看板 YAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這張表實在經典. 大家可以看一看 下面的評論也很有趣 http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2010/09/the_definitive_gossip_girl_hoo.html# or http://tinyurl.com/2ekwsl9 There comes a point in the lifespan of a soap opera when the sexual interactions between characters reach a tipping point — or, the ideal conditions for contagious diseases — and almost everyone has slept with almost everyone else. After four seasons of 90210, Kelly had slept with Steve, Brandon, and Dylan. By season three of Grey's Anatomy, George had slept with Meredith, Callie, and Izzie. On Gossip Girl, which thankfully returned last night, the bed-hopping is the most intense of all. Nate's slept with Blair, Vanessa, and Serena; Vanessa's slept with Nate, Dan, and Chuck; Serena's slept with Dan and Nate; and so on and so forth, and that's not even including all of the partners the gang has banged outside of their immediate social circle. So, as a way of saying welcome back — and we're looking forward to a season that includes just as much, if not more, fluid swapping than ever before! — we've documented all of the characters' hookups with one another, strangers, hookers, duchesses, liars, closet cases, politicians, and, of course, soul mates in this one pervy chart. (The "S" after each entry indicate which season(s) the dalliance occurred in.) -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ronale:這張圖要用Firefox 點人頭才看得到介紹 不過為什麼沒有主角 09/18 20:21
maxisam:誰是主角 ? 09/19 00:03
ronale:SDBCN? 看很久還是看不太懂這張圖 囧 09/19 01:15
maxisam:怎麼會沒有 @@ 我用firefox看很清楚耶 09/19 12:26
ronale:終於看到了@@ 怪怪 昨天看SDBCNVJE等人的大圖是空白 09/19 12:42
ronale:難怪我昨天都看不懂 這張表好傳神XDDD 09/19 12:43
outlawstar:chuck和S都好擠啊XD 09/19 12:55
jjjssst:這圖超讚的 D跟S的解釋好好笑 哈哈 可以無限迴圈下去 09/20 00:25