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If you believe a report in today's New York Post, Gossip Girl stars Ed Westwick and Jessica Szohr are no longer dating in real life, and you won't believe the reason why: Ed reportedly dumped her for cozying up to one of his best friends! A heartbroken Westwick split with Szohr in an emotional phone call after learning from friends she'd been flirting with handsome heir Marco Minuto, the Post reports. Panicked Jessica then flew to London from L.A. to beg him to take her back, but sources say Westwick is still deeply hurt by the betrayal. One source told the paper: "Jessica recently celebrated her birthday in L.A. and was being openly affectionate and flirty with Marco. They ended up back at the same hotel, but nobody knows what happened behind closed doors. Her flirty behavior shocked a lot of their friends." "Word quickly got back to Ed, who has been filming [The Chalet Girl] in Europe." The source continued: "Ed immediately ended their relationship on the phone, and Jessica, who adamantly denied anything happened with Marco, was so distraught over this that she flew to London last Friday with just the clothes on her back." "She's been begging Ed to take her back, but he is deeply hurt by the whole ordeal. He can't believe that she carried on this way with one of his friends." The Gossip Girl cast members have been a couple since 2008 after they fell in love while dating other people. Szohr once said, "It can be a little awkward when all of a sudden [you have these feelings for] someone you'd call to talk about a different boyfriend." Minuto, who comes from a wealthy family and once tried to sue Harvard for refusing to let him in, is in the same circle of friends as both Gossip Girl stars. He did not return e-mails last night. A source close to Szohr insisted, "She's been celebrating her birthday with Ed in London." Her rep strenuously denied she'd cheated, saying, "The story has absolutely no merit." Westwick's rep declined to comment 在怎麼帥 在怎麼正 也是難逃被劈的一天 ... -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ky0812:老實說V不正啊...到底怎麼劈的,poor Chuck 04/09 04:31
stu91309:我怎麼聞到濃濃的太陽報文筆味道 不太相信 04/09 05:07
clasp:如果是真的, 也太哀傷了吧 T.T 04/09 06:09
fishbook:好鉅細靡遺的報導喔XD 想到Ed之前還帶J見父母呢... 04/09 10:13
fishbook:不過無論真假,這種影集促成的couple都似乎不會太樂觀... 04/09 10:14
liuchihying:那S和D戲外還在一起嗎?@@ 04/09 10:18
ppianojulia:官網也在討論 04/09 10:32
nevebritain:Ed不要傷心!!!去跟B在一起吧! 我真的很喜歡這兩個人配 04/09 11:59
iamwho:好可怕....C快去跟B吧~我超喜歡這一對>////< 04/09 12:08
coronet:B是跟Carter在一起 = =... 04/09 12:08
isly36:今天另一則是傳B跟Carter也分了…有八卦說他們幾個月前就分 04/09 14:51
isly36:了… 04/09 14:51
yamiekhalil:B跟CARTER一直也被傳分啊~我聽很多遍了..S跟D好像倒蠻 04/09 15:27
yamiekhalil:穩定的~ V劇外比較正吧 只是我常常覺得她有點老態=.= 04/09 15:28
isly36:那八卦是說CARTER都已經有新女友了XDD 大家好多八卦 04/09 16:04
JuietWang:..那SD也可以分了.. (逃) 私心覺得不配 哈哈 04/09 17:05
hahehohe:美女與野獸也很好阿... 04/09 18:31
jcshie:SD拍戲之前就熟識 狀況應該有差 :p 04/09 19:56
yu000:V比C好看.......... 04/11 20:51