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PSY暴紅、惠妮辭世 2012好萊塢十大熱事 【世界日報╱記者馬雲/綜合報導】 2013.01.10 03:07 am 美國影藝業權威媒體「好萊塢報導」(Hollywood Reporter)日前評 選出2012年好萊塢年度十大事件,有些甚至可能影響到影視產業未來 的發展,有些則是出人意料卻驚人的事故與意外。 1. 迪士尼帝國 2. 惠妮休士頓辭世 作為舉世聞名的成功歌手,惠妮休士頓(Whitney Houston)2012年 出人意外地結束了她48年的生命歷程。她生前與凱文寇斯納(Kevin Costner)合演的「終極保鏢」(The Bodyguard)以及片中主題曲I will always love you,曾風靡全世界,成為那一代人難忘的回憶。 ****************** 3. 「早安,美國」 收視奪魁 4. NBC鹹魚翻生 5. 「蝙蝠俠」遇槍擊 6. 克拉許離開「芝街」 7. 名人助選團 8. 查寧塔圖變大咖 9. 恐襲成焦點 10.「江南style」暴紅 http://udn.com/NEWS/ENTERTAINMENT/ENT4/7622289.shtml Top 10 Stories of 2012: Disney's Extreme Makeover to Psy's Record-Breaking 'Gangnam Style' 12/28/2012 2. Whitney Houston Dies The 2012 Grammys turned from celebratory to somber with the Feb. 11 death of the iconic singer, who died of accidental drowning in her bathtub at the Beverly Hilton just hours before she was scheduled to appear at Clive Davis' annual pre-Grammy gala at the same hotel. With her death coming less than 24 hours before the big show, producers scrambled to pull together a tribute to the star. When all was said and done, the 48-year-old left her entire estate to daughter Bobbi Kristina, who went on to appear in Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse, give Oprah's Next Chapter record ratings with an interview and land a reality show alongside her family. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/top-10-stories-2012-disneys-406419 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
weichlai:Whitney離開我們快滿1年了...... 01/10 17:10
IAmFreeAndU:人家板主小~~~~~~海豹才說不走紀念風 你就馬上...XDDD 01/11 21:00
IAmFreeAndU:真的不愧是交機老白(讚美) 愛迪大大!! XDDDDDDDDD 01/11 21:01
IAmFreeAndU:我們這一輩的新小白 完全無法比擬...XDDDD 01/11 21:02
superdy:繼續愛惠100年 不搞紀念fu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/13 00:10
lostseal:哈哈 01/13 00:49
superdy:繼續愛豹100年 01/13 01:43
gn02174082:時間過的太快......... 01/17 09:30