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原文及圖的網址:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-20295542 Charts seek to stay on top after 60 years It is 60 years since American crooner Al Martino topped the first ever UK singles chart. Are the charts still relevant in an age when Top of the Pops has been replaced by YouTube as the number one destination for pop fans? 有60年歷史的英國單曲榜,在排行榜節目TOTP結束以及Youtube崛起之後,是否還能夠表 示歌曲真正的流行度呢? When Robbie Williams scored his 14th number one hit earlier this month, there was little doubt about what being at the top of the charts meant to him. "I haven't been number one since 2004 and it's great... I am number one - it feels brilliant," he said. "There's a lot of vindication, happiness and relief." For Williams, wounded by a series of flops, being number one again was proof that he was still a star. More singles are now sold than ever - about 3.5 million per week - and, judging by the ear-splitting screams that greet stars like JLS and One Direction when they step near a stage, pop music still matters. 單曲銷售不斷在增加,已達到每週350萬首。 But a lot has changed in the last decade or two. More than 99% of all single sales are now downloads and pop fans have many more ways of getting music - from YouTube to file-sharing to streaming services like Spotify, none of which count towards the charts. 但在最近的一、二十年有了很大的變化,現在99%單曲銷售都來自下載,同時音樂迷們獲 取音樂的方式也變得更多,像是Youtube與檔案共享空間,以及線上串流服務像是Spotify ;這些部分沒有任一項在榜單中有做計算。 It also feels like the charts are less central to our lives than they were when the top 10 was beamed into 15 million living rooms every Thursday night on Top of the Pops. 這樣看起來排行榜在生活中的地位似乎不如以往-一個每周四晚上高達1500萬人觀看 TOTP前十名倒數的時代。 "In an environment where singles sales are booming, the chart still is very relevant," says Martin Talbot, managing director of the Official Charts Company. "You need to sell about twice as many copies as you did about 10 years ago to get to number one." Official Charts Company常務董事Martin Talbot反駁,現在單曲銷售上漲,你必須銷 售以前兩倍的數量才能登上第一,因此榜單還是很有重要性的。 After the demise of Top of the Pops, MTV became the home of the official charts on TV. Rather than 15 million, 1.1 million people watch the top 20 and top 40 rundowns across MTV's channels per week. A further 1.2 million tune in to the weekly countdown on BBC Radio 1. TOTP結束之後,觀眾改觀看MTV-不再是1500萬人而是110萬人-來得知榜單;有120萬人 則收聽BBC Radio 1獲知每週的名次。 When Top of the Pops was axed, the BBC said it was a victim of competition from "multimedia and niche musical outlets which enable viewers to consume music of their choice, any time night or day". TOTP停播時,BBC表示這是受到現在發達的多媒體使群眾消費音樂方式大為增多所致,這 讓每個人都能隨時選擇自己喜歡的音樂。 The internet and countless digital TV and radio channels now offer seemingly endless choice, and have split the music scene into a honeycomb of self-sufficient niches. Today, chart pop is just the biggest niche. Those who do not like it can easily ignore it. 今天,榜單只是諸多利基中最大的一個,任何人不喜歡都可以忽略它。 And fans no longer have to shell out to hear a song they like. YouTube offers a virtually exhaustive jukebox and recent research from the US suggested that more teenagers now listen to music through YouTube than iTunes, CDs or the radio. The rise of video sites and streaming services have made tracking the popularity of a song much more complicated. 現在要聽到喜歡的音樂也容易多了,Youtube就像一個全方位的點唱機,一份最近的研究 發現美國青少年透過Youtube聽音樂的比例甚至超越了iTunes, CD或是廣播。 "That's the constant challenge that we face - trying to ensure that the official singles chart is the definitive representation of popularity," Talbot says. 「這是單曲榜面臨的挑戰,如何保持反應歌曲真實的流行度。」Talbot表示。 "Clearly, when the chart was first launched, they were very innocent times. There was one bloke picking up a phone, calling a couple of dozen retailers, writing down what they had sold on a piece of paper and then compiling it into a chart." 