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※ 引述《GiGio (我們的愛很簡單~~~~ꄩ》之銘言: : ※ 引述《birdism (龍蝦造景上的旅客)》之銘言: : : 舉個最平常的例子吧, : : 平常都去上課,某天你因故只沒去上那麼一次的課,老師就在那一次點名, : : 就是莫非定律吧... : : 其實莫非定律是由英文來的:Merphy's Law : : 使我想起Alanis Morissette的一首歌:Ironic : : 裡面的歌詞大概就是莫非定律的集合吧.. : : 很有趣喔,大家有空可以看看..:) : 有人可以po出來嗎?? : 我覺得好有趣喔~~~~~~~ Ironic An old man turned ninety-eight He won the lottery and died the next day It's a black fly in your Chardonnay It's a death row pardon two minute too late Isn't it ironic...don't you think Chorus: It's like rain on your wedding day It's a free ride when you've already paid It's the good advice that you just didn't take Who would've thought...it figures Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye He waited his whole damn life to take that flight And as the plane crashed down he thought "Well isn't This nice..." And isn't it ironic...don't you think Repeat Chorus Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you When you think everything's okay and everything's going right And life has a funny way of helping you out when You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up In your face A traffic jam when you're already late A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife It's meeting the man of my dreams And then meeting his beautiful wife And isn't it ironic...don't you think A little too ironic...and yeah I really do think... Repeat Chorus Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out Helping you out ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: IP016.dialup.nt -- 夜車 星夜夜夜夜 星夜夜夜夜 咳 星夜夜夜夜 星夜夜夜夜 星夜夜夜夜 星夜夜夜夜 嗽 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: lucky.csie.ntu.edu.tw
Houcc:北誒投哦西帽山鶯歌出土炭 02/23 01:22
Houcc:草山坪咧出溫泉 02/23 01:22
Houcc:拜請噫~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:東營兵擱咧東營將 西營兵擱咧西營將 02/23 01:22
Houcc:北營中營兵中將 起雄兵咧九千九百九萬千 02/23 01:22
Houcc:滴滴工擱存無閑~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:(紅兵烏啊卒 進攻步步溜哦~ 進攻步步溜啊~) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:神誒兵哦 神兵啊火過火路靈啊 火過火路靈 02/23 01:22
Houcc:旺來西瓜平 欠錢無愛還~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:(走路頭殼直直暈 賺錢無愛還啊) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:尖嘴的是雞哦 扁嘴的是番鴨 02/23 01:22
Houcc:翹翹的是豬肉 四角的是豆干 02/23 01:22
Houcc:白白的是面線 02/23 01:22
Houcc:(急急火路令啊 急急火路令 02/23 01:22
Houcc:三姑咿媽來山前 山前一窟杏黃酒 杏黃炸作土豆仁) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:拜請咧 大仙的王爺公啊 細仙的王爺仔 02/23 01:22
Houcc:我是假裝請 你那來我著多撂餅噫啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:(天頂天公 地下母舅公哦 北海岸十八王爺公哦) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:拜請噫~ 拜請 拜請拜請 02/23 01:22
Houcc:阮后生啊愛著啊琴啊櫻彼個查某仔 02/23 01:22
Houcc:不知有影還無影 有影喊三聲哦~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:(無影~ 無影~ 無影~) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:皇誒青哦~ 你皇青啊四果擺甲歸桌頂 02/23 01:22
Houcc:紅柿 那佛啊甲龍眼 要吃著自己揀 02/23 01:22
Houcc:三碗 二碗作你擺哦~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:夾雞公應該殺 無錢的我無愛哦~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:紅包大個作你來 那會來哦...... 02/23 01:22
Houcc:俺公啊對啊阮有啊交代 02/23 01:22
Houcc:叫阮麻雀籽啊不通黑白擺 02/23 01:22
Houcc:碰啊你咧碰啊~ 夠啊我哩夠啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:杠頂咧開啊花咧多啊一臺哦~~~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:草埔嘛草尾嘛草啊青青 02/23 01:22
Houcc:草埔嘛路上嘛草啊滿梗 02/23 01:22
Houcc:有孝的媳婦是三頓燒 02/23 01:22
Houcc:不孝的媳婦是過路搖 啊過路搖 02/23 01:22
Houcc:搖你著搖過橋 哦~~~(過橋 過橋 過橋) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:獻紙來你嘛燒錢去啊 02/23 01:22
Houcc:獻紙嘛燒錢是要買路去啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:獻紙來你嘛燒錢去啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:獻紙嘛燒錢是要買路去啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:走你著走過橋 哦~~~啊 (過橋~ 過橋~ 過橋~) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:光頭替你啊去啊沖啊軍啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:寄阮兩只鴨請你醇哦~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:燒酒來你嘞分啊看啊斂 02/23 01:22
Houcc:俺公叫你做人著沁睬 02/23 01:22
Houcc:走你著走啊 咿啊哦過橋 (過橋~ 過橋~ 過橋~) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:草埔嘛草尾嘛草啊青青 02/23 01:22
Houcc:草埔嘛路上嘛草啊滿梗 02/23 01:22
Houcc:有孝的媳婦是三頓燒 02/23 01:22
Houcc:不孝的媳婦是過路搖 啊過路搖 02/23 01:22
Houcc:搖你著搖過橋 哦~~~啊 (過橋~ 過橋~ 過橋~) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:獻紙來你嘛燒錢去啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:獻紙嘛燒錢是要買路去啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:獻紙來你嘛燒錢去啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:獻紙嘛燒錢是要買路去啊~ 02/23 01:22
Houcc:走你著走啊~~~ (拜拜哦~拜拜啊!) 02/23 01:22
Houcc:走到觀音佛主廟哦~~~~(拜觀音佛主哦) 02/23 01:22