看板 b97902HW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The first homework assignment is due March 9th. Please turn in the following problems to your TA: 11.1: 19, 45,58,64,68 11.2: 20,27,36,50 11.3: 12,17,24,27,30 11.4: 17,20,26,30 11.5: 11,14,24,32 11.6: 4,13,22,33 11.7: 8,10,25,32,38 11.8: 11,17,18,24,26, 大家自己注意一下吧~ -- ¯–╴¯ ̄¯╴—– ╴¯– ╴¯–¯ ̄╴¯–╴¯–╴¯–╴¯–╴¯–╴¯–╴¯– <Jona's Office> in anfranion 板 @ ptt2.cc –╴¯ ̄–¯ ̄¯¯ ̄¯–╴¯ ̄–╴¯ ̄– ╴¯–– ╴–╴¯ ̄–╴¯ ̄ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Daniel1147:有夏有推XD 03/04 19:11