「排行榜創立之日,是一個純真的年代-當時人們透過打電話給幾個銷售商,在紙上寫上 他們賣了多少唱片,然後將其計算進榜單。」 The singles chart still simply counts sales rather than YouTube views or Spotify streams. 今天英國單曲榜仍然只計算銷售,不包含其他線上串流服務。 "The only way of changing that at the moment, by adding streaming, would effectively compromise what that chart is all about - make it less transparent, slow it down, make it less dynamic and fundamentally make it less interesting," Talbot says. Talbot說,唯一的改變方式是加入前述的串流部分,但這會使排行榜變的不透明,排名變 動減緩進而使它變得比較無趣。 "The reality is that I don't think the chart is any less interesting, relevant and reflective of what music people are enjoying on a week-by-week basis." New developments The Official Charts Company did recently launch a separate streaming chart, based on information from the likes of Spotify, We7, Napster and Deezer. Official Charts Company最近創立了一個獨立的榜單,計算依據是來自線上串流服務 Spotify等收聽的情況。 Some 2.6 billion audio streams were delivered in the UK last year - dwarfing the number of download sales - and countries including the US have begun to incorporate such streams into their main singles charts. 去年在英國總計有26億次線上串流收聽,這超過了下載的銷量數字;美國等國家已經開始 將串流服務納入榜單的計算。 But that is unlikely to happen in the UK - at least while download sales are still rising, Talbot says. "The number of downloads being bought on a weekly basis would need to start to stabilise and start falling, and we would need to start seeing a decline in the number of singles you need to sell to get into the top 10 or 20," he says. "It's going in exactly the opposite direction at the moment. And we need to see streaming as an activity begin to catch up with purchasing as an activity." 但Talbot說這暫時不可能在英國實行,至少在下載銷量仍在上漲之際-必須要等到單曲銷 售開始穩定或下降,串流服務顯現出取代銷售之勢才可能去考慮計算它。 If a streamed single counted towards the official top 40, one thorny question is how much one stream would be worth compared to one sale. 但串流次數與銷售數字之間究竟要怎麼換算呢?Talbot表示當你開始思考出一些計算方式 之後,無可避免的榜單的透明性就降低了,外界對於榜單代表意義的理解也變得不明。因 此,要走出這步對於榜單的概念影響將會很大。 "When you start getting into formulae, inevitably you begin to chip away at that transparency and immediate understanding of what the official chart is about," Talbot says. "That's a big philosophical step for us as an industry." The simplicity of the charts has been an asset as the music industry and media have transformed around them. And as long as the charts are around, musicians will always want to get to number one. 在音樂產業與媒體變化極大的時候,榜單的直截了當被認為是一資產(asset);只要排行 榜存在的一天,音樂家就會想要得到第一。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
braveshsu:拜託不要 這是我認為英美兩榜最不同的地方 11/14 20:15
Tornadola:改了的話 就像美榜一樣前幾名就先卡個幾個月 QQ 11/14 21:03
tenghui:看法同1F 11/14 21:30
aoisaiky:拜託不要改+1 11/14 21:48
addyson:不要改+1 11/14 22:35
grafan:美國比爾伯伯榜相較於十幾年前 真是無聊到爆 喜歡英國榜+1 11/14 22:41
luciferkiss:拜託不要改+1 11/14 23:05
AnExotic:比爾伯真的很無趣! 11/14 23:25
Apple0230:比爾伯變動太小了 囧 11/15 00:08
※ 編輯: Eeli2008 來自: (11/15 00:18)
Brand1985:之前整理英國榜邊整理邊聽歌就很慶幸英國的制度。 11/15 01:08
Snowmiss:我覺得Billboard Hot100會考慮各種因素作為排名標準 11/15 01:14
Snowmiss:就是想確定各種渠道的流行因素,來決定出一首目前人人都 11/15 01:15
Snowmiss:迷上的流行歌曲.可是缺點也在於這些因素不少是受人為影響 11/15 01:16
Snowmiss:英國榜其實要改變,我個人站在認同的位子上,可是最重要的 11/15 01:17
Snowmiss:是排行榜公司有辦法納入更公平的評分系統,而不是胡亂 11/15 01:18
Snowmiss:把一些因素如Youtube及其他streaming隨意加入,那只是會 11/15 01:18
Snowmiss:背道而馳.要如何改變卻不影響本質.. 11/15 01:19
grafan:youtube一點都不會客觀 請工讀生天天點 誰有錢誰歌就紅了 11/15 01:37
evanzxcv:請工讀生寫個小程式就好了 不用真的天天點XD 11/15 01:52
Athletics:沒有甚麼排行榜是沒有操作空間吧? 11/15 02:12
nyyfederer:拜託不要... 11/15 12:25
test05test:滑鼠精靈 給他重新整理掛著就好了 11/15 16:41
kissahping:覺得YouTube可以這樣洗的也太天真。 11/15 19:51
ayuELT:我也覺得 11/15 22:47
nyyfederer:所以有人要教一下 youtube要怎麼洗嗎 XDDDDDDDD 11/16 04:43
evanzxcv:當然不是用手洗,現在連衣服大家都用洗衣機洗了 11/16 05:38
sneak: 看法同1F https://daxiv.com 01/16 17:42