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※ 引述《bagamanslim (抹茶拿鐵無糖加三匙抹茶 )》之銘言: : 去年有參與到聖誕交換書籍活動 : 不知今年能不能也再舉辦一次呢? : 跟陌生版友交換書藉太有樂趣了 : ^^ 假如今年在辦的話 會有人參加嗎? 因為去年我有被人整到 =_=|| 後續追蹤花了我好多時間 今年的書籍推薦活動 我到現在都還生不出來 唉 -- 之前在他板板主的事情 讓我感到無力空洞與挫折 -- It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone. Rose Kennedy US wife of Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr. (1890 - 1995) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
faxd:參加 12/08 00:12
skywillams:參加 12/08 01:04
withdream:+1 12/08 09:57
tomx:+1 12/08 11:10
bagamanslim:+1 12/08 11:37
oasis0524:參加 12/08 14:54
fifergiselle:+1 12/09 09:49
ada90405:1 12/10 13:22
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yabica:+1 12/20 06:15