看板 X-files 關於我們 聯絡資訊
【心得】8X03 PATIENCE 耐心等待 8X03 PATIENCE AXN翻譯的標題是 耐心等待。 因為湯圓我之前看X檔案八、九季只看有穆德的部份。 就算DVD入手之後也一樣,所以這集是我第一次看。 終於多年之後又讓我看到一集會讓我嚇到全身起雞皮疙瘩X檔案! 人家我最怕蝙蝠了啦!我不怕蟲、不怕蟑螂、 一般女生看了都會驚聲尖叫的東西對我來說都沒有作用。 我唯一的剋星就是『蝙蝠』!!!!! (看蝙蝠俠電影的時候被嚇也是因為那些在飛的蝙蝠) 這集的史卡利一開始就用這個會吃人的怪物給剛到X檔案來任職的狗探員下馬威。 說真的。史卡利一開始對他的態度實在很。 不過我可以理解史卡利的心情,穆德失蹤, X檔案又有不保的可能性,迫使史卡利『用力』的面對。 逼自己堅強,逼自己像穆德一樣,逼自己努力,這樣的史卡利看了真的讓人好心疼。 PTT上很多網友說史卡利在穆德不在的時候她定義的科學範圍變寬了。 就湯圓我自己的觀點,穆德和史卡利是一像是互補。 就像穆德對史卡利說過的,她是他的基石,她是他的底線。 在穆德在的時候,她要負責把衝的過頭的穆德給拉回來。 如今穆德不在了,她就只好自己向前衝了。 還好史卡利不愧是史卡利,她很快就發現了自己心態上的問題。 ------------------------------ (Later, SCULLY and DOGGETT are sitting in their car watching MYRON STEFANIUK through binoculars. He is filling five gallon gas cans from a tank in his yard with a plastic siphon.) SCULLY: You know, we've been out here for nine hours. The only thing this man seems to be in danger of is terminal loneliness. (DOGGETT chuckles at her joke.) SCULLY: (depressed) Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this is all just a... a grand coincidence and we're wasting our time out here. DOGGETT: You were so sure before. SCULLY: Yeah, I was sure of the facts as I had deduced them scientifically. Maybe I'm... I'm trying to force them into shape. Maybe I'm manufacturing a theory. DOGGETT: Well, what happened to taking a leap? SCULLY: Maybe I'm just trying too hard. DOGGETT: To do what? To be Mulder? (She thinks seriously about that.) DOGGETT: You know, I'm not Oxford educated. About all I know about the paranormal is men are from Mars and women are from Venus. But I don't think you're wrong, Agent Scully. SCULLY: What makes you say that? DOGGETT: Well, I'm no Fox Mulder, but I can tell when a man's hiding something. Myron Stefaniuk fishes a woman out of the river who's been gone for 40 years. He has a brother he hasn't seen in over 40 years. A brother who just happened to hunt down some kind of creature over 40 years ago. SCULLY: Well, what does he have to hide? DOGGETT: Well, that's what I'm hoping this good cop work is going to show us. ------------------------------ 然後來說一下新登場的狗探員。 他是警員出身的硬漢型人物,看過許許多多的事情。 但他卻不會因此改變自己的態度! DOGGETT: I told you I spent the weekend looking through that cabinet full of X-Files and I saw how pretty much every X-File broke-- with a leap. Now, maybe I'm just an old- fashioned cop but I don't take leaps. In my experience leaps only get people killed. 不過就像史卡利說的。 SCULLY: Well, I'd say that you're taking a pretty big leap believing in that article... about a human bat. 他對史卡利的態度其實很紳士,也很體貼。 而且說真的狗探員比穆德耐打多了,被那隻怪物攻擊之後還可以槍擊牠。 (謎之聲:不愧是T-1000。果然擁有打不死的體格) 要是我們家穆德…早就等著史卡利來救了吧。 比槍法?穆德不要掉槍就要偷笑了。 我想,能進X檔案的人八字一定都很硬。不夠硬的早就沒命了!!! 恭喜狗探員進入X檔案這個深坑裡! ------------------------------ DOGGETT: (not ultra-confident) I'm pretty sure I hit it, Agent Scully. Pretty sure you hit it, too. The guys upstairs were making some noise about this case-- about what's in our field report. SCULLY: Yeah. You'll get used to it. (She picks up the nameplate again.) ------------------------------ 最後,史卡利又與狗探員在地下室辦公室裡討論這個案件。 她勸狗探員,以後就會習慣上頭的主管對他們的報告有意見了! ------------------------------ SCULLY: I, uh... I never had a desk in here, Agent Doggett but I'll see that you get one. (DOGGETT is surprised, not sure what she is saying.) DOGGETT: All right. ------------------------------ 看了這段.... 會忍不住想罵穆德。 你這個死沒良心的....還是沒有給史卡利一張桌子啊!!!!(怒) 人家怎麼說也跟了你七、八年了吧! 狗探員才辦完第一個案件,史卡利就要幫他弄張桌子了。 ------------------------------ SCULLY: And I just want to say, um... thank you for watching my back. DOGGETT: Well, I never saw it as an option. I'm sure you don't either. 史卡利對道吉特表示感謝。 道吉特說『我從來不認為那個是選項。我確信妳也會一樣』 看著史卡利把【FOX MULDER】的桌牌收到抽屜裡。 在她的心裡,應該不會再把狗探員當成敵人了吧! ------------------------------ 這集的【蝙蝠人】榮登湯圓我最害怕的X檔案怪物寶座第一名! 穆德沒有出現在這集,這是這集裡的史利卡和狗探員要背負著他的影子。 【FOX MULDER】的桌牌很搶戲。 最後是…東森洋片台…在AXN播沒有穆德的X檔案時, 你們播有DD的【進化特區】一定是故意! ------------------------------ 好久沒有寫X檔案的心得了。 看電視新播的第八季果然讓我想到了很多很多那個當初愛上X檔案的心情。 -- ~‧☆‧~‧★‧~‧☆‧~‧★‧~ 在為劍尋找存在意義的同時…我找到了我存在的意義…      ~守護世界上唯一的妳~高里‧卡布里耶夫 ~‧☆‧~‧★‧~‧☆‧~‧★‧~ §Clean out§http://www.wretch.cc/blog/clenout 小站歡迎來訪 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
luckyc:聽說第八季得案件走噁心恐怖路線 XD 06/17 10:57
※ 編輯: clenout 來自: (06/17 11:02)
clenout:那是因為狗探員比較耐打的關係XDDDDDDDDDD 06/17 11:40
nerolilove:CC說不再繼續六七季的黑色幽默,回歸X檔案嚇人基本面 06/17 16:43
vergisst:風格回來 但人都走了... 06/17 22:28
kwaypair:就算是嚇人風格 M也一直很幽默..DD一走 這部分就沒了(嘆) 06/18 00:50
nerolilove:是啊 想念M在生死關頭都還能幽默以對 06/18 00:55
kusakapt:要是我們家穆德…早就等著史卡利來救了XDD 06/18 03:56