看板 WorkanTravel 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下資訊是在網路亂看發現到的 感覺應該還蠻有用的(不過初步看起來有些翻譯怪怪的, 看有沒有熱心的版友可以幫忙 謝謝) 分享給熱血的背包客 ========forklift 筆試考題====== 1.you are required to inspect your forklift truck before use . name at least four liquid levels that would form part of your inspection (在使用推高機之前,你必須檢查哪四種液體?) hydraulic oil engine oil transmission oil brake fluid (液壓油、引擎油、變速油、剎車油) 2.you are required to inspect your forklift before use . name at least four parts which would form part of your inspection (在使用推高機之前,你必須檢查哪四種部位?) brakes controls lights tyres (剎車、操控裝置、燈、輪胎) @3.what precaution should be taken by operator when a leak in the fuel system is suspected or detected? (在懷疑或檢查出燃料系統有漏油的情形時,操作者必須做甚麼預防措施?) stop forklift and fuel remove the key report authorised person put warning notice do not use (關閉推高機和燃料系統、移除鑰匙、報告主管、放置警告標誌不准使用) 4.during your pre operational check a hydraulic leak is detected . what action would you take ? (在操作之前檢查出液壓有疑似漏油情形,你必須採取什麼措施?) remove the key report authorised person put warning notice do not use (移除鑰匙、報告主管、放置警告標誌不准使用) @5.during your pre operational check you notice the Date Plate is missing or unreadable.what action would you take ? (在操作之前檢查出儀表板可能故障,你必須採取什麼措施?) remove the key report authorised person put warning notice do not use (移除鑰匙、報告主管、放置警告標誌不准使用) 6.under what circumstances could an operator make minor repairs , alterations or adjustments to a forklift truck ? (在甚麼情形之下,操作者可以對推高機進行簡單地修復、 改造、調整?) only if competent and allowed by employer . (必須由老闆授權給可以勝任的人) 7.if you noticed a crack in the heel of a fork arm would you try and repair it yourself ? (如果你發現推高機的推高臂底部有裂痕,你會嘗試並修復嗎?) no . report authorised person . put warning notice do not use . (不,報告主管,放置危險標籤不准使用) 8.a tyre is found to have low pressure. when would you attend to this problem ? (你會何時注意到輪胎的壓力不足?) immediately (立刻) 9.what important function does a load backrest (load guard ) perform on a forklift ? (推高臂底部的貨物保護架請問有什麼功能?) stops load falling into mast and on to operator . (防止貨物掉進桅杆和砸向操作者) 10.to protect the operator from falling objects , what should be provided on a forklift truck ? (推高機需要裝備什麼東西,用以保護操作者免於受到掉落的貨物砸傷?) overhead guard and load backrest . (推高機護頂架以及推高臂底部的貨物保護架) @11.should a forklift be refuelled while the engine is running ? explain your answer. (請問引擎轉動時,推高機可進行加油嗎?請描述你的答案) no.running engine could ignite fuel. (不,轉動的引擎可能會使燃料燃燒) @12.what direction must the load face when travelling up a ramp ? (當推高機行駛爬向斜坡時,貨物需朝向什麼方向?) forklift travel forward load face up hill . (推高機行駛時貨物需面向上坡) 13.when travelling up a ramp , why must the load face uphill ? (當推高機行駛於斜坡時,為什麼貨物需面向上坡?) forklift stability maintained and prevent load falling off the fork arms. (推高機可保持其穩定性,且防止貨物從推高臂掉落) 14.what direction must the load face when travelling down a ramp ? (當推高機行駛於下坡時,貨物需朝向哪一方?) forklift travel in reverse , load face up hill . (推高機需向後行駛,貨物需朝向上坡) 15.why is it unsafe to turn a forklift when it is on a ramp or sloping surface ? (為什麼推高機在斜坡或傾斜的表面轉彎時是不安全的?) lateral stability affected , forklift could overturn, load could slide off. (側邊穩定性是會受影響的,推高機可能會翻覆,貨物可能會滑落) 16.when operating a forklift why is it dangerous to turn a corner with the load raised ? (為什麼在操作推高機,搭載貨物時在轉角轉彎處是危險的?) lateral stability affected , forklift could tip over sideways (側邊穩定性將會受到影響,推高機可能會在道路上翻覆) 17.how should you drive a forklift truck across railway tracks? (在經過鐵路軌道時,你該如何駕駛推高機?) 