看板 basketball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Cyclo:傳球目前我找到的都是假檔 06/28 18:03
Icebound:傳球能抓的大概都抓過了 都假的~"~ 06/28 22:24
BETTER 1 ON 1 OFFENSE trivial BETTER SHOOTING trivial BETTER BALL HANDLING trivial BETTER 1 ON 1 DEFENSE 699.51 MB 36wknm BETTER PASSING 547.27 MB - Mike Bibby 2odbvp 內容大約講解什麼情況該怎麼傳是最好的選擇,上了場還是得自己應變 BETTER POST PLAY trivial SCORING WITHOUT THE BALL I can't find it. 這樣會有版權的問題嗎? -- When you step on court,if you don't make your teammates around you better, you're not half the player you can be. If you can make people around you better, you're already doing more than if you score or if you rebound. If you can make everyone better, that shows a true player. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Cyclo:低調點好 06/29 09:45
jasonkeen:這個板...夠低調了吧...還是改一下好了... 06/29 09:53
※ 編輯: jasonkeen 來自: (06/29 09:58)
tentry121:可以問一下這個該怎麼抓嗎? 06/30 12:25
kazetatsu:用站內信問問吧~ 06/30 16:29
apiggy0204:XD 06/30 22:04
subsist:低調推 07/04 16:25
tream:我找不到低調:( 07/06 19:12
jasonkeen:\ Y 07/06 19:21