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Brace yourselves, Gossip Girl fans. The show's upcoming third season finale will, in the words of executive producer Stephanie Savage, conclude with “ two OMG moments.” Savage did not provide specifics (figures), did say that the Season 3 conclusion, which is currently being filmed, will be quite unlike the last two Gossip Girl season finales. "It’s not centered on one big event,” she says. “There’s not a giant wedding or a graduation. It’s a real pot-boiler where all this season’s stories bear down on each other." Sounds pretty awesome. Any theories? Will these couples be together at season's end? “It’s one of those episodes that just really moves,” Savage continues in an interview with EW. “Every scene leads to the next scene in a very sort of tight and exciting way." "I’m hopeful it’ll feel like a satisfying conclusion to all the stories we’ ve been telling this year and also give you a sense of what Season Four of Gossip Girl will hold.” The finale will also mark the return of Michelle Trachtenberg as Georgina. Gulp. The interesting catch with that, though? “[Georgina will have] a very different persona,” Savage teases. “We’ll find out where she’s been the past couple of months.” Gossip Girl returns one week from tonight with 10 episodes in as many weeks. “I’m excited that we’re running 10 in a row without interruptions,” says Savage. “Last season, we had a very erratic schedule during the second half of the season, and I think that was hard for [viewers]. We’re excited to come back and have 10 in a row now." "If we were a cable show, it’s practically an entire [season].” -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
untillittil:我覺得製作人有講跟沒講一樣 唯一的重點就是會連播10 03/02 09:22
untillittil:周到季末不停播 還有G回歸阿捏 03/02 09:22
bigadolf:還有確定會有第四季囉?! 03/02 11:45
maxisam:確定有第四季 我也覺得有講跟沒講一樣 所以就懶得翻了 XD 03/02 13:12