45 degrees slow speed . ramps or bridge plates . 45程度的慢速度 (這裡的45單位不知道是什麼) 從有斜坡或橋樑板通過 18.when travelling . at what height should the load and fork arms be ? (行進時,推高機臂和貨物須保持怎樣的高度?) axle height. (軸的高度) 19.when travelling name two items/conditions that would influence your speed of travel . (請舉兩個條件,會影響行進時的速度) size of the load weather conditions (負載的大小、天氣的因素) 20.a pallet contains an unbalanced load with one end heavier than the other . which end should be against the heel of the fork arms ? (棧板上當貨物比另一個貨物重時,哪一個貨物必須置於推高機臂 的最底部) the heavy end (最重的要在最底部) 21.what would you do if you noticed a badly damaged pallet supporting a load ? (當你發現到貨物置於嚴重損壞的棧板時,你該做些什麼?) re-stack the load on undamaged pallet . (重新放置貨物在非損壞的棧板上) 22.how should bagged goods be transported and stored ? (袋裝貨物該如何運送及儲存?) crossed stacked on a pallet. 1.5MT high into a pyramid shape. (交叉相疊地堆在棧板上) (1.5MT 的高度趨向於金字塔的形狀) 23.what is the minimum distance you should keep your forklift truck and load away from domestic powerlines and high voltage transmission lines? (請問推高機距離國內電線及高壓轉換線最低限度的距離是多少?) 2 m from domestic. 6 m from high voltage . (國內電線距離2公尺,高壓電線距離6公尺) 24.what would you do if you drove your forklift truck mast into powerlines ? list three actions . (當推高機必須靠近電源線時,你必須做那些事?請舉三個動作) warn others to stay clear try and break contact if possible stay on FLT until safe (警告其他人請勿靠近, 盡可能試著中止連接, 待在推高機上直到安全地帶為止) 25.why is it dangerous to use internal combustion engines in confined spaces? (為什麼在狹窄的空間裡,使用內部燃燒引擎會是危險的?) people could be overcome by dangerous gas from engine . (引擎會漏出危險氣體,使人們致死) 26.what is the most suitable type of forklift truck use in confined spaces? (什麼類型的堆高機是最適合使用在狹窄的空間?) a battery powered forklift . (充電式堆高機) 27.why must batteries be charged in a well ventilated area? (為什麼補充電源時要在通風地區?) reduce risk build up of explosive gas . (減少聚集爆炸性氣體的危險) 28.why must you not smoke when charging or changing forklift truck batteries ? (再補充或更換堆高機電源時為什麼禁止吸菸?) gases from batteries will explode if ignited. (電源瓶跑出的氣體可能引發爆炸) 29.what type of forklift truck should be selected for working on rough or unstable terrain ? (在不平坦的地形進行工作時,應該選擇怎樣的堆高機?) four wheel drive (四輪驅動) 30.what is meant by " collapsed height" in relation to a forklift truck ? (堆高機的"可堆疊高度"指的是什麼?) fork arms on ground to the top of mast when the fork arms are at lowest position. ( 當堆高臂在最底下時,以桅為基準,堆高臂最底下到 最頂端的距離即"可堆疊高度") 31.what is meat by "overall extended height" in relation to a forklift truck ? (什麼是指堆高機"完全地擴展高度"?) from ground to the top of load backrest when the fork arms are fully raised. (堆高臂完全升長時從地面到頂端的載重的背後支架的高度) 32.when travelling with a large load that obscures your vission , what precautions would you take ? (當運送大型貨物行進時,遮住你的視線,你會採取什 麼注意事項?) travel in reverse or person to guide you . (向後行駛,或請人幫忙引導) 33.what should be provided when a forklift truck is working over a roadway, footpath or areas open to