看板 hypermall 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在這邊潛水半年 有時會看到有些板友 在好市多中和店退貨遇到比較困難的情形 我就寫了封信去好市多的客服 詢問退貨的事 信中提到 好市多是提供商品百分百滿意保證的 某些特別情況下,退貨是管理階層(manager) 可以考慮 以上附上回信的原文,大家參考一下 With few exceptions, Costco has a 100% guarantee on all of our merchandise. *All refunds are at the discretion of the warehouse manager. f you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return the product and packaging, along with the receipt, if possible, to your local Costco warehouse. Exceptions: Televisions, projectors, computers, cameras, camcorders, iPod/MP3 players, cellular phones, and any item that is restricted by law. Please visit your local membership counter for details. (90 days) 資訊分享 不要戰我 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gambling:去美國出差的時候,聽同事說過,有大型運動比賽 03/25 20:40
gambling:會有人去大賣場搬視聽設備回家看,比賽看完後,就退貨 03/25 20:41
gambling:所以很多美國大賣場也出現象這一類的退貨但書! 03/25 20:41
gargamel:認真! 03/25 21:12
peter700:認真+1 有中譯版本更讚! 03/25 21:52
shawncool:美國人也沒多有水準啊XD 03/25 23:06
wpd:別忘了美國人也是有不少亞裔的 (戰) 03/25 23:48
a935438:樓上自以為幽默 實際上沒水準 03/26 00:08
zonaubade:推樓上 03/26 00:15
aultra:明明就很多白人也這樣幹 03/26 17:20