看板 ck60th313 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 StupidClown 看板 #1D31tZBk ] 作者: tristaratara (媽 我們去澳洲養乳牛吧) 看板: StupidClown 標題: [轉錄][閒聊] 美國50條最"不可思議"的法律 時間: Sat Dec 18 10:35:14 2010 ※ [本文轉錄自 NetRumor 看板 #1CRFPY1P ] 作者: haudai (哀.....................) 看板: NetRumor 標題: [閒聊] 美國50條最"不可思議"的法律 時間: Thu Aug 19 17:16:15 2010 [雙語] 美國50條最"不可思議"的法律 2010-06-11 10:16:38  來源:國際線上論壇  編輯:陸熙堯    Alabama 阿拉巴馬   It’s illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.   戴假鬍子在教堂引爆笑點是非法的   Alaska   Whispering in someone’s ear while he’s moose hunting is prohibited.   在某人獵駝鹿時朝他耳語是被禁止的   Arizona   Cutting down a cactus may earn you a twenty-five-year prison term.   砍下一棵仙人球可讓你坐25年牢 (史上最貴仙人球?)   Arkansas 阿肯色州   It’s illegal to mispronounce the name of the state of Arkansas.   把阿肯色州的名字念錯是犯法的。。。(我曾經念錯過,幸好不是在阿州的地盤上)   California   You may not eat an orange in your bathtub.   不可以在澡盆裏吃橘子   Colorado   It’s unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next-door neighbor (Denver).   將你家的吸塵器借給隔壁鄰居是非法的 (丹佛)   Connecticut   A pickle cannot actually be a pickle unless it bounces.   只有有彈性的腌菜才是腌菜(?)   Delaware   It’s illegal to get married on a dare.   因為受到挑戰而結婚是非法的 (?)   Washington, D.C.   It’s against the law to post a public notice calling someone a coward for refusing to accept a challenge to duel.   因某人拒絕接受一項決鬥而在大庭廣眾下稱呼某人是懦夫是違法的。   Florida   If you tie an elephant to a parking meter, you must pay the same parking fee as you would for a vehicle.   如果你將一頭大象係在停車計時器上, 你就必須像付停車費一樣給大象付相同的費用。   Georgia   It’s illegal to change the clothes on a storefront mannequin unless you draw the shades first.   給前店的人體模特兒換衣服時必須有遮擋,否則違法。   Hawaii   All residents may be fined for not owning a boat.   沒船就得挨罰?   Idaho   A man must not give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing fewer than fifty pounds.   一個人不能給予他的甜心糖果少於50磅   Illinois   It’s illegal to take a French poodle to the opera (Chicago).   戴法國波特爾犬去歌劇院非法   Indiana   The value of pi is 4, and not 3.1415.   π值是4而不是3.1415 (=_,=|||)   Iowa   One-armed piano players must perform for free.   單手彈鋼琴者必須免費演出。(如果是殘疾人,可以視作歧視嗎?) Kansas   It’s illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits (Natoma).   超穿條紋西裝的人扔小刀是非法的(難道朝其他人飛刀不犯法?)   Kentucky   Every citizen is required to take a shower once a year.   每位公民每年必須洗一次澡   Nebraska   Bar owners may not sell beer unless they brew a kettle of soup simultaneously.   酒吧不能賣酒除非他們同時又煮了一桶湯。   Nevada   It’s illegal for men with mustaches to kiss women.   留小鬍子的男人不能親吻婦女。   New Hampshire   It’s forbidden to sell the clothes you’re wearing to pay off a gambling debt.   不準賣掉你正穿的衣服來付賭債。   New Jersey   It’s against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season.   在漁汛期男人不可以織網(?)   New Mexico   Females may not appear unshaven in public.   女性不可以未修面就出現在公共場合。   New York   While riding in an elevator, you must talk to no one, fold your hands, and look toward the door.   步入電梯,你不能和人說話,必須交疊雙手、直視門口。(原來那麼多人都違法了)   North Carolina   It’s against the law to sing off-key.   唱歌走音是非法的(大家都別唱了╮(╯▽╰)╭)   North Dakota   It’s illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.   穿鞋子躺倒睡覺時非法的。。。 Ohio   You must honk the horn whenever you pass another car, according to the state’s driver’s education manual.   根據本州司機的教育手冊,你每超過一輛汽車就必須摁一次喇叭   Oklahoma   It’s forbidden to take a bite out of another person’s hamburger.   禁止咬另一個人的漢堡一口(囧囧有神)   Oregon   State law requires dishes to be drip-dried.   本州法律要求盤子必須滴水滴幹(?)   Pennsylvania   It’s illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors.   睡在冰箱外門上方是非法的(誰能告訴俺怎麼睡?)   Rhode Island   You may not bite off another person’s leg.   不準咬掉另一個人的腿 (誰的牙有那麼厲害?)   South Carolina   If a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, he is required by law to keep his promise.   如果一個男人向一名未婚婦女承諾娶她,他就必須按照法律遵守諾言。 (廣大未婚女性的福音啊)   South Dakota   It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.   在奶酪工廠躺倒睡覺是非法的。   Tennessee   Selling hollow logs is strictly forbidden.   嚴禁銷售枕木。   Texas   You may not shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.   你不可以從旅館的二樓射殺水牛。   Utah   It is illegal not to drink milk.   不喝牛奶非法。(OMG~~~) --- 請問這是真的嗎 -- 女神倉木麻衣PTT後援會 歡迎大家前往討論 支持女神 視聽劇場 偶像, 音樂, 廣電 [skydreaming/ Idols_3JP 人物 Σ哈日藝能宅即便 [EmilChau] JP_Being 日本 Σ* Being系音樂 * MaiKuraki 日本 ●麻衣ちゃん ようこそ!! fatbird/zeror -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
BrightKiller:大部分的是舊的法律 08/19 18:23
wizard828:不過看了很有可能是從對岸翻譯來的 08/20 00:59
jphant:在巴爾地模帶獅子去電影院是犯法的. 在新墨西哥帶鴨子跨過 08/20 13:10
jphant:州線也是犯法的! 08/20 13:11
pshuang:我承諾娶福田麻由子 09/09 12:06
ViperII:樓上真糟糕 那我要山田夏海 09/11 13:16
neko415:福田超可愛!!!!<( >///<)-σ_ˍ▁▂▃▄▅▆▆▅▄▃▄▅ 09/28 12:11
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
even51213:不小心嘴角失守了... XD 12/18 10:41
strangerthe:這殺小XDDD 12/18 11:35