public ? (當堆高機在道路、行人道或開放區域進行工作時,該提供些什麼措施?) barriers signs and flag person at all time . (工作時全程都有路障標誌以及標誌人) 34.name two safeguards to protect other personnel when loads are been moved by forklift truck ? (當堆高機運送貨物時,請舉出兩種保護方式以保護人員) horn and warning lights signs and barriers (喇叭和警示燈 標誌和路障) 35.why is "rear end "swing dangerous on forklift trucks fitted with rear end steering ? (堆高機配有後端操作但後端操作搖擺不定時,為什麼會危險?) rear end swing is a hazard for pedestrians near by . (當行人靠近時,後端搖擺不定就會危險) 36.why is a work permit to operate a forklift truck necessary at some work sites ? (為什麼要求堆高機一定要在一些特定場所才能使用? to ensure safety control measures are in place before operation . (確保在操作措施時是安全的。) 37.may a load be carried by only one fork arm of the forklift truck ? explain your answer? (請問堆高機在進行堆高作業時,可以使用單一堆高機臂嗎? 請試著描述你的回答) no lateral stability affected. fork arm may be over stressed. (不,側邊的穩定性是受影響的,堆高機臂可能會承受過重的壓力) 38.are you allowed to add additional counterweights to a forklift truck without refering to the forklift manufacturer? explain your answer. (請問你可以增加額外的配件掛置堆高機上, 在沒有經過生產堆高機廠商的參考或允許的過程嗎?) no.existing counterweight has been designed for max SWL. (不行,現有的重量是已經被設計過的SWL。) 39.what precautions should the operator take when operating the forklift truck on wet or slippery surfaces? (在濕或滑的表面上操作堆高機時,該注意些什麼事項?) reduce speed , turn slow. (減速變慢行駛) 40.what check must be made before using an attachment on a forklift truck ? (在使用堆高機的附件時必須做什麼檢查?) suitable attachment for forklift and load data plate allows use attached with suitable locking device. (對於堆高機和貨物時,需使用合適的附件) (數據板允許使用) (附有合適的鎖定裝置) 41.if you are required to use an attachment that you are not familiar with , what should you do ? 你被要求使用你不熟悉的配件時,你該怎麼做? familiarise yourself with the equipment or get training . 提升使用配件熟悉度以及進行訓練。 42.name three operating precautions that must be taken when using a jib attachment ? 請說出三種操作注意事項當你使用吊臂類配件時 drive and turn slow. load low to ground . jib low and back tilt. (開啟和轉動時要慢 貨物需靠近地面 臂架低以及向後傾斜) 43.is it permissible to use the forward tilt when lifting loads with a jib attachment ? explain your answer. (請問當吊臂正在進行貨物升降時,允許向前傾斜嗎?) no . mast must be vertical or back tilt at all times. (桅杆在任何時刻都必須垂直或是向後傾斜) 44.what must be marked at each hook position on a jib attachment? (請問在吊臂的每個掛鉤上必須標記什麼?) safe working load (SWL) (負載工作時注意安全) 45.when operating a forklift fitted with a carpet spike , what precautions would you take? (當操作堆高機時使用毯式長釘,請問需要注意些什麼事項?) operating aware of length longitudinal stability and capacity reduced turn carefully (操作時須了解長度 縱向穩定性和減少體積 轉彎時須特別注意) 46.why should a side-shift attachment be centralised before travelling with a load ? 為什麼在準備堆貨物時,側移的配件必須集中? forklift unstable if load centre of gravity to one side . 如果貨物的重心偏向另一邊,堆高機會不穩定 47.when using a revolving attachment is it permissible to rotate the load while traveling ? (當使用旋轉配件時,貨物正在進行旋轉作業是被允許的嗎?) no . forklift stability affected only rotate when stopped. (不。堆高機的穩定度受旋轉影響時停轉。