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【新聞】嘉貝麗將推出《Now and Always: 20 Years of Dreaming》 http://www.urbanunion.tw/2013/10/now-and-always-20-years-of-dreaming.html 常以太陽眼鏡、眼罩,甚至頭髮遮蓋右眼聞名的英倫女伶嘉貝麗(Gabrielle),將發行 個人第二張精選輯,同時也是睽違六年之新作《Now and Always: 20 Years of Dreaming 》,紀念入行屆滿二十年。 嘉貝麗1993年出道即以〈Dreams〉榮登英國金榜、全美舞曲榜冠軍,打響名號。之後成績 、銷量皆相當穩定,1999年專輯《耀眼奪目》(Rise)空降英國榜第一、和巴布狄倫( Bob Dylan)合寫的同名主打連霸雙周冠軍,助其攀上生涯顛峰。2001年趁勢推出首張精 選《美夢成真》(Dreams Can Come True, Greatest Hits Vol. 1),狂賣四白金,成為 該年度最暢銷專輯第五名,歌曲〈Out Of Reach〉則被相中為電影《BJ單身日記》( Bridget Jones's Diary)主題曲,全球知名度快速蔓延。 Naughty Boy x Gabrielle - Hollywood(Live) http://youtu.be/KVXYGidE_Ak
2007年《永恆星光》(Always)問世後嘉貝麗幾近淡出歌壇,除了2008年擔任艾爾格林( Al Green)英國巡迴演唱助陣嘉賓外,直至今年才秘密獻聲頑皮男孩(Naughty Boy)專 輯一曲〈Hollywood〉。此次嘉貝麗與Island唱片總裁Darcus Beese簽約,帶著《Now and Always: 20 Years of Dreaming》歸來,力邀頑皮男孩、Syience、Paddy Byrne、 DBH等人操刀,共收錄三十四首歌曲,包含六首全新作品,將於11月25日發行,目前可在 iTunes試聽片段。 《Now and Always: 20 Years of Dreaming》曲目: 01. Say Goodbye (New) 02. Rise (from "Rise") 03. When a Woman (from "Rise") 04. Knew Me (New) 05. Give Me a Little More Time (from "Gabrielle") 06. Dreams ft. Naughty Boy (New Version) 07. Heartbreaker (from "Always") 08. Show Me What You Got (New) 09. It Takes Time (New) 10. Walk on By (from "Gabrielle") 11. Out of Reach (from "Dreams Can Come True, Greatest Hits Vol. 1") 12. Now and Always (New) 13. Fallen Angel (from "Play to Win") 14. Holding On for You (New) 15. Sunshine (from "Rise") 16. Dreams (from "Find Your Way") 17. Closure (from "Always") 18. If You Ever ft. East 17 (from "Gabrielle") 19. Falling (from "Rise") 20. Going Nowhere (from "Find Your Way") 21. I Wish (from "Find Your Way") 22. I Remember (from "Always") 23. Because of You (from "Find Your Way") 24. Don't Need the Sun to Shine (To Make Me Smile) (from "Dreams Can Come True, Greatest Hits Vol. 1") 25. Should I Stay (from "Rise") 26. All I Want (from "Always") 27. Why ft. Paul Weller (from "Always") 28. Ten Years Time (from "Play to Win") 29. Forget About the World (from "Gabrielle") 30. Every Little Teardrop (from "Always") 31. Show Me Love (from "Always") 32. Sunshine (Wookie Main Mix) (from "Rise Underground") 33. Rise (Artful Dodger Board Vox Mix) (from "Rise Underground") 34. Forget About the World (Daft Punk Mix) (from "Forget About the World" CD1) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
orangepekoe:推! 10/05 03:09
Unfriendly:很喜歡她的Dreams,好期待:)! 10/06 19:10
pentoxide:我是聽了naughty boy才知道他,好大一隻 10/06 20:16
craigua:她以前在英國很紅!嗓音很獨特好聽~ 10/06 20:37