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qwerewq :3/1凌晨2點35分臉書更新 03/24 23:12
qwerewq :http://ppt.cc/S~7K 03/24 23:12
qwerewq :每個人都是某人的榜樣... 好的或是壞的榜樣就看我們 03/24 23:12
qwerewq :3/9凌晨5點1分臉書更新 03/24 23:13
qwerewq :http://ppt.cc/1L7J 03/24 23:13
qwerewq :Prayers... 03/24 23:13
qwerewq :3/12凌晨0點20分臉書更新 03/24 23:14
qwerewq :i do wish that ppl would have more respect for 03/24 23:15
qwerewq :another's desire for privacy,and that ppl 03/24 23:15
qwerewq :wouldn't place their own petty thoughts and 03/24 23:16
qwerewq :motives on others... why would I base all my 03/24 23:16
qwerewq :major life choices (about love, life, and 03/24 23:16
qwerewq :happiness) on a "competition" with someone I 03/24 23:17
qwerewq :consider my close friend? what is wrong with 03/24 23:18
qwerewq :wanting some personal space and privacy? if we 03/24 23:18
qwerewq :could all send more love, consideration, and 03/24 23:18
qwerewq :understanding towards others into the world... 03/24 23:18
qwerewq :wouldn't that be nice? 03/24 23:19
qwerewq :3/12早上6點48分臉書更新 03/24 23:20
qwerewq :http://ppt.cc/hqOs 03/24 23:20
qwerewq :如果你有看過 Blackfish (電影/紀錄片) 就了解... 03/24 23:21
qwerewq :3/13凌晨5點4分臉書更新 03/24 23:21
qwerewq :http://ppt.cc/MJyY 03/24 23:22
qwerewq :to cheer everyone up! 03/24 23:22
※ 編輯: qwerewq 來自: (03/24 23:25)