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地區:United States (English) App 名稱:Wallpaper Patterns 類型:entertainment 系統需求: Windows Phone 8 連結:http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=2642f8a6-1cd3-4bb2-80f3-33f8e3463ee4 解析度:HD720P (720x1280) WVGA (480x800) WXGA (768x1280) 售價:Free 評價:★★★★ Download thousands of beautiful patterns for your lock screen or wallpaper from COLOURlovers community. The app is meticulously designed to look great on Windows Phone. Many new patterns are added every day. More features coming soon. Don't hesitate to contact us with your suggestions. Features: - Endless variety of patterns - Browse latest or most popular patterns - Set a pattern as a lock screen or wallpaper - Save a list of favorites - Save patterns to your image library - Share patterns with your friends - Companion app for Windows 8.1 The app is free and supported by a single ad on the bottom of the page 在WPCentral看到的~ 就是一款可以混合多種圖案樣式產生炫麗鎖屏畫面的App。好像暫不支援5"以上螢幕。 -- 2ch:「韓国」と「ウンコ食う」って語感が似てるからウンコ食う 文化から韓国が誕生した 2ch:韓国(Kankoku)和「ウンコ食う(Wunkokuu)=吃大便」語感相似 所以就誕生了有吃大便文化的韓國 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ayumori:推 很美的桌布! 02/16 21:09
yeahwazzup:很早就在用了,復古圖樣和現代幾何都超有質感。 02/16 23:41