(只有在停止時,才可進行旋轉)) 48.what should be used to carry drums with a forklift truck ? (當使用堆高機時,要使用什麼來運送桶狀物?) drum clamp or on pallet. (桶狀鉗或是棧板) 49.what must a lifting ring and the slings attached to it have in common ? (為什麼吊環和吊索要共同連接?) both must have equal lifting capacity(SWL) (兩者必須有平衡的起重能力(safe working load 負載工作時注意安全)) 50.should a jib attachment ,lifting hook be fixed or able to swivel? (請問臂架零件-吊鉤應該弄成固定或是可旋轉的?) swivel. (可旋轉的) 51.for what reason must you ensure that a jib attachment hook is centred directly over a load before lifting ? (根據什麼原因你應該確定臂架零件掛勾被擺放在貨物中心的上方而使用?) forklift stability not affected stop load swinging. (堆高機的穩定性不會受到影響並使貨物停止搖擺) 52.when should slings be inspected? (吊索應該在何時就必須檢查?) before use . (再使用之前) 53.when inspecting wire rope slings , list five defects that would render the sling unsafe to use ? (當檢查鋼絲繩吊索時,請列出五點缺點將會造成吊索的不安全使用) affected by heat , rust , crushing. stretched wire acid attack missing tags damaged eye splicing bird caging (過熱,生鏽,粉碎將會影響吊索 拉伸線 強酸攻擊 遺失標籤 受損的眼部接片 鳥籠) 54.how would you determine the working load limit(WLL) for synthetic webbing slings? (你如何確定合成吊帶的工作負載極限?) by color coding to australia standard label or tag (按照澳大利亞的顏色編碼的標準 貼紙和標籤) 55.why is it important to secure the pin in a shackle ? (為什麼確保安全針插在鐵鍊裡很重要?) to prevent it unscrewing . (以防止它掙脫) 56.what percentage of wear in a shackle would make it unsafe to use ? (多少的比例磨損是不安全的在使用鐵鍊時) 10% (百分之十) 57.how would you determine the Safe Working Load(SWL) of a multi-leg chain sling? (你如何確定一個多種腿的吊鏈的負載工作安全?) read the tag attached and calculate formula. (詳讀標示和其計算公式) 58.should a load be raised or lowered near or over people ? explain your answer . (請問貨物(負載)可以在人的旁邊舉起或下降嗎?請解釋你的答案) no , it is against safe operating procedures . (不,已牴觸操作安全規則) 59.what must be provided on a fork lift truck to allow a passenger to be carried? (堆高機必須提供什麼用以准許運送乘客?) an approved seat and footrest . (合格的座位和擱腳板) 60.is it permissible to carry passengers on the bare fork arms or load ? explain your answer. (允許在堆高機臂上或是負載上攜帶乘客嗎?請解釋你的答案) No,it is against regulations . (不,這樣違反規定) 61. by what means can people be raised on forklift truck ? (在什麼情況之下,人們可以利用堆高機升起?) in an approved secured safety cage . (使用在經允許的安全地安全籠) 62. when using a work platform to lift people , what position must the travel controls be in , and in what position must the parking brake be ? (當使用工作平台來升降人們,旅行限制(操作桿)應處於什麼位置? 停車制動(剎車)應處於什麼位置?) travel controls must be in neutral and parking brake must be engaged. (操作桿應在空檔,剎車應使用(拉起)) 63. where must the operator of a forklift truck remain when a person is raised in a Work Platform ? (當有人在工作平台(工作範圍)進行升降作業時,堆高機操作員應該留在哪裡?) at the forklift controls at all times . (工作進行時,應全程處在堆高機駕駛上) 64. is a stepladder or other device allowed to be used to gain extra height whilst working from a Work Platform ? (當在工作平台(工作範圍)上,可以使用梯子或是其他的設備來增加額外的長度嗎?) no never . (不,絕對不行) 65.on an electric forklift what would you use to isolate the power supply in an emergency ? (在電動堆高機上時,在緊急情況下,你會使用什麼來隔離電源線?) the emergency isolator . (緊急的隔離裝置) 66,give reasons why pre-operational checks are necessary before operating a forklift truck ? (為什麼在操作堆高機前,運行前的檢查是必要的?) to identify damage, prevent accidents and to ensure safe operation . (識別損傷、防止事故發生、確保安全運行) 67.if any defect are found or detected what must you do ? (如果發現任何缺陷或檢測,你必須做什麼?) report authorised