 15:08
sampsonlu919:樓上 那不就是Hot N Cold的真實版了? 10/30 20:01
darkblue5:Katy的Circle The Drain不就是在寫Travie McCoy? 10/30 20:09
q0917746577:還有Ur So Gay也是在說他XD 10/31 02:03
earthrise:所以沒事不要把很會寫歌的人甩掉,會變成靈感 10/31 02:48
hikkiyo:不就還好分手了才有hot n cold可以聽XD 11/01 00:15