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專輯在發行的首4週 價格低於$3.49美元 將不被Billboard 列入計算銷售量 數位單曲發在發行的首3個月價格低於$0.39也會不被列入數位榜銷售量 原文網址 http://ppt.cc/,PV8 Unit sales for Albums priced below $3.49 during their first four weeks of release will not be eligible for inclusion on the Billboard album charts and will not count towards sales data presented by Nielsen SoundScan. *The rule also applies to reissued titles. *New Holiday/Seasonal titles must meet the minimum threshold through the final week of the calendar year. *Unit sales for albums or EPs with 8 or less tracks will not be eligible for charting if the retail price is less than the sum of the tracks on the release, multiplied by $0.39. *Minimum pricing for a multi-disc album (not a single disc with extra tracks), where the extra disc is audio content, will be $3.49 times the amount of discs being made available. *For digital-only deluxe editions, any extra content exceeding nine tracks would be considered the equivalent of an extra disc. Each additional 10 tracks thereafter would be the equivalent of an additional disc. Unit sales for Digital Tracks priced below $0.39 during their first three months of release will not be eligible for inclusion on Billboard's digital songs charts. If a retailer offering a title for less than the above stated prices is a daily reporter to Nielsen SoundScan, units will be removed for charting purposes solely for the dates in which the title was priced less than the minimum. *If a title was priced under the minimum during a portion of the day, all sales for that title on that day will not count towards the Billboard charts unless accurate transaction data for that title during the specific sales hours can be provided to Nielsen SoundScan for verification. If a retailer offering a title for less than the above stated prices is a weekly reporter to Nielsen SoundScan, all units for that title sold by the retailer in the week will be removed for charting purposes unless accurate transaction data for that title on the sale date(s) can be provided to Nielsen SoundScan for verification . Please note that the minimum pricing rule would not apply to any store-wide music liquidation sales. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
aoisaiky:太棒了!!!!!!!! 11/17 19:13
likeaprayer:這樣改比較不容易引起爭議@@ 而且有考慮到公司會在發 11/17 19:16
likeaprayer:行一段時間後以折扣促銷的情況 算是考慮周詳了~~ 11/17 19:17
test05test:0.39 單曲還是太便宜… 11/17 19:30
hankxtina:過那麼久才改!..為啥當初Blackout發行週制度卻改得那麼 11/17 19:54
hankxtina:快?Q_Q..... 11/17 19:55
rollin:Blackout到底有沒有破百萬? 11/17 21:09
hankxtina:破了呀!今年七月就破了! 11/17 21:15
rollin:是後來重購破了嗎? 有重新進榜嗎? 11/17 21:21
blackcat1120:因為GAGA和RIRI KATY等的爭議改的嗎? 可是單曲通常只 11/17 22:55
blackcat1120:會降到0.69耶... 11/17 22:55
evanzxcv:會不會改了以後唱片公司就故意調成$3.50 $0.40啊 XDD 11/18 00:15
ck220708:那就是歌迷賺到了? 11/18 00:24
ck220708:賣那麼便宜畢竟不是長久之計吧? 11/18 00:24
evanzxcv:賣那麼便宜,說實在的,公司還是賺 11/18 00:32
blackcat1120:降價通常不是要長賣 而是用來衝名次的XD 11/18 00:33
evanzxcv:賣貴的根本原因是納許平衡啊...大家都賣便宜雖然賺得多 11/18 00:35
evanzxcv:但只要一家公司賣貴就會賠慘,乾脆大家一起賣貴 11/18 00:36
braveshsu:Good job 11/18 00:40
hankxtina:Blackout是歌迷重購日的前一週破百萬的!不過好像沒有重 11/18 00:52
hankxtina:新進榜!>< 11/18 00:52
IAmFreeAndU:反應太慢 足足慢了半年 11/20 14:36