看板 YAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello has some interesting Gossip Girl tidbits in his TV spoiler column today. We're curious to hear your theories. The Jenny item is pretty much nothing new to us, as it just confirms what we've basically seen from her up until now. But the Chuck Bass gossip? That we're looking for your take on. See below ... Q: Can I have a Jenny Humphrey Gossip Girl scoop? A: Everyone's least-favorite Queen Bee gets a new job: drug mule for boyfriend Damien. Talk about a step up! Congratulations to Jenny! Q: I need a Chuck and Blair spoiler from Gossip Girl, please. A: Chuck will be accused of sexual harassment. Also, look for Chuck’s mommy issues and Serena’s daddy issues to intersect. C哪需要性騷擾啊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Airmimi:...性騷擾勒 with誰阿...!? 01/08 12:16
Garibay:那個和他接吻的Josh控告他XD 01/11 01:55