看板 gay 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1VQklIms ] 作者: cipc444 () 看板: Gossiping 標題: Re: [新聞] 時代雜誌2020百大影響力人物 總統蔡英文 時間: Wed Sep 23 14:31:37 2020 其實不管TIME還是彭博 都是公開新聞啦 不用訂閱就可以看 所以轉錄原文及提供簡單翻譯 本篇摘錄蔡英文、祈家威,順便放一下習近平 基本上內容就是推薦人對於被推薦的介紹,都是恭維之詞啦 有趣的是,祈家威的推薦人其實就是蔡英文 呵呵 題外話,在蔡英文被選入的領導人組(Leaders)被放在最上面的是Anthony Fauci 大家可以去找一些他的資料,基本上他就是美國的公衛教父這樣 _____________________________________________________________________________ Tsai Ing-wen 蔡英文 BY TED CRUZ 推薦人TED CRUZ President Tsai Ing-wen is a signal lamp casting out China’s looming shadow, conveying to the world that Taiwan will not acquiesce to the Chinese Communist Party. 蔡英文是在中國陰影下的探照燈,向世界傳遞了台灣不會接受中國共產黨。 While Taiwan stands a mere 100 miles from mainland China, under President Tsai ’s leadership, it is neither adrift nor drawn in. Freedom is its North Star, which has been clear in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Taiwan has proved that the virus can be controlled—without emulating China’s drastic policies. 在蔡英文的領導下,與中國僅100英里相望的台灣是不會猶疑與共謀的。自由就是北極星 ,在武漢肺炎的疫情爆發期間,台灣證明了即使採取中國式的嚴厲政策,仍然可以控制疫 情。 When cynics said Taiwan was too small and too isolated to stand up against China’s regional ambitions, President Tsai stood tall. When China lured Taiwan’s allies into cutting off ties with the island nation, President Tsai was undeterred. I had the honor of meeting President Tsai last year during Taiwan’s National Day celebrations, and I witnessed firsthand how she stands up for the rights of Taiwan’s people. 當那些犬儒說台灣太小、太孤獨而沒有辦法對抗中國的野心時,蔡總統挺身而出。當中國 引誘台灣的盟友切斷和台灣的關係時候,蔡總統並不退縮。我有幸在去年台灣的國慶日上 與蔡總統見面,而我第一手的見證了她是如何為台灣人民的權利挺身而出。 China is the world’s largest communist regime, and this self-made woman is determined to resist it. She does not cower. 中國是全世界最大的共產政權,而這個白手起家的女性決心要對抗中國。她並不怯懦。 Cruz is a Republican Senator from Texas Cruz(推薦人)是德州的共和黨參議員 ______________________________________________________________________________ Chi Chia-wei 祈家威 BY TSAI ING-WEN 推薦人蔡英文 Ask anyone who’s attended Taiwan Pride, and they can probably tell you about the first time they laid eyes on Chi Chia-wei, standing high above the crowds and waving a rainbow flag. That image exemplifies what he means to Taiwan’s LGBTQ+ community: a symbol of hope to the next generation, the living embodiment of the idea that it truly does get better. 去問任何參加台灣同志大遊行的人,他們大致都可以告訴你關於他們第一次看見祈家威的樣子,他站在人群之上並揮舞著彩虹旗。這個畫面展示出了他對於台灣LGBTQ+社群的意義,他是對於下一個世代的希望象徵,一個告訴你我們都會變得更好的生活世代。 He began advocating for marriage equality decades ago, at a time when civic advocacy could serve as grounds for imprisonment in Taiwan. Despite the danger, he repeatedly brought his case for equal rights to the courts, and his persistence led to the Grand Justices’ constitutional interpretation ruling that required the government to legalize same-sex marriage, which took effect in 2019. 他在十年之前就開始倡議婚姻平等,在當時公民倡議運動在台灣是有可能被抓去關的。儘管有著危險,他仍然不斷的向法院爭取平等的權利,最終他的堅持讓大法官會議在2019年作出解釋,要求政府需要針對同性婚姻進行立法。 Through the years, Chi has stood tall against immense prejudice with his larger-than-life courage. I’m confident that Chi will light the way to a future where everyone deserves to love and be loved. 這些年來,祈家威擁有比生命更大的勇氣,對抗著巨大無比的偏見。我很有信心,祈家威會照亮一條「每個人都可以愛,也可以被愛」的未來道路。 Tsai is the President of Taiwan 蔡英文是台灣總統 ______________________________________________________________________________ Xi Jinping 習近平 BY AMANDA BENNETT 推薦人 AMANDA BENNETT Xi Jinping stands today as China’s seemingly invulnerable top leader. His anti-corruption campaign struck at kleptocrats, some in his own family, while also conveniently purging rivals. His authoritarian moves rival the world’s most extreme: corralling ethnic Uighurs into camps, suppressing violent anti-China protests in Hong Kong and ushering in powerful social-monitoring technology. Completing the look is the Mao Zedong–like cult of personality Xi allows or encourages—including his own Little Red Book. The result: a foreign policy and economic juggernaut expanding around the world. 習近平是中國今日無法撼動的最高領導人。他的反腐敗運動打擊了那些竊取國家及人民財產的盜竊者,其中一些人是他自己的家人,同時還方便地清除了競爭對手。他的威權主義舉動完全比得上世界上最極端的狀況(編按:這句話的翻譯我不是很確定,如有意見請予指教):將維吾爾族囚禁在難民營中,鎮壓香港的反華暴力抗議活動,並採用強大的社會監控技術。從外表上看來,習近平是在鼓勵毛澤東式的個人崇拜,包括他出版自己的小紅書。結果是,他的外交政策和經濟手段在世界範圍內擴展。 Still, just as the sudden fall of the Soviet Union exposed previously unseen cracks, Xi may yet come to regret that he is now effectively China’s leader for life. A shrinking and aging workforce, the cost of the global Belt and Road Initiative (built on debt, not cash) and internal griping—or worse— from victims of a slowing economy exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic that began on his watch mean Xi’s success may not be his final act. 儘管如此,如同蘇聯的突然垮台暴露了隱藏起的裂縫,習近平可能來不及後悔自己成為了中國的終生領袖。勞動力的萎縮和老齡化,全球一帶一路倡議的成本(建立在債務之上,而不是現金)和內部壓力,更糟糕的是那些從他的管理的中國所發生的武漢肺炎大流行而造成的經濟趨緩下的難民。習近平的成功可能不是他最終所能決定(編按:此處應有雙關,請參閱赫爾辛基協議Helsinki Final Act)。 Bennett is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Bennett是普立茲獎得獎記者及作家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1600842706.A.C36.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: n6335097 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2020 14:50:26
n6335097: 經原作者同意轉錄,原PO提醒建議可以看原文比較精確 09/23 14:50
※ 編輯: n6335097 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2020 14:51:07
pzubfwss: 翻譯有不少小錯 但不太妨礙快速了解文義 09/24 03:30