看板 guitar 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: http://zoome.jp/EXAM22/diary/4/ #Fm (Rap都用這個) 或用 #Fm D A/#C : Lock eyes from across the room (橫跨房間交錯視線) : down my drink while the rhythms boom (我在節奏轟鳴中放下酒杯) : take your hand and skip the names (牽起妳的手交換姓名) : no need here for the silly games (沒必要玩愚蠢的遊戲) : make our way through the smoke and crowd (我們穿過煙霧瀰漫的人群) : the club is the sky and I’m on your cloud (我乘著妳的雲朵在舞廳的天空上) : move in close as the lasers fly (親密接觸雷射飛舞) : our bodies touch and the angels cry (肢體交錯天使慟哭) : leave this place go back to yours (離開這裡前往妳家) : our lips first touch outside your doors (在家門口彼此熱吻) : a whole night what we’ve got in store (享受剩餘今宵) : whisper in my ear that you want some more (妳耳語道"想要更多") D A/#C #Fm (所有的Jizz in my pants) : and I JIZZ IN MY PANTS (然後我 就‧射‧了) 略... 後面都這幾個和弦啦 : Ok seriously you guys can we…ok… (好了好了,給我認真一點) : YOU SAY IM PREMATURE I JUST CALL IT ECSTASY (妳說我很幼稚我說這叫激情) : (I jizz in my pants, I jizz in my pants, yes I jizz in my pants, yes I jizz in : my pants) [我射了,我射了,我射了,我射了] : yes I JIZZ…IN…MY PANTS (是的,我‧射‧了) : (I jizz in my pants (AKIVA!), I jizz in my pants) [我射了] Capo夾第二格用會比較好彈 -- ╭──╮╭──╮┌╭─╮ ○ ┌┐┌┐╭──╮┌┐┌┐ ○ ┌╭─╮╭──┐ │╭─┘│╭╮││╭╮│ ┌┐ │││││╭─╯│╰╭╯ ┌┐ │╭╮││╭╮│ │┌┐││┌─╯││││ ││ │╰┘│╰─╮╮│╭╮╮ ││ ││││╰─┐│ ╰──╯╰──╯└┘└┘ └┘ ╰─└┘╰──╯└┘└┘ └┘ └┘└┘╰──╯ http://www.wretch.cc/album/Geniusking -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Geniusking 來自: (12/31 22:03) ※ 編輯: Geniusking 來自: (12/31 22:03)
hiphop4ever:XD 12/31 22:11
seashandy:認真文推! 12/31 22:19
DoAsInfinity:射了! 12/31 22:19
john03162:阿斯 01/01 00:11
chenyichuann:射了! 01/01 19:09
rockincicada:xd 05/11 03:45
asdzxc1662:射了 11/15 15:43