看板 ck60th325 關於我們 聯絡資訊
So, what's the next step of the lab? It's been a quarter of a year, but nothing started. I'm starting to plan for the summer, what on earth are we going to do then? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
flf2ko:還以為是哪款遊戲的召喚獸名字 04/10 21:25
aaha:幹新聞張耶 04/10 23:41
aaha:太激動害我連字都沒有選 04/10 23:41
zzzzz129:好糟糕的文章 04/11 00:01
venuswings:他們無回應啊= = 04/12 21:05
aaha:這篇是來鬧的嘛? 04/15 22:47
wintercobra:有消息了,不過在電子學大魔王前,哪可能啊... 04/30 15:18
wintercobra:有沒有其他中意的時間? 04/30 15:18
venuswings:不是前 是撞 04/30 22:56
venuswings:看樣子剩張桂銘...= =" 04/30 23:01