person . put warning notice do not use . (報告授權者(主管)、放置警告標誌不准使用) 68.why is tyre pressure , and condition for pneumatic types , important to the stability of a forklift truck ? (為什麼胎壓、氣動類型和條件對於堆高機的穩定性非常重要?) a flat tyre can cause the forklift to tip over . (一個漏氣的輪胎可導致堆高機翻覆) 69.because of load length, two forklift trucks are used to handle the same load (simultaneous use).Name any three operating precautions that must be observed. (因為負載的長度,需要兩台堆高機去堆一個同樣的負載,請說出 三種操作時可以觀察的注意事項) only experienced operators third experienced person to control each forklift must not lift more than 75% of its rated capacity (有經驗的堆高機操作者、第三位有經驗的人去監督、每個堆高機不得抬 起並超過它限定容量的75%) 70.how would you establish the capacity and limitations of the forklift truck and equipment you are required to use ? (你該如何知道堆高機和其設備的容量和侷限性,當你被要求使用時) by the forklift data plate , employer or manufacturer . (由堆高機的數據板、雇主或製造商) 71.what is meant by the term "Rated Capacity" in relation to a forklift truck ? (對於堆高機而言,什麼是"額定容量"?) it is max load a forklift is designed to carry to max height and load centre distance. (堆高機的最大負載容量設計,承受最大高度和負載中心的距離) 72.what is meant by load centre distance? (負載中心距離是什麼意思?) from the vertical face of forks to the load centre of gravity. (堆高臂的垂直面到負載中心的重力(重心)) 73.how does increasing the load centre affect the capacity of a forklift truck ? (當增加對堆高機的負載中心的容量將會有何影響?) it reduces the lifting capacity . (他減少了起重的容量(能力))\ 74.how will a forklift truck be affected if the load is not hard against the heel of the fork arms ? (堆高機將如何受到影響,當負載不難(沒有)防於(置於)堆高機臂的底部時) the forklift truck capacity will be reduced and stability will be affected . (堆高機的(負載)容量將會減少,穩定性也會受到影響。) 75.where is the forward Point of Balance (fulcrum) for a forklift truck ? (請問堆高機的正向平衡點(支點)在哪? a line drawn vertically , passing through the centre of the front axel , meets the ground. (劃一條垂直線,通過(在)前方中心點的前軸上,並碰觸(垂直)地面) 76.is all the weight behind the Point of Balance acting as a counter-weight? (所有的重量在平衡點之後,作為一個配重?) yes. (對) 77.the forklift trucks in attachment A are rated at 2000kg at 600 mm load centre , which one is overloaded ? (附件A中,在承載大約2000KG、600MM的貨物時,哪一個會 超過負載(超過其可承受的負載) A (看圖選A(答案會很明顯,選出一個較合適的答案)) 78.a fork lift in attachment B is rated at 4500KG at 600 mm load centre . which of the loads are within the capacity of the forklift truck? (一台堆高機,在附件B裡承受(負載額度)在4500KG、600mm的負載 中心上,哪一張圖示是負載在範圍之內的? C (看圖選A(答案會很明顯,選出一個較合適的答案)) 79.giver(應該是give才對) two reasons why you check the weight of a load against the forklift truck specifications . (請給兩個理由,為什麼要檢查負載的重量對於堆高機的規格) prevent accident and damage stop over loading (防止事故和損壞的發生 停止過載) 80.how would you determine the weight of an unmarked load? (你如何確定一個沒有被標註重量的負載?) consignment notes weigh bridge certificates calculation (托運單 秤重橋單據(證明、證書) 計算) 81. what is the approximate mass(weight) of a 200 Litre (44 gallon) drum full of water? (200公升(44加侖)的桶裝內充滿水大約等於多少質量(重量)?) 213KG (213公斤) 82.how many kilograms are there in 1 tonne? (1頓有幾公斤重?) 