看板 YAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《maxisam (偽.強者)》之銘言: : 這篇很好笑 XD Happy New Year to all from the Gossip Girl Insider staff. We hope your spirit is renewed as you begin 2010. We also hope you aren't too hung over today. Did you make any resolutions this year? Ones you plan on keeping for a day or more? What do you think the Upper East Siders would resolve to do? GG的全體工作人員向各位拜個年,相信大家的精氣神都已經update到2010模式了! 喔,同樣希望大家昨天晚上沒玩太瘋喔>.@m 你今年許了什麼新年新希望呢?你能持之以恆還是睡一覺起來就忘光光了? 而這些上東區的現代貴族們對新的一年又有什麼美好展望呢? Here are some New Year's resolutions we came up with for the Gossip Girl gang. Submit your own in the comments and we'll add them to the list 以下是本台獨家的GG角色群新年新希望。 Rufus Humphrey: Get a job; Get a new haircut; Get my balls back; Lose some weight; Become the Sexy Brooklyn Dad I used to be R爸:擺脫失業Orz(家庭主夫不適合我這個搖滾硬漢!) 換個造型、執行減肥計畫,新的一年我要重新硬起來! 奪回布魯克林區最性感歐吉桑的寶座! Lily van der Woodsen: Occasionally try being honest; Find a motherly bone in my body; Sleep with my actual husband. L媽:偶爾也講點真話(那去年你真的有說過真話嗎?!)                ↑R爸內心的OS    回來吧~我母性的本能 跟我的真老公盡一下為妻本分 Chuck Bass: Track down that woman, she may be my mother; Get my scarf back; Marry Blair. Open the perfect club. C: 找到那個女人,她搞不好是我老母 找到我的圍巾(是誰偷走我的圍巾藏在餅乾盒裡~) 讓B變成Blair Bass 開間最完美的夜店 Eric van der Woodsen: Reconcile with Jonathan; Follow through on plan to make Sawyer queen; Establish my own rule. E: 跟Jonathan破鏡重圓    把Sawyer拱上女王寶座    作人要有原則 Blair Waldorf: Less NYU plotting, more role playing; Get drunk and do something stupid; Hang out more with the NJBC. B:  早點搞定NYU,多點閨房情趣    喝得大醉再幹些蠢事(醉後大丈夫GG版?)    恢復四人幫出巡陣仗(這樣看來會是兩對情侶的double date!) Serena van der Woodsen: Be less conservative with my outfits; Read a book. S: 2010穿衣守則:衣服越露越好、裙子愈短愈佳,今年的我沒有極限~    完讀一本書 Jenny Humphrey: Get on top of the school ... and Nate; Stop selling drugs. J: 統治全校跟撲倒N    放棄藥頭這個副業 Daniel Humphrey: Have more threesomes; Wear more flannel; Keep on giving high-fives to strangers. D: 3p跟法蘭絨都多多益善  繼續跟陌生人博感情 Nathaniel Archibald: Emote; Act like I'm actually attending Columbia; Track down Trip and punch him again; Stay with Serena. N: 別再死人臉    做好哥大學生的本分(聽D的戀愛史比當哥大學生有趣啦~)    上天下海追殺Trip然後再把他打成豬頭    跟S定下來 Vanessa Abrams: Stop sucking (and falling in love with people I just met). V: 別再當討厭鬼    別再愛上剛認識的人 Georgina Sparks: Return for revenge on B; Make Dan love me! G: 執行蕭婆復仇計畫之B你死定了    把D變成我的壓寨夫人(?) Dorota: If I have a boy, name him DANdy; Make Blair pay for the wedding. 小叮噹Dorota: 我要是生了男孩,就叫他小丹丹!         讓Miss Blair幫我的婚禮買單 -- 翻不太出來那個味道,獻醜了>_< -- 好久沒在GG版PO文,新年快樂~* -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
siori:翻得好好笑 推一個 再推新年快樂 01/07 23:07
maxisam:推 !!! 辛苦翻譯了 :D 01/07 23:14
maxisam:收入精華區 :) 01/07 23:16
maxisam:NJBC: Non Judging Breakfast Club;討論區有人說的 01/07 23:53
maxisam:member: B S N C. 統稱四人幫. 01/07 23:54
感謝版主<(_ _)> ※ 編輯: untillittil 來自: (01/08 00:20)
kikikiwi820:好好笑XDD每個都有好笑的點~~~ 01/08 00:22
yjlee0829:J要撲倒N @@ 01/08 10:05
theowing:Dan確實適合flannelette,但法蘭絨似乎是質料不是樣式 01/09 01:15
maxisam:樓上正解 是一種軟的棉布 01/09 01:18
mayday1999:"讀完一本書" 狠狠戳中我的笑點 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 01/09 12:34
s910928:R的Get my balls back是甚麼? 01/09 22:23
maxisam:那個.....我解釋的話會被當作性騷擾啊 Orz 01/09 23:02
這個呢 隱晦一點說就是找回男子氣概, 講明白一點就是他想找回他的__ __。 我掰不下去了=.= 如果還是不明白的話,就有請borodin! ※ 編輯: untillittil 來自: (01/09 23:32)
s910928:我懂了 可是為什麼阿 ="= 意思是他不man嘛? 01/10 01:58
kxha:他沒有一家之主的fu吧? 01/11 11:55
untillittil:我是覺得L相較之下是主導這段婚姻的人 01/11 12:27