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http://nuku.tw/cEC73 去美國YAHOO新聞看洋基得WS時意外看到的新聞 Ultimate Fighting Championship heavyweight title-holder Brock Lesnar has mononucleosis and can’t train for at least a month, and perhaps as long as six weeks, UFC president Dana White said Wednesday. UFC重量級冠軍Brock Lesnar得了單核白細胞增多症。UFC主席Dana White在星前三說, 他至少一個月不能訓練,也有可能是六個禮拜 Lesnar was forced to pull out of his title defense against Shane Carwin on Oct. 26, a match slated for UFC 106 on Nov. 21 in Las Vegas, because he was unable to train. At the time, speculation was that Lesnar may have had either flu or a case of H1N1, which is commonly known as swine flu. 因為無法訓練,使得他10月26日時取消了原定於11月21日時,在賭城舉行的UFC 106中的 冠軍保衛戰(對手Shane Carwin) 當時就傳出他有可能染上了H1N1,也就是俗稱的豬流感 White had targeted the rescheduled bout for Jan. 2 in Las Vegas as the main event of UFC 108, but that is now also out of the question. Lesnar won’t be able to begin training until sometime in December. White說,將會把這場在主賽延後至明年一月3日,在賭城的UFC 108,但現在毫無疑問地 ,Lesnar現在不會訓練直到12月中 White said he is unsure when the Lesnar-Carwin fight will occur or whether Carwin will fight an opponent in the interim. White說他對這場比賽是否舉行並沒有信心,還是說Carwin在此之前和要不要別人比賽 “We’re still trying to figure it out and I’m really not sure where any of it stands right now,” White said. White:我們還在評估中,我還不能確定這些事情能不能馬上定案 -- 我的網站 http://fyspmail.idv.st 南方堂果的遊戲全介紹 http://freehost06.websamba.com/fyspmail/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: aton602 來自: (11/05 14:05) ※ 編輯: aton602 來自: (11/05 14:06)
kawazakiz2:希望不嚴重 11/05 14:15
KRSmp:剛才google了一下 這種病似乎可大可小 祝Lesnar早日康復 11/05 15:05
Bigcookie2:保重 身體健康最重要 11/05 15:05
Juicein:我超期待那場比賽的說.... 11/05 15:26
cas8:又是這個 費德勒也得過 之後威力有下降一點 11/05 22:55
kingdom:Rogi就是得這個結果奧網飛了~ 話說運動員好像常中這個.. 11/06 23:35