看板 WesternMusic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
歌名好長O_O 附歌詞連結 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5nXs-D9whY
今天在書店聽到就覺得這首很特別(當然,這一整張都超讚的……) 歌詞就像水管下面的評論說的 This song gives me shivers. 稍微查了一下這首歌的背景 If You Could See Me Now pays tribute to Danny's beloved late father Shay, also a musician, who died unexpectedly of a stomach aneurysm, and Mark's late parents — his mother died four months before Danny's dad and he'd lost his father when he was aged just 14. Mark says: "We're quite happy lads in real life but we just vent everything in our music. We wear our hearts on our sleeves and put everything into our music. "If You Could See Me Now is the first time we've rinsed ourselves that deeply. There's been a lot bottled up and we felt there was a hole in the album and we weren't being honest enough until this song. "We really hit the whiskies one night, that was the catalyst. We were very emotional and wrote a song about this — Danny one end of the room, me at another. "It was a tough one to write and I didn't want anyone to listen to it at first, if I'm honest. But that's what we're in music for — that honest emotion. I'm so proud of that song." 簡而言之, 大概是說這是兩位主唱獻給已逝世親人──Danny的父親死於胃動脈瘤,而Mark的雙親也 是先後在他14歲的時候辭世──的一首歌,兩人首次於歌曲中相當程度的剖析、面對自 己,並且用這首歌豐富了整張專輯。 Mark也提到,其實一開始是不想讓其他人聽到這份作品的,但「真實的情緒」就是他們 在音樂方面所追求的,所以還是相當以這首歌為傲。 …… 我自己是覺得,理解背後的故事之後,看歌詞會特別有感觸 總之,希望大家也會喜歡這首歌:) 參考資料: http://0rz.tw/XpPM2 (這一整篇很長,喜歡他們的板友可以慢慢看) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pishan:這首好有感覺喔....會讓我想嘗試他們其他的歌!! 09/11 22:05
TaylorSwift:新專輯好讚><! 09/11 22:07
elqqaapple:已經買新專輯了:) 09/11 22:34
Hanabiayu:這首是我這張的前三愛>_< 09/11 23:48
hownever:這首歌很棒,個人也很愛專輯Good Ol'Days和Give The Love 09/11 23:50
hownever:Around,加值曲也有水準。 09/11 23:51
Eeli2008:他們怎麼變這麼多 09/12 20:46
beastyaya:淚推Q_Q 09/14 00:04
addyson:推! 知道故事之後聽這首歌根本催淚... 09/14 14:04
elaine199079:這首超好聽 09/14 15:51
togepy1205:推! 09/14 23:32
s44152002:推!! 坦然的面對感情也賦予了這首歌生命和意義 09/16 01:07
sneak: 這首歌很棒,個人也很愛 https://daxiv.com 11/25 20:21
sneak: 這首是我這張的前三愛> http://yofuk.com 01/16 17:38