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https://tinyurl.com/t296h4r Anne-Sophie Mutter Has Tested Positive for Coronavirus German violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter has today announced that she has tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus March 26, 2020 German violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter has today announced, via her own social media, that she has tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus. “I have tested positive to COVID-19 … I am staying very quarantined at home and I am expecting to fully recover ….” Anne-Sophie has today said. “I so much hope to be able to play for you again soon live … it’s a very difficult situation for an artist to not be able to play but better times will come soon,” she has said. 年紀也不小了 保重 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/clmusic/M.1585241442.A.5E4.html
abacada: 大驚 原來她快60了 03/27 00:53
abacada: px 那這....... 03/27 00:54
abacada: 喔喔原來是在自家演奏 還好還好 03/27 00:54
z5536987123: 超喜歡她的貝多芬小協 03/27 00:57
ensuey: 痾... 03/27 02:05
arty: 保重 03/27 02:09
decorum: 聲樂家若中標 後果更可怕 可能職業生涯就結束了 03/27 06:44
decorum: 管樂也差不多吧 03/27 06:45
ppptofff: 買爆他的CD 03/27 07:54
harveylin: 保重吾愛 03/27 09:44
chewie: 希望平安... 03/27 10:16
innightmare: 天啊... 03/27 11:07
Paulsic: 聽到睡著 04/02 10:53
buji: 要全神貫注連聽三首奏鳴曲,還是需要點功夫 04/02 14:59
chenchien: What the f...QQ 04/08 05:58
Holerabbit: Oh, no...get well soon 04/11 18:21
casanovatony: 似乎已經痊癒 04/13 12:43