1000 KG (1000公斤) 83.what things should be considered when tiering (stacking) loads on top of each other? (當層層堆疊負載(貨物)時,什麼東西是應該被考慮的?) load stacked on a firm level site . heavy goods on bottom not at unstable height. (負載貨物堆疊在一個穩固且水平的平面上 重的貨物在底下 不行處於不穩定的高度) 84.when should forward tilt of the mast be used ? (桅杆應在何時向前傾?) only when placing fork arms under or out from beneath loads or when parking. (只有在放置堆高機臂時 或 從負載下面取出 或 停車時) 85. a pallet appears to be unsafely loaded. what would you do before attempting to lift it ? (在嘗試堆高(升降)負載之前,棧板出現不安全的負載,請問你該如何處理?) restack it so it is safe . (重新堆疊它,它就會是安全的) 86.name three operating conditions that may cause a forklift truck to tip over sideway ? (lateral instability) (請說出三個條件,可能會使堆高機翻覆在路旁) (側邊不穩定) turning at speed uneven surface flat tyre (轉彎速度、不平的表面、爆胎) 87.name three operating conditions that may cause a forklift truck to tip forward length-way? (請說出三個條件,可能會使堆高機往前傾) over loading sever braking operating on sloping surface (過載、斷絕制動(斷掉的剎車)、操作在傾斜的表面上) 88.what should be provided for the gap between a truck and a loading dock before shifting a load ? (什麼東西應該提供給用於卡車和裝卸的碼頭之間的空隙在轉移之前?) secured dock plate or bridge plates. (安全的基座板或是橋梁板) 89.which vehicles must you give right of way to during emergency situations ? (什麼車輛你必須讓出路的權利,當在緊急的情況時) all emergency vehicles . (所有的緊急車輛) 90.name three locations within the workplace where you would not park your forklift truck . (請說出三個地方,堆高機在工作的地方時不能停車) first aid stations doorways emergency exits (急救站(第一幫助站) 門口 緊急出口) 91.why would you not park your forklift in front of a doorway ? (為什麼你不能把堆高機停在門口?) doorway need for emergences. (門口必須用於緊急時) 92.if your forklift truck must be parked on an inclined surface, what precaution would you take ? (如果你的堆高機必須停在一個傾斜的表面,你需要做什麼的預防措施?) handbrake and chock the wheel. (手剎車和堵住車輪(楔住車輪)) 93.when parking your forklift truck what must be done with the fork arms ? (當停放堆高機時,堆高臂必須怎樣停放?) flat on supporting surface. (平放在受支撐的表面上) 94.why do you turn off the LPG fuel valve after parking and before leaving your forklift truck ? (在離開堆高機之前,為什麼要關掉"石油氣"燃料閥?) to reduce the risk of explosion caused by leaking LPG. (為了減少洩漏石油氣產生爆炸的風險) 95.give 3 reasons why post operational check are carried out on a forklift ? (請說出三個理由,關於為什麼在堆高機上時公告操作檢查是要進行的) to detect damage . to ensure all systems closed off forklift ready for next operator (檢測有無損壞 確保所有系統是關閉的 確定堆高機已經準備好給下一位操作者) 96.whilst carring out a post operational check you notice a fault , what do you do before leaving the forklift ? (同時(當)進行一個公告性操作檢查(發布操作檢查)時,你注意到一個錯 誤,你必須要做什麼,當你離開堆高機時?) remove the keys report authorised person put warning notice do not use. (移除鑰匙、報告授權者(主管)、放置警告標誌不准使用) 97. what is the reason for removing the ignition key when leaving the forklift truck unattended ? (當堆高機無人值守時,要把鑰匙移除,是因為什麼理由?) to prevent unauthorized use . (防止未經授權的使用) ............ 台灣背包客 冒險!進取!熱血! 互相幫助的精神永流傳! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mike110100 來自: (12/25 00:37)
GDvsDL:考過了!不過聽老師說今年過後會變難! 12/25 06:16
GDvsDL:最好還是報名訓練課程,因為會教考題的簡寫和模擬試練 12/25 06:18
johnavon:恭喜樓上 ^^ 12/25 19:31
alang1231:請問澳洲只承認當地的堆高機證照嗎?我在台灣只有 12/30 02:44
alang1231:期滿證明,如果帶那個的譯本去,有用嗎?聽說很多地方只 12/30 02:45
alang1231:要知道你會開就好了,這說法是真的嗎@@? 12/30 02:46
回ala 就我所知 澳洲政府只承認當地的駕照 照正常程序 要開堆高機(叉車) 就一定要證照 。 ※ 編輯: mike110100 來自: (12/30 19:48)
rageshone: 感謝~~~很有幫助! 03/30 12:42