看板 WorldCup 關於我們 聯絡資訊
感謝Beltran大提供的外電 http://tinyurl.com/335owkl 用很破的英文大概翻一下 翻的不好請見諒m(_ _)m Pele predicts Brazil v Argentina final Brazilian soccer legend Pele said on Friday that Brazil and Argentina are likely to make it to the World Cup final, although it was still early to make presumptions. 巴西足球傳奇人物比利星期五表示:「儘管時間還早,但巴西和阿根廷有可能在世界盃決 賽碰頭」。 The 69-year-old said the first round of the World Cup had created many surprises. 這位69歲的老頭說:世界盃第一輪創造了許多驚奇。 He complimented the South American squads and said he could see Brazil and Argentina in the final. 他稱讚南美球隊,並說可以預見巴西跟阿根廷會師決賽。 He said: "Who would have said before the World Cup started that Italy and France would go home earlier, still in the first round? 他說:「誰會在世界盃開始前預測義大利和法國會提早回家?而且還是發生在第一輪?」 "Never would someone think that. Another thing we had been saying is that since it was a World Cup taking place in Africa, the African teams would be doing well and as you can see that didn't happened either, nearly all African teams have left. 「永遠不會有人這樣認為。另一件我們一直說的是:由於世界盃在非洲舉行,非洲球隊會 表現得很好;正如你可以看到,這並沒有發生,幾乎所有非洲球隊都打包回家了。」 "The South American, Latin teams, are doing well, these are the teams that are good. It is still early to define things, but we can already see Brazil, and of course, Argentina, which has made a great start (in the finals). We also have to respect Spain and Portugal, which are still doing well," he said. 「南美、拉丁美洲球隊表現得很好。雖然確定的事情仍為時尚早,但我們已經可以看到巴 西,當然,阿根廷有了很好的開始(決賽)。我們也必須尊重西班牙跟葡萄牙,他們仍然 做得很好。」 另一篇ChAngie大提供的新聞 http://tinyurl.com/2ccalns 葡萄牙文看不懂,只好用google翻譯...... "Há um mês, ninguém esperava que as seleções da Itália e da França seriam eliminadas na primeira fase. Mas meu palpite é que o Brasil vai chegar às finais, assim como as seleções fortes, como Alemanha e Argentina", afirmou. 「一個月前沒有人預測義大利和法國將在第一輪淘汰。但我的猜測是:巴西將會晉級決賽 ,強大的德國和阿根廷隊也一樣。」他說。 意思是德國.......也掰掰了嗎ε(┬┬_┬┬)3 有翻錯的地方還請版友不吝指正 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
daisyung:恭喜荷蘭‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★* 06/29 12:42
sanloman:先恭喜日本和荷蘭了 06/29 12:42
GianniC:荷蘭:我確定會出線 但是我的對手好像快死光了 06/29 12:43
VSBR:德國跟阿根廷不可能一起到總決賽 所以誰被點到次數多呢... 06/29 12:44
GianniC:很可能是雙殺... 06/29 12:45
icem: 恭喜荷蘭‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★* 06/29 12:45
icem:南美真衰 繼非洲之後.... 06/29 12:45
HOYA0071:迦納要暴冷了嗎 06/29 12:45
grioo:荷蘭:全能足球橘子軍終於要出頭天了!!!! 06/29 12:46
danceman:荷蘭:還好我夠低調=3= 06/29 12:46
GianniC:迦納不是被比利地圖砲轟中.... 06/29 12:47
nightjar:日本!!!! 06/29 12:47
Simonfenix:日本終於要贏了~~~ 06/29 12:47
GianniC:請注意關鍵字 非洲.... 06/29 12:47
relinchang:佳那會到4強,史上最強非州球隊 06/29 12:48
fischcheng:哇哈哈哈阿哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 爽。 06/29 12:50
retsuya001:德國很弱的!!!!拜託不要看好他好嗎!!!!〒△〒 06/29 12:51
yesc:看來決賽是荷蘭對德國了 06/29 12:51
jacky77437:拜託 德國很弱啦 06/29 12:53
Adonisy:比利很早就分散風險了。。。所以根本沒差 06/29 12:53
Sswatt:xDDDD 06/29 12:54
GianniC:樓上 非洲地圖砲轟下去 看起來好像活口很少了... 06/29 12:54
p1986891:比利 給我閉嘴!! 06/29 12:54
GianniC:如果越分散還是照死 這才是真正可怕啊!!!! 06/29 12:55
windersword:大範圍攻擊嘴砲 06/29 12:55
nuanua:不!!我不想看荷蘭踢冠軍賽!!凌晨很容易睡著! 06/29 12:56
jenny200638:全部都點了就獨缺荷蘭 荷蘭封王了 阿還有西班牙 06/29 12:56
GianniC:重點不是荷蘭 是荷蘭的對手還剩誰... 06/29 12:56
JH7:巴西人給我閉嘴!!! 06/29 12:56
Adonisy:西班牙早在比利射程內,比利沒有提的只有日本啦 06/29 12:57
paso:葡萄牙:大家都忘了我的存在Q.Q 06/29 12:57
Alexiel:剩荷蘭 德國 日本??? 06/29 13:00
Beltran:其實最新那篇訪問沒提德 跟前面文章出處同 #1C9psXRS 06/29 13:01
ted40905:C羅表示: 06/29 13:02
alfonso2:烏拉圭表示: 06/29 13:03
marcoyao:這則新聞,荷蘭表示:溫馨 06/29 13:05
ZMittermeyer:法國在第一輪打包還滿明顯的... 06/29 13:08
singlesky:como Alemanha e Argentina... Q Q 06/29 13:10
mischiru:岡田:計画通り 06/29 13:11
iceafu:日本&荷蘭表示:興奮 06/29 13:15
crazyeric:德國要跟阿根廷一起掰嗎 哈哈 06/29 13:15
restingbeast:Pele: 誰叫你們不付我封口費 你看人家荷蘭都乖乖納貢 06/29 13:21
incubus:裝中獎者是荷蘭 06/29 13:23
kiddno56979:看來荷蘭似乎是最大獲利者XDDD 06/29 13:33
colatea:日本要奪冠了嗎! 06/29 14:46
killualove:橘子衝啊!!! 06/29 17:32
iceteeth:巴西糗爺 又發功了 06/29 22:46
※ 編輯: girl10319 (, 06/14/2014 21:26:15