看板 WesternMusic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Justin Timberlake Ft Jay-Z - Suit & Tie http://countdown.justintimberlake.com/ 在官網倒數結束前先曝光了, 目前反應普普...跟之前的作品比起來好像沒有多突破。 不過很可能是 promo single? update: Justin寫了公開信給歌迷。 強調音樂還是他的最愛,並說去年六月就開始進錄音室玩音樂。 後來玩出靈感決定再出新專輯。 An Open Letter to you (the fans): I hope this gets to you the right way. It’s the only way I know to do it. Some people may criticize me for the last 3 days. But it was fun, right?? Right?!?! Besides, I’d rather speak directly to all of you. And, who can knock me for having a little bit of fun with it? Well… No more teasing. Although, it was A LOT of fun. (Did I mention that I’ m having fun with this?? Ha!) *Makes a serious face* So, here goes: This year is an exciting one for me. As you probably have heard through the “ grapevine,” I’m gearing up for a big 2013. Back in June of last year, I quietly started working on what is now, my next journey with that thing I love called MUSIC. The inspiration for this really came out of the blue and to be honest, I didn ’t expect anything out of it. I just went into the studio and started playing around with some sounds and songs. It was probably the best time I’ ve had in my career… Just creating with no rules and/or end goal in mind and really enjoying the process. What I came up with is something I couldn’t be more excited about! It is full of inspiration that I grew up listening to and some newfound muses that I ’ve discovered along the way. I’m calling it “The 20/20 Experience,” and it’s coming out this year. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it. That’s all I’m giving you for now… I know, I know! Again, with the teasing!!! Get ready. This is going to be fun (well, at least it is for me). – Justin -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Rfed 來自: (01/14 12:52)
super1937:剛也看到了+1 01/14 12:54
super1937:還不錯啦XD JT就是要推!! 01/14 12:55
stanleymao:已被移除 01/14 13:02
※ 編輯: Rfed 來自: (01/14 13:03)
Rfed:補上官網倒數完,真的是這首 01/14 13:03
Rfed:專輯名也如外傳是 The 20/20 Experience 01/14 13:04
anjohn:我覺得很好聽耶!!!!! 01/14 13:39
likeaprayer:一開始聽到前奏不太喜歡,聽完覺得很棒!! 01/14 13:41
anabiosis:一開頭以為聽到 "現在~現在~" XD 01/14 14:03
hownever:I like its vibe. 01/14 14:19
※ 編輯: Rfed 來自: (01/14 14:54)
Rfed:現在在 iTunes賣得好猛,也只有他能離開這麼久還是這麼紅了 01/14 15:03
premiumGT:好聽但沒什麼主打氣勢 應該只是當promo single而已 01/14 15:34
addyson:現在~現在~ +1 XD 01/14 15:52
dylanshe:iTunes美國剛才看11名,這首歌真的好聽耶! 01/14 16:42
joyride:還滿喜歡的~~~ 01/14 17:07
roseva:好聽<3 01/14 17:37
tt1069:台灣iTunes Store也可以購買和試聽了 http://ppt.cc/WtAl 01/14 17:49
sonybmg:Taiwan #8 01/14 18:00
sonybmg:Taiwan #6 01/14 18:12
sonybmg:Taiwan #3 01/14 18:30
sonybmg:Taiwan #2 01/14 19:31
rocked8019:現在好好笑XD 01/14 19:35
cgy0710:好聽!!!! 01/14 20:09
im5566:好聽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/14 20:40
dopi:上張專輯太厲害,期待這張有更好表現 01/14 21:02
eric760416:我覺得蠻友質感的一首歌耶!!很時尚啊,但好像不會太紅 01/14 22:04
minogue:大賈終於回來惹 時尚質感的hip hop 讚 01/14 22:12
wwwayneya:氣勢稍弱但質感流行帥氣感兼具的好歌!! 01/14 22:49
nobodyshome:恭喜台灣攻頂XD 01/14 23:20
sonybmg:耶~台灣 #1 01/14 23:42
anabiosis:大賈歌聲依然sexy呀~ 這首我覺得很耐聽耶已經聽一整天了 01/14 23:51
anabiosis:大家對JT期望超高 所以才會有普評出現吧 其實是好歌阿! 01/14 23:52
apaen:超級耐聽的啊啊啊(迷妹模式[被毆]) 01/15 00:33
waynekai0425:好難聽 01/15 00:46
wednesday323:開心的推不出文來 01/15 01:16
KID543:未聽先淚推! 歡迎回來賈斯汀!(咬手帕) 01/15 01:36
KID543:我覺得這首歌應該是promo 就像很多藝人隔很久回歸之後會先 01/15 01:39
KID543:出一首試水溫 之後才是主打 (個人覺得這首不錯! 01/15 01:40
steffi1024:除了那40秒前奏 後面很正常 這節奏我愛 01/15 09:43
euruing:喜歡! 01/15 11:54
stanleymao:前幾次聽覺得不怎麼樣,甚至記不起來,但是越聽越喜歡 01/15 12:32
sigur:好聽! 01/15 14:29
heroinshade:前面超像念經是怎樣XD 01/15 16:30
bleach1991:我很喜歡前段耶XDDDDDDD 01/15 20:59
bleach1991:如果是Promo就席捲榜單了,正式單出來延續氣勢會賣多好 01/15 21:00
ThomasMuller:我覺得這首越聽越耐聽 01/15 23:06
ThomasMuller:而且我現在開始狂聽他之前的專輯 有人跟我一樣嗎? XD 01/15 23:06
anabiosis:從消息一出來就狂聽之前專輯+1 真的很想大賈阿~ 01/16 01:03
hysteriablue:除了歌以外也趕快跳厲害的舞啊啊啊 01/16 01:18
anabiosis:http://youtu.be/cJzRZ0T5ewc justintimberlakeVEVO水管 01/16 01:51
a9211030:狂聽+1 01/16 12:45
eric760416:明明就很時尚(愚粉) 01/16 12:53
seperate21:超喜歡這首阿~~~~~ 01/16 17:01
likeaprayer:JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE–Suit&Tie f/JAY-Z:39.454(+38.703 01/16 17:53
likeaprayer:第二天增加38.7m... 01/16 17:53
willgo:哇~ 好聽耶~~ 01/16 22:09
a9211030:不錯 不過之前太棒 這首有點沒氣勢 01/16 22:40
a9211030:這次CB有點不太妙..怎麼不讓Timbaland當製作人... 01/16 22:42
KID543:Timbaland編曲的tone調有點膩了(舉手) 01/17 00:53
KID543:不過聽說這次新專輯製作人仍是Timbaland~ 01/17 00:58
sonybmg:Billboard非常看好這首新歌 http://tinyurl.com/9wf2rs2 01/17 12:56
shyKR:JT!!!!!!!! 01/18 21:24
nn528:耐聽~repeat中 01/18 22:57
a1b2a3g4h:CB是啥?我還OB勒 01/21 19:06
shyKR:CB是chris brown? 01/22 14:16
stanleymao:應該是come back? 01/24 23:34
sneak: 從消息一出來就狂聽之前 https://noxiv.com 01/16 17:45