看板 WindowsPhone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
BGR confirms own-branded Microsoft Windows Phone BGR claims to have learned from their sources that Microsoft is indeed making their own smartphone, as leaked by China Times yesterday. They claim a trusted source informed them several weeks ago that “Microsoft is quietly working on an own-brand smartphone that will compete directly with high-end devices like Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone 5 and Samsung’s Galaxy S III, and also with Windows Phones built by its own vendor partners, of course.” The handset is apparently in the late stages of development, but will not be released with this wave of Windows Phone 8 handsets. No other information has been leaked. The news may be pretty bad news for Nokia and Windows Phone in general. Microsoft has been less than aggressive with Windows Phone in general, seemingly working much faster with prompting by partners by Nokia. In addition their efforts have been largely US focused, except again when prompted by more international partners like Nokia. A Microsoft Windows Phone would likely distract severely from efforts by other OEMs while at the same time seeing limited distribution. Will our readers wait for the rumoured Microsoft Windows Phone, or buy a Nokia or HTC now? Let us know in the poll below. http://wp.me/piduq-kiC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Nuaaukw:糟糕,板主要動搖了,究竟要年底衝NokiaTW還是明年衝M$呢 10/03 08:18
BenShiuan:NokiaTW:年底?我怎麼不知道。 10/03 08:27
phreniax:假想圖正面很好看,背面拜託別那樣做。 10/03 08:39
s221080:時間不是一樣嗎?都明年阿@@ 10/03 08:44
IkariD:http://fav.me/d54trfa 假想圖來源 10/03 09:06
Nuaaukw:我沒說年底是今年年底吧?(硬拗)(逃) 10/03 09:22
fewo:好想要... 10/03 13:46
battlewind:這個假想圖..怎嚜有IP5的味道... 10/03 14:56
Analogue:如果是假想圖這樣我要買! 10/03 15:10
wansincere:這假想圖太讚了0.0 10/03 16:52
ByronX:這不就之前的那張 放在網格上的 10/03 17:17
Greentale:大家快買微軟的機子 這樣920多少會降一點價!! 10/03 17:44
haro2:才不會~諾記超優哉的,台灣上市不及,I鳳賣翻也不跟人拼C/P 10/03 17:51
haro2:我是說900時 10/03 17:52
Nuaaukw:台灣市場本來就連牙縫都不夠 =o=y~~ 你確定900沒跟人拼? 10/03 17:53
duck10704:好正點啊!!! 10/03 22:20