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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1UocyxhU ] 作者: GETpoint (擲雷爆卦) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 考古學家標記了威廉華勒斯的秘密要塞所在 時間: Sun May 24 20:57:28 2020 1.媒體來源: 外媒 Ars Technica 2.記者署名: JENNIFER OUELLETTE - 5/23/2020, 1:00 AM 3.完整新聞標題: 考古學家標記了威廉華勒斯的秘密要塞所在 4.完整新聞內文: Archaeologists may have found William Wallace’s hidden fortress “Could the fort really have been built by Wallace and his men? I’d like to think so.” JENNIFER OUELLETTE - 5/23/2020, 1:00 AM William Wallace, the Scottish knight who emerged as a military leader during the First War of Scottish Independence in the late 13th century, has become a household name thanks to Mel Gibson's blockbuster film Braveheart, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this month. Wallace's rebellion began with the murder of the High Sheriff of Lanark in May 1297, and he conducted several successful raids before achieving a stunning upset victory against English troops at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. He was particularly known for his strategic use of terrain, and legend holds that he conducted at least one raid from a hidden fort somewhere in the vicinity of Dumfriesshire. 蘇格蘭騎士威廉·華勒斯(William Wallace)在13世紀後期的蘇格蘭獨立戰爭期間成為 軍事領袖,由於梅爾·吉勃遜(Mel Gibson)的《勇敢的心》(Braveheart),成為家喻 戶曉的名字。華萊士的叛亂始於1297年5月,他進行了幾次成功的突襲,然後在斯特林橋 戰役中擊敗英軍,取得令人震驚的勝利。他以對地形的戰略用途而聞名,傳說他在 鄧弗里斯郡附近的一個隱蔽堡壘進行了至少一次突襲。 There is mention of the fort in The New Statistical Account of Scotland (published between 1834 and 1845). It said the fort adjoined a glade called Torlinn, commanded "an extensive view of the south," and was protected on three sides by two branches of a steep ravine and a large ditch. In 1297, Wallace supposedly holed up in the fort with 16 men, "with whom he sallied forth to annoy the English garrison under Greystock and Sir Hugh of Moreland." 在《蘇格蘭新統計資料》(1834年至1845年間出版)中提到了堡壘。它說,該堡壘毗鄰一 個名為託林的林間空地,被描述“向南眺望”,並在三個側面受到陡峭的山溝和一個大溝 渠的兩個分支的保護。1297年,據說華勒斯與16個人一起闖入了堡壘,“他與他們一同發 動騷擾。 Now Forestry Journal has announced that archaeologists may have discovered the site of Wallace's hidden fort. Matt Ritchie is an archaeologist with Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS), who has been working with an organization called Skyscape Survey to develop a drone-based method to conduct photogrammetric surveys. This involves using remote-controlled drones to take hundreds of photographs from the air, then stitching them together with the help of point-matching software. 考古學家可能已經發現了華勒斯的秘密要塞。馬特·里奇(Matt Ritchie)是蘇格蘭林業 與土地局(FLS)的一名考古學家,他一直在與一家名為“ 天空景象調查”的組織合作, 開發基於無人機的方法來進行攝影測量。這涉及使用遙控無人機從空中拍攝數百張照片, 然後藉助匹配軟體將它們接合在一起。 The resulting 3D terrain model is free of scrub and ground vegetation, according to Ritchie, and also has highly refined details about heights. “It ’s a fascinating and revealing technique that really begins to open up the landscape, and this seemed like an ideal site to investigate," said Ritchie of the choice to map the Dumfriesshire site believed to be the location of Wallace's hidden fort. "There isn’t much evidence on the surface, but the rampart and topography matches the historic description very well. Our new 3D model enables the massive rampart of the fort to really stand out, and the deep gullies of the two linns to be appreciated.” 根據Ritchie的說法,生成的3D地形模型沒有灌木叢和地面植被,並且具有高度精確的細 節。“這是一種引人入勝且令人著迷的技術,它的確景觀開闊,這似乎是一個理想的 調查地點,” 選擇在鄧弗里斯郡遺址上作圖的里奇說,他被認為是華勒斯的秘密要塞 所在地。表面上沒有太多證據,但是城牆和地形與歷史描述非常吻合。我們新的3D模型使 堡壘的巨大城牆真正脫穎而出。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://is.gd/Wxm6DO 6.備註: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap9c0r7SjeU
威廉華勒斯(1272-1305) 蘇格蘭貴族,早年經歷不詳,但可知的是他有受過良好教育,精通法語與武藝。據傳說, 他的父親在英格蘭征服時被害,讓他憤而聚眾殺死當地治安官起義,形成一個以親族為中 心的反抗組織。 1298的斯特林橋大捷是其軍事成就的高峰,他善用地形與長戟大斧痛擊來犯的英格蘭騎士 。但隨即在隔年愛德華親征的福爾克戰役遭到決定性慘敗。 此後,威廉華勒斯轉向游擊戰,但仍然於1305年在羅伯伊斯頓被英軍所俘虜,並被送往倫 敦以叛國罪名處以凌遲與車裂。 名言:「每個人都會死,但不是每個人都曾真正活過(Every man dies, not every man really lives)」 -- 七魄興輪無上伊甸瑜珈雖然是以看來較為平和的方式以蟬蛻和生乳取代血肉等腥穢之物 作為密義源起供養;然而聚歛於上的是冥界的深冤與大樂奔瀉的淨慈,行者於閉關修持 之時若生起退失動搖之心,則神識旋即離散且肉身消殞;即便如此還是願意受灌頂嗎? https://imgur.com/cEVD0kE ---妖道七祖《攝一切魔根本瑜珈論/誓命問品第一》--- 文章代碼(AID): #1K0Lp7VP (CFantasy) [ptt.cc] Re: [新聞] 湖南偏鄉驚曝百餘...... https://imgur.com/eRQKYMF 文章網址: https://is.gd/J7nd2k -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1590325051.A.ADE.html
hmt17: 400血 28攻 屌爆 05/24 20:57
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: GETpoint ( 臺灣), 05/24/2020 20:57:49 ※ 編輯: GETpoint ( 臺灣), 05/24/2020 20:59:31
wray: Braveheart 台譯:英雄本色 05/25 00:26
huangfly: Frrrrrrrrrreeeeeeedom !! 05/25 00:33
viwrabbit: 推,華勒斯與華萊士這兩個譯名,建議採用一個就好 05/25 10:02
mstar: 台灣都不統一外國人、地譯名,導致有時雞同鴨講。 05/26 00:54