看板 WorldCup 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I can bounce back, insists Green Blundering England goalkeeper Robert Green insists he has the mental strength to bounce back from his costly error that gifted the USA an equaliser in the 1-1 Group C opener in Rustenburg. Steven Gerrard scored after just four minutes to give England a flying start but Green committed the kind of howler David Seaman, Paul Robinson and Scott Carson have all done down the years and allowed Clint Dempsey's harmless shot to slip through his fingers. But Green, who made a good save to deny USA striker Jozy Altidore later in the match, insists he has put the error behind him already. "It was a mistake. The important thing is not to let it affect you for however long is left in the game," Green said. "That is what you prepare for mentally. You don't prepare mentally for making great saves and playing the perfect game. You prepare for trauma. "It is regrettable and not what you want to happen but that's life and you move on, you hold your head up high and get to work in training. It won't affect me psychologically. I'm 30, I'm a man, and you have hardships in life and prepare for them. "I'm strong enough to move on. At a younger point in my life it would have affected me more. But you hold your hand up and say 'that's gone, move on and don't let it affect you'.'' Green found out he would be starting the World Cup opener after winning selection ahead of David James and Joe Hart when Fabio Capello announced the team to the squad two hours before kick-off. "I found out before we left for the game when they announced the team, with everyone else," said Green. "It wasn't a factor. I prepared the same as if I was going to play. "You go through mental preparation the night before the game and prepare for moments of trauma in a game when it happens. It happened today and for me the important thing was to bounce back from it." http://0rz.tw/3LgUA soccernet.com more to follow here http://0rz.tw/Y0Lm5 Top six England howlers (六個英格蘭的愚蠢錯誤) -- comment: now you know England feature goalkeepers!!! to those who don't know England's strength of catching highlights. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Nene5566:相較於Dwight Howard,Green真是弱掉了 06/13 17:27
ByronX:keep ________ !! 06/13 17:27
※ 編輯: skywinjim 來自: (06/13 17:31)
klarc:這就是MLB的"he抓了ball" 06/13 17:29
kanebo998:keep spilling 06/13 17:31
gn01106472f:繼續加油吧,希望他在俱樂部的表現也能在國家隊發揮 06/13 17:49
tevez0501:一人一信支持喬哈特上場 06/13 17:49
snoopy7516:Move on! 06/13 17:54
Grecie:加油 一次失敗 之後站起就好 06/13 17:59