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E3結束大概這邊沒人注意. 這兩天Reddit上微軟被爆料 找寫手在reddit上做傷害管控. 有關XB1不好的討論就噓爆或 試著淡化. 然後替XB1與政策抬轎. http://tinyurl.com/l58cs8e Microsoft Contractors Are Manipulating Comments About Xbox One On Reddit, Says Redditor -------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft is doing something on Reddit that is a big no-no, according to an anonymous Redditor that goes by the name "mistysilver." 一位匿名Reddit用家 "mistysilver"爆料說, MS在Reddit上做了一件很糟糕的事情 Representatives of Microsoft may be hanging out on the social news site voting up positive comments about the Xbox One, voting down negative c omments and adding pro-Xbox comments of their own, Misty Silver says. MS的寫手試圖對稱讚XB1的討論提高人氣, 但給予批評XB1的討論噓文 Misty Silver didn't reveal his/her real identity, except to say. "I work for a marketing firm in Redmond that has a contract with Microsoft. I can't say specifically which division, but suffice to say we are not involved with the Xbox." Mistysilver沒有透露他的身分, 但他說 "我替 Redmond(MS的城市)的一間公關公司工作. 我公司與MS有合作, 但不是與XBOX有關 Microsoft, meanwhile, vehemently denies that it is doing anything like this. It's possible that it's happening without Microsoft's knowledge or that "MistySilver's" story is wrong. 微軟否認指控, 認為mistysilver的故事不正確 The story goes: While at Microsoft for a meeting, Misty Silver saw and overheard some employees on Reddit. She looked at one of the employee's screens: 故事是說當Mistysilver在MS開會時, 看到MS員工在上Reddit, 瞄了一下其中一位畫面 "I noticed he was mass-downvoting a ton of posts and comments, and he kept switching to other tabs to make posts and comments of his own. I couldn't make out exactly what he was posting, but I presumed he was doing RM (reputation management) and asked my boss about it later. According to my boss, MS have[sic] just brought in a huge sweep of SMM managers to handle reputation management for the Xbox One," Silver reported. 我注意到他正在大量給予噓文, 然後不斷切換瀏覽器分頁貼文與回文. 我看不清楚他 的內容, 但我猜他在做RM(名譽管控), 我之後問了我老闆, 我老闆說MS找了許多 社群管理的人對XB1做RM. "Reputation management" is the term social media marketers use to "pose as happy customers" on social media sites. They upvote/downvote and make comments. RM是社群上的術語, 讚噓文的操控. In the last year or so, Reddit has become a prime target for reputation management, Misty Silver says. 過去幾年來, Reddit已經是RM最重要的戰場 Reddit says its ok for people to submit their own info to Reddit within reason. But it's strictly against the rules to either "pretend to be someone else" or to "create mass downvote or upvote campaigns." Reddit說一般用家可以發表任何心得, 但禁止分身或假的言論或操縱讚噓文 In extreme cases it can get an entire company completely banned from Reddit. 嚴重且屬實的話, 有可以整間公司都會被reddit 禁止 That's probably impossible with Microsoft. Legit Redditors are going to want to discuss the company and its products. But this kind of stuff still really irks Redditors. One of them even outed a Reddit account they thought belonged to a Microsoft marketer. MS應該沒這麼笨, 一般reddit用家對這種事是非常反感, 但這次事件中有MS員工的 reddit帳號被抓出來 Obviously, we can't confirm this story. We asked Microsoft for comment on if they have people on their payroll using Reddit. This is what Microsoft told us: "There is no coordinated or sanctioned effort by Microsoft employees, or anyone paid by Microsoft, to unduly influence Reddit or other online forums." 當然此事真偽無法得知, 當詢問MS有無付錢找寫手, MS說 "我們沒有任何員工或付錢 給任何人去影響reddit 三星表示: -- 中國製造、專家表示、韓國起源、英國研究、三星銷售 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kimisawa 來自: (06/15 06:06) ※ 編輯: kimisawa 來自: (06/15 06:07)
zsyian :整件事其實就只有他老板的一句話 06/15 06:12
kimisawa :還有reddit上的討論有MS員工被抓出來但comment已自爆 06/15 06:14
zsyian :員工會想幫公司辯護,不是很正常的嗎? 06/15 06:15
zsyian :自己家的員工和請打手是兩回事 06/15 06:16
zsyian :請打手這件事,就只有從他老板口中說出的那句話 06/15 06:17
kimisawa :三星也說沒有請打手 06/15 06:18
pathfinder :SONY幾百年前就玩爛的了 06/15 06:36
zsyian :從吧哈,ptt,gamespot,ign這幾個大站的討論區來看 06/15 06:45
zsyian :如果說微軟有請打手,那大概請的不夠多吧 06/15 06:46
kitune :微軟這次還真走索尼老路 是説台灣有槍手嗎?w 06/15 06:47
pathfinder :只要有心,人人都是槍手 06/15 06:50
TETUO :推樓上,反串的也算,三星比較擅長到別人專版 06/15 06:54
lef1986 :微軟需要更強的打手 06/15 07:29
LebronKing :其實每家或多或少都會這麼做吧XD 只是被抓包不好看 06/15 07:43
LebronKing :鄉民這年頭也沒這麼好操縱 06/15 07:43
pathfinder :古人都說過 三人成虎、曾參殺人 哪會難操作 06/15 08:01
set852064 :若為真那台灣的寫手應該直接fire,好月月鳥,台灣MS 06/15 08:13
set852064 :不考慮嗎?XD 06/15 08:14
gasbomb :看標題我也是想到月月鳥 XD 06/15 08:15
MartyFriedma:三星: 06/15 10:13
felaray :"假設"這件事情屬實,花錢買寫手該噓 但如果是員工 06/15 11:04
felaray :熱愛這些政策/技術,甚至自己也是推手之一,這種辯護 06/15 11:04
felaray :我倒是覺得可以接受. 06/15 11:05
felaray :月月鳥就是"花錢"買假評論被噓... 06/15 11:05
faang :就好像台電員工上臉書辯護核電政策 總統還誇獎 06/15 11:05
gogolct :多跟三星學學好嗎 06/15 11:18
felaray :每個人對核電的議題都不同 要是他不是台電員工看有沒 06/15 12:08
felaray :有人會罵他@@ 06/15 12:08
LebronKing :古人的概念拿來用在現在的網路世界喔ww 06/15 12:14
peacedove :可是古人的概念拿來確實通XD 06/15 12:34
wildzeon :有沒有花錢不是重點吧 06/15 12:47
wildzeon :微軟寫手如果有表明身份,說明我是微軟寫手,所以看 06/15 12:56
wildzeon :壞XBONE的人我都噓,那我可以接受 06/15 12:56
wildzeon :論壇本來都假定是消費者的心得分享,不論好壞和立場 06/15 12:57
nvidiaxp :S也花錢找人PO攻擊M的文 別搞的S好像比較高尚 lol 06/15 12:58
wildzeon :微軟和三星寫手引人不滿的點在這裡,他們欺瞞大家 06/15 12:59
wildzeon :有沒有花錢不是重點 06/15 13:00
wildzeon :S當然也一樣,也很惡劣,我對事不對人,樓上別高潮 06/15 13:01
nvidiaxp :看來你用你自己的論點也推的挺HIGH的 06/15 13:12
abreakheart :所以微軟是哪裡欺騙大家?? 06/15 13:53