看板 WorldCup 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/gyWQ0 soccernet.com Buffon reportedly out of World Cup Buffon was forced off the field at half-time during Italy's 1-1 draw with Paraguay with what was later diagnosed as a sciatic nerve problem. Italian football federation vice-president Demetrio Albertini said: "We are confident that our goalkeeper will make a speedy recovery." However, it appears doctors are struggling to diagnose the problem and Italy's chief medic Enrico Castellacci said the problem is "serious", adding: "At the moment, it's impossible to estimate when he might return." Reports had suggested Buffon may be out for ten days, but it now appears his tournament may be over. Italy may give Buffon a cortisone injection, but he will require surgery on the disc that is pressing on the nerve. On Wednesday, Buffon said: "I am very worried about my World Cup." Palermo goalkeeper Salvatore Sirigu is in line to replace Buffon if Italy decide not to risk the Juventus 'keeper. Gazzetta dello Sport suggests the problem may be chronic and that Juve are concerned that their prize asset's value may have plummeted. -- more to follow might be a big blow for the defending champion. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sdolphinyo:不.... 06/17 02:39
weedyc:...................囧 06/17 02:40
rex9999:義大利星光已經夠黯淡的了 06/17 02:40
emmawanga:暈倒...囧 06/17 02:41
ynw:維大力.. 06/17 02:41
poenan:義大利在這屆世足賽不是很多人不看好 06/17 02:42
HiddenGuy:....... 06/17 02:43
Angela0213:Buffon.............(已經難過到說不出話了) 06/17 02:43
Kindertraum:>< 06/17 02:48
jonsauwi:... 06/17 02:53
ERP2:隨便啦~ 反正陣容都已經很鳥了 06/17 02:55
bobopippo:真的不期不待了 06/17 03:01
matsuwu:Buffon >.< 06/17 03:06
Inzaghi: http://goo.gl/PsRS 隊醫說他是舊疾復發-椎間盤突出 orz 06/17 03:10
roder:失望 義大利加油阿!! 06/17 03:19
zc20703:為什麼我想到某中醫整所 06/17 03:21
evalala:快帶Buffon去控八控控的xx中醫 T^T 06/17 05:03
gianluigi:...........最絕望的情況 06/17 05:22
macrose:星光是有點黯淡,就看剩下的2006奪冠成員能不能奇蹟再現 06/17 08:46
itachi0609:賣鬧啊orz 06/17 09:29
Modchip:23人名單沒寫上去,應該就不能出賽了喔... 06/17 15:26
monstertsai:QQ 06/17 18:53
monstertsai:葛羅索又沒來,不能靈魂附體了。 06/17 18:53
shydream:QQ 太傷心了~ Buffon回來~~ 06/17 21:39