看板 YAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Jack Bass Returning to Gossip Girl This Winter Gossip Girl producers have asked Desmond Harrington to reprise his role as Jack Bass around February, E! Online has learned. What will that mean for Chuck (and Blair)? No more details are available at this time, as this piece of information was gleaned only from an interview with Harrington pertaining to his role on Showtime's Dexter. J.Bass 2月要回來了 Gossip Girl: A Lock For Renewal? Is Gossip Girl all but guaranteed a fifth season? The notoriously low-rated show we love was nevertheless #1 among females 18-34 last week, a very important demographic to advertisers because ... well, think about it. No word has come from the CW just yet, but with that key stat and the devotion of the fan base Gossip Girl has, all signs look promising for a fifth season in 2011-12! 看來GG有機會有第五季 因為GG在18~34歲的女性階層中收視冠軍 下一集The Townie預告 Ben應該是由愛生恨 可能跟之前吸毒過量致死的事件有關 S到監獄去找BEN了 Ben嘗試要叫J罷手 不過J已經失控了 BN聯手其實挺好笑的 小J的前毒販男友又出場 因為是他供貨給大J 讓大J可以餵公主吃藥 小J去試鏡The Walking Dead 當然不是啦 http://tinyurl.com/28dfsrm 是因為這張照片實在是太像zombie了 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
maoapple:他的歌真的有zombie 而且很好聽 12/05 14:07
aries01:因為Dexter S5要結束了,叔叔又有空從邁阿密回紐約了. 12/05 16:47
aries01:GG果真是小女生與輕熟女才會愛看且死忠的戲,不然觀眾人數 12/05 16:48
aries01:在CW中是倒過來數的 12/05 16:48
sakura3034:J.Bass回來 .... 12/06 00:31
lword:第五季= = 本季就該收一收了 看到BASS又出來就知道沒梗了 12/06 12:12
dreamtracy:GG最近狀況是很不穩 但也不用一直酸GG吧= = 12/06 14:45
maxisam:aries01 一直都這樣 每次都有用同樣的言論 12/06 16:57
maxisam:習慣就好了 12/06 16:58
s910928:真的是又愛看又愛酸 12/06 18:44
L2412:偷偷問一下公主是誰? 12/06 21:20
lovemendy:公主應該是S吧 12/06 21:21
vvvvvolcano:聽說C會愛上富家女.....我的BC呀!!還有人家想看Nj啦~ 12/06 21:46
vvvvvolcano:大家有聽說BC線會有捨摸發展嗎??? 12